- [News] モバイル・アプリケーションのUAB TeleSoftas ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/zLN8 posted at 23:57:02
- [新闻头条] 中国保护知识产权网: IPR国际 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/zwCe posted at 23:55:02
- [Business] 低所得者の78% 物価上昇に不満 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/1mBu posted at 23:52:59
- [News] Google eyes Apple in tablet war ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/hNn1 posted at 23:50:54
- [China] エンパイアステートビル:旧正月ライトアップ ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/CGsw posted at 23:48:52
- [News] Pakistan orders fresh trials on local hepatitis drug ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Fm6B posted at 23:44:40
- [BRBreakfast] U.S. DHS Nabs 10 Domains of Web Sites That Linked to Live Sports Events Online ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/oD0W posted at 23:41:38
- [News] Toy: Reel In Augmented Reality Fish (And Humans) Using Takara Tomy's Fishing Reel - Gizmodo ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/gcUA posted at 23:39:33
- [News] Toy: Mattel: Toy Prices To Go Up - Sky News ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/FxzS posted at 23:36:26
- [Business] Colorado senators back repeal of 1099 paperwork rule in health reform law ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/QLqk posted at 23:32:19
- [News] Parents Irked by In-App Purchases in Children's iPhone Games ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Euuc posted at 23:28:10
- [WCO] Workshop on origin certification - Presentations ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/84sJ posted at 23:17:48
- RT @ManagingIP: Analysis of the Attorney General's opinion on seizing in-transit goods in the EU http://cot.ag/gELOZD #tms #ip #nokia posted at 23:13:46
- [News] Q&A: New Finnegan MP Erik Puknys Talks China ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/3QPl posted at 23:13:44
- [News] Cooper Levenson To Keep Trenton Work As City Reverses Pay-to-Play Finding ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/30lD posted at 23:09:38
- RT @Nikkan_BizLine: 【素材・エネルギー】 中国電力、三隅発電所における「林地残材バイオマス石炭混焼発電実証試験」開始 http://www.nikkan.co.jp/newrls/rls20110203s-06.html posted at 23:08:31
- RT @uspto: We've announced new details on our “Three-Track” program designed to speed up the #patent application process http://go.usa.gov/YpU posted at 23:06:26
- [News] 「政治の不安定化」が要因 国債格下げS&P小川ディレクターに聞く - MSN産経ニュース ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/kZI2 posted at 22:59:23
- [News] Japan Debt Downgrade Could Turn Positive - Wall Street Journal ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/7Ydm posted at 22:57:17
- RT @JPubbServiNews: MBO の実施及び当社株式等に対する公開買付けに関する意見表明のお知らせ 〔 02/03 カルチュア・コンビニエンス・クラブ 〕 http://bit.ly/hFq1iT posted at 22:46:13
- [News] AAJ settles trademark suit over former name and acronym ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/MfQZ posted at 22:45:14
- RT @JPubbEleApNews: ~水洗いできるスポーツタイプヘッドホン~ 密閉型インナーイヤーヘッドホン「SE-CL331」を新発売 〔 02/03 パイオニア 〕 http://bit.ly/gwByYE posted at 22:43:14
- [News] Judge OKs $5 Mil. Accord in ERISA Suit Against Comcast ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/z4CM posted at 22:42:07
- [Breaking News] The 'transparent' cement that lets daylight flood into a room! Read more: ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://bit.ly/icVP6g posted at 22:42:02
- RT @JPubb_NonListed: WWE® and J SPORTS Sign Five Year Renewal - 02/02 WWE Japan: TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--WWE (NYSE:WWE) has extended ... http://bit.ly/gCN5KW posted at 22:37:57
- [News] Could Austerity Be a Word of the Past for Big Law? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/M17p posted at 22:37:56
- [News] Litigation: Millenium Laboratories, Inc. v. Rocky Mountain Tox, LLC et al ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/n0J1 posted at 22:30:44
- [News] Business Law: United States: Creditors Entitled to 'Reasonable' Fees Incurred Pursuing Self ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/bEHX posted at 22:28:35
- [News] IT: United States: Privacy Rights and Celebrities: Truth, Fiction and Biopics - Duane Morri ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/4X5B posted at 22:18:06
- RT @Patent_India: How to Patent an Invention http://www.patentregistration.co.in/how-to-patent-an-invention.php posted at 22:12:48
- [News] IP: United States: February IP News And Comment - Venable LLP ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/sRBW posted at 22:10:46
- [News] Howrey Exodus Could Pose Financial Risks ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/VTuV posted at 22:00:28
- [News] The course of issuance of the search report by the Japan Patent Office (JPO) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://tiny.ly/mmjg posted at 22:00:24
- RT @BloombergNow: Netanyahu Economic Peace Tested by Palestinian Builder Setbacks http://bloom.bg/h703dG posted at 21:56:19
- [IPWatchdog] Twelve Key Components to Building a Successful Website ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/cxqP posted at 21:55:16
- [News] SIPO: Patent Awards Spur Innovation Economy ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/mjSd posted at 21:51:16
- [WorldTM] DAILY: Dewey LeBoeuf among major US firms listed on WIPO scam site ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/rL9E posted at 21:40:36
- RT @anticorruption: Looking back at Davos: Cobus de Swardt on G20, Middle East, social media and transparency http://ow.ly/3PrCE #wef #davos posted at 21:38:22
- [News] Sumo in crisis as wrestlers admit fixing matches - Telegraph.co.uk ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/OuAB posted at 21:29:08
- [WorldTM] Opposition Board decision fails to withstand “somewhat probing” examination ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/f6D8 posted at 21:24:54
- [WorldTM] ICANN chair doesn’t like the word ‘negotiation’ ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Eb96 posted at 21:20:43
- RT @IAM_magazine: RT @radumagdin: #EU #patent in the balance at #summit http://bit.ly/h8orFp #euractiv posted at 21:16:32
- [News] McElroy Translation Elected One of Texas Best in 2010 - RedOrbit ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Pv0W posted at 21:16:31
- [News] Takeda Pharmaceutical April-Dec. profit falls 17% - MarketWatch ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/OCcP posted at 21:10:31
- RT @ManagingIP: Francis Gurry in Paris: Any blue sky commission on CR must involve politicians in a room "where they know they're not risking anything" posted at 21:07:27
- [News] BIO Supports Patent Reform Act of 2011 - ag-IP-news Agency ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/nZ0r posted at 21:07:26
- RT @Nikkan_BizLine: 【食品・医薬】 大日本住友製薬、統合失調症治療剤「LATUDA.(ルラシドン塩酸塩)」が米国で発売 http://www.nikkan.co.jp/newrls/rls20110203o-17.html posted at 21:01:27
- [News] First Interim Evaluation Report from the British Library: "Growing Knowledge Shifts Percepti ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/L3S7 posted at 20:57:19
- RT @patesalo_e: US Patent Issued to Hon Hai Precision Ind. on Feb. 1 for "Electrical Connector ... - Interconnectionworld http://paten.to/hPv0zX posted at 20:53:48
- [EUCouncil] Statement by the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the situation in Egypt ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/tEfb posted at 20:52:51
- [提案] ウォシュレットが日本を救う!(RT希望)➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/qyzv posted at 20:51:43
- [News] High Court backs OFT's action against scratchcard promoters ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/S3n4 posted at 20:50:40
- RT @JPubb_PowerNews: Status of the Inspection and Restoration Works Performed after the Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake (as of Februar... http://bit.ly/hfawT4 posted at 20:48:34
- [WIPO] Burundi: Law No. 1/021 of December 30, 2005 on the protection of copyright and related right ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/JhGt posted at 20:47:33
- RT @JPubb_EleApNews: FSAN Progresses Next-Generation Optical Access Network Technologies at Tokyo 2011 Event Hosted by OKI and OFN - ... http://bit.ly/gEu0eP posted at 20:46:31
- RT @JPubb_PharmNews: Astellas to Establish Sales Affiliate in Australia - 02/03 Astellas Pharma Inc.: <p>Tokyo, – February 3, 2... http://bit.ly/ftNavH posted at 20:44:31
- RT @JPubb_ChemiNews: KOSÉ to Launch "MINT & TEA REFRESH MIST" from Nature & Co - 02/03 KOSE Corporation: http://bit.ly/gTKntL posted at 20:42:28
- RT @JPubbServiNews: ご来場ありがとうございました。「新春講演会」盛況の中、開催いたしました。 〔 02/03 C&I Holdings 〕 http://bit.ly/gZqd98 posted at 20:40:27
- RT @JPubbMediaNews: ドラマ24「URAKARA」撮影再開のお知らせ 〔 02/03 テレビ東京 〕 http://bit.ly/hMvcrV posted at 20:38:28
- [News] Hazlewood Resources withdraws from Wolfram Camp Tungsten Project acquisition ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/ixr0 posted at 20:38:27
- RT @JPubb_NonListed: Board Report for January 2011 - 02/03 Tokyo Stock Exchange Group, Inc.: http://bit.ly/fupVMC posted at 20:33:08
- [News] Social Media: News Corp. exec: “Now is the right time” to sell Myspace ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/PiCj posted at 20:32:09
- RT @JPubb_Listed: DENSO Announces Third-quarter Financial Results - 02/03 Denso Corporation: http://bit.ly/efkpVN posted at 20:31:08
- [News] GreenTech: Which is selling better: Chevy Volt or Nissan Leaf? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/o1vw posted at 20:25:01
- [News] Venture: News Corp. exec: “Now is the right time” to sell Myspace ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/y6L2 posted at 20:20:47
- [News] Social Media: Reddit Surpasses 1 Billion Monthly Pageviews ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/CqUf posted at 20:15:38
- [News] Flickr user gets back account after its accidental deletion ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/RA0W posted at 19:58:38
- [EPO] Asia Helpdesk (info/translation/search services available) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://tiny.ly/dCZ7 posted at 19:57:31
- RT @BloombergNow: Phone Mergers May Slow as Money Moves to Mobile Data at Home http://bloom.bg/gBUNU6 $T $VIP $VZ posted at 19:52:26
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- [News] Energy: Demand Response Anbieter Entelios AG schließt Finanzierungsrunde erfolgreich ab ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/c6F3 posted at 19:43:34
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- [News] Drug firms seek cure to profit squeeze The financial crisis has finally caught up with the p ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/AidP posted at 19:37:17
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- [News] Plusnet broadband deal draws to a close ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Mr5l posted at 19:10:49
- [News] '2010 Top Patent Firms' ranked by 'Intellectual Property Today' ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://tiny.ly/B4Yl posted at 19:10:44
- [News] Media Digest 2/3/2010 Reuters, WSJ, NYT, FT, Bloomberg ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/RPWQ posted at 19:08:40
- RT @ManagingIP: CJ EU ruling on European patent court now expected on March 8 - according to EurActiv http://cot.ag/i3VtaE posted at 19:06:32
- [News] Googler Wael Ghonim Missing in Egypt ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/KTqU posted at 19:04:34
- [質問] 工場等向け安全機器の商社 例)ミドリ安全 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/XXeN posted at 19:02:27
- [News] Is Google's copying complaint fair or hypocritical? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/PA2b posted at 18:58:30
- [News] Virginia Autism Project applauds House for historic bill requiring insurers to cover autism ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/73B0 posted at 18:56:15
- [News] UNH startup Innovacene wins $100K OLED grant from NHIRC ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/7xdf posted at 18:53:10
- RT @AsiaSTPortal: [R&D Jobs] Japan : Job Announcement for a Full-time position: English language teaching, University of Toyama /... http://dlvr.it/Fhdp1 posted at 18:52:00
- RT @patesalo_e: EU patent in the balance at summit - EurActiv http://paten.to/hsyTkX posted at 18:50:56
- [質問] 特許出願について ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Fh4V posted at 18:48:51
- RT @JPubb_MediaNews: ACCESS Showcases Solutions for the New Mobility at Mobile World Congress 2011 - 02/02 ACCESS Co., Ltd.: ACCESS C... http://bit.ly/h4QIRD posted at 18:43:31
- RT @JPubb_EleApNews: Konica Minolta's Five Business Units in Japan Achieve "Green Factory Certification System Level 1" - 02/03 KONIC... http://bit.ly/i9WVw2 posted at 18:41:57
- [Litigation] CPA ’s Stellar Law School Career Screeches to a Halt as St. John ’s Rescinds His Admis ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/vvRR posted at 18:41:56
- RT @JPubb_PharmNews: Organizational and Personnel Changes - 02/02 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: http://bit.ly/gBxhgd posted at 18:39:56
- RT @JPubbServiNews: 【参考資料】SAP Asia Pacific Japan、2010年度第4四半期に過去最高の成長率を達成 〔 02/03 SAPジャパン 〕 http://bit.ly/dENgex posted at 18:37:01
- [News] As Howrey Hemorrhages, Observers Speculate re Possible Debt Issues, Winston Exposure ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/jAq7 posted at 18:36:00
- RT @JPubbMediaNews: ソフトバンク、中国最大のオンラインテレビサービス「PPTV」を運営するPPLiveへ出資 〔 02/03 ソフトバンク 〕 http://bit.ly/fqm6ER posted at 18:34:50
- RT @JPubbEleApNews: 地上・BS・110度CSデジタルハイビジョンプラズマテレビ 「3Dビエラ」GT3シリーズ 3機種を発売 〔 02/03 パナソニック 〕 http://bit.ly/htWyYr posted at 18:32:51
- [News] Update: News Corp. launches The Daily news magazine for iPad ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/8VBb posted at 18:32:50
- RT @JPubbPharmNews: オーストラリアに医薬品販売子会社 設立のお知らせ 〔 02/03 アステラス製薬 〕 http://bit.ly/gTLYON posted at 18:31:39
- [News] Dilemma For U.S.: Does Net Freedom Trump Security? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/2B4N posted at 18:28:39
- RT @JPubb_Listed: Notice Regarding Dividend - 02/02 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: http://bit.ly/eOO72k posted at 18:25:33
- [News] Autopsy forensics ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/qG4H posted at 18:24:31
- [EPO] Asia Helpdesk (Chinese/Japanese search services available) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://tiny.ly/vDnB posted at 18:23:29
- [News] Secretary Clinton to Travel to the Munich Security Conference ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/kDDu posted at 18:20:14
- [News] Sony Profits Hit by Falling TV Prices, Strong Yen ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/ZY61 posted at 18:16:57
- [News] Katie Couric And Bryant Gumbel Discover The Internet ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/hq2T posted at 18:14:47
- RT @jic_news: ファソテックとアルテック、イスラエル Objet のデスクトップ型 3D プリンタを販売 http://bit.ly/fgHRED posted at 18:08:37
- [News] タイ 2011年2月3日(木曜日) 日系企業、9割が黒字見通し:今年もタイ経済を楽観[経済] ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ZwtE posted at 18:07:33
- [News] 香港 2011年2月3日(木曜日) ITがBAPE買収、アパレルでも日本買い[繊維] ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/x1wy posted at 18:04:31
- [News] Pre-orders begin for the long awaited Verizon iPhone 4 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/ctTV posted at 18:02:28
- [News] Pre-orders begin for the long awaited Verizon iPhone 4 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/d8mO posted at 18:00:17
- [EU] Keeping kids in school Better access to early-childhood education, help for truants and poor p ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/gtXH posted at 17:56:00
- [News] Austin investors step up with new deal for startups ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/O8lf posted at 17:52:56
- RT @BloombergNow: Lufthansa, Air France Brave Africa Turmoil to Tap Energy Growth http://bloom.bg/etrUZP $GE posted at 17:50:55
- [AlternativeEnergy] Avoiding 'Missed Opportunities' on Stocks ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/hfgS posted at 17:49:55
- [Transport] Automakers Peel Out With a Strong January ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/uVDd posted at 17:47:48
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- [Software] BMC Software CEO Discusses Q3 2011 Earnings Call Transcript ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/l2Jk posted at 17:43:32
- RT @ide_jetro: [レポート]月間ブラジル・レポート(2011年1月):Dilma新政権の船出 2011年2月3日: 1月の貿易収支は、輸出額がUS$152.15億(前月比▲27.3%、前年同月比34.6… http://goo.gl/fb/6J7nS posted at 17:40:25
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- [HealthCare] Allergan CEO Discusses Q4 2010 Earnings Call Transcript ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/fSb2 posted at 17:36:22
- [News/China] China Due Diligence You Can Conduct Yourself ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/65bI posted at 17:31:36
- [Japan Latest News] Idea of simplifying the Japan written language to suit tech. writings by JAPIO ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/caRr posted at 17:28:30
- [Hardware] Arrow Electronics CEO Discusses Q4 2010 Earnings Call Transcript ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/CmMi posted at 17:25:27
- [Energy] Marathon Oil CEO Discusses Q4 2010 Earnings Call Transcript ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/y01G posted at 17:23:20
- RT @keiseisuzuki: Darkness of ASIA: 生物の循環システムを失うと、一気に全生物の崩壊を引き起こす可能性 http://t.co/4p6GAQh posted at 17:20:58
- [Biotech] Affymetrix CEO Discusses Q4 2010 Results - Earnings Call Transcript ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/UjJX posted at 17:19:01
- [News] Law360 Environmental Editorial Advisory Board ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/tcyK posted at 17:16:51
- [News] 2nd Circ. Nixes Investor's Suit Over E&Y Merger Fraud ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/JJuM posted at 17:14:43
- [Bankruptcy] WaMu Contests Shareholders' Appeal Of Ch. 11 Deal ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/Qs0g posted at 17:12:33
- [News/Competition] Drivers Say Nashville Limo Regs Breach Antitrust Law ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/UzwH posted at 17:08:17
- [News] Evidence At Issue As Rajaratnam Case Nears Start ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/ujiD posted at 17:05:03
- [News] Affymetrix's Q4 Revenues Shrink 4 Percent on Weaker Product Sales ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/F76B posted at 17:02:55
- [CourtNews] Somaxon Hits Par With IP Suit Over Silenor Generic ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/Kkc8 posted at 16:56:36
- RT @Nikkan_BizLine: 【エレクトロニクス】 IDT、静電容量方式タッチスクリーン・コントローラを発表 http://www.nikkan.co.jp/newrls/rls20110203o-10.html posted at 16:55:31
- [News] AT&T to Offer an Extra 2GB Free to Tethering Customers ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/STtG posted at 16:53:29
- [News] ICSID Announces Theme for World Industrial Design Day 2011 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/vCQw posted at 16:51:27
- [News] Taxi of Tomorrow Finalist Unveils New Cab Design ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ta1T posted at 16:49:20
- RT @AsiaSTPortal: [R&D Jobs] Japan : Recruitment for a Senior Scientist position / Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and... http://dlvr.it/FhQkr posted at 16:47:15
- [News] Microsoft Tells Congress To Reform U.S. Patent Laws ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/FIf0 posted at 16:46:10
- [News] USPTO issues notice of allowance to Vermillion's breast cancer biomarkers ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/veqA posted at 16:44:02
- [News] Twitter General Counsel Wades Into the Social Media Wars as Riots Rock Egypt ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/L1vb posted at 16:40:57
- [News] RPT-UPDATE 1-Takeda Q3 profit falls 2.5 pct, keeps outlook - Reuters ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/7VPB posted at 16:34:57
- RT @JPubbServiNews: 広報支援・プレスリリース配信サービスの「@Press」、 楽天が運営するポータルサイト「Infoseek」へ プレスリリースコンテンツの提供を開始 〔 02/03 ngi group 〕 http://bit.ly/dL6tT8 posted at 16:33:50
- RT @JPubbMediaNews: 霧島連山・新燃岳噴火に伴う対応について(NTT西日本) 〔 02/02 日本電信電話 〕 http://bit.ly/h3rIPJ posted at 16:31:44
- RT @JPubbEleApNews: 平成22年度東証上場会社表彰「企業行動表彰」を受賞 〔 02/03 コニカミノルタホールディングス 〕 http://bit.ly/e8HO17 posted at 16:30:39
- RT @JPubbPharmNews: 第18回ノバルティス地域医療賞受賞者決定 〔 02/03 ノバルティスファーマ 〕 http://bit.ly/ecXiNB posted at 16:29:32
- [News] 6MHz動作で回路面積半減、携帯用RFパワーアンプ向けDC-DCを富士通セミコンが製品化 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ln42 posted at 16:28:27
- [IOM] Strategies to Reduce Sodium Intake in the United States ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/KWZv posted at 16:19:11
- RT @TAdder_Forum: [Latest News] Egypt: 民衆デモ続くエジプトでネットが2月2日に回復、FacebookやTwitterもアクセス可能に - ITpro ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NfaT posted at 16:16:10
- [News] Science&Tech: The Internet to run out of numerical addresses 'in next 24 hours' ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/9ewd posted at 16:13:12
- [WIPO] グローバル時代の特許・情報インフラのあり方について(2010年11月)➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://tiny.ly/zSE0 posted at 16:04:03
- RT @BloombergNow: Wealthy Britons Planning to Increase Spending in 2011, HSBC Says http://bloom.bg/dYN0jp $BX $HOT $WMT posted at 15:54:55
- [NIH] NIH researchers identify genetic cause of new vascular disease ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/HFwl posted at 15:53:56
- [News] Advanced High Definition Genomic Analysis System ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/noSa posted at 15:37:31
- [News] Theory About Mammals and Fungus Explains Bat Plague ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/pWa6 posted at 15:33:27
- [News] Government Proposes Changes to Employment Tribunal Procedures ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/ssZV posted at 15:30:14
- [News] In Images: How to Build a Giant Ice Dome ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/EYXI posted at 15:26:14
- RT @Nikkan_BizLine: 【食品・医薬】 コーセーコスメニエンス、春夏用のスキンケアアイテム「ミント アンド ティー」が登場 http://www.nikkan.co.jp/newrls/rls20110203o-06.html posted at 15:01:48
- RT @AsiaSTPortal: [R&D Jobs] Indonesia : Scientist, Carbon Monitoring / Center for International Forestry Research http://dlvr.it/FhBCk posted at 14:53:39
- [新闻头条] 中国保护知识产权网: IPR国际 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/zwCe posted at 14:52:38
- RT @JPubbServiNews: 子会社マイクロアド、中国に現地法人「マイクロアドチャイナ」を設立 〔 02/03 サイバーエージェント 〕 http://bit.ly/iaNsEL posted at 14:41:25
- RT @JPubbMediaNews: 官民連携による「情報セキュリティ啓発活動」の実施について (02/03) 〔 02/03 トレンドマイクロ 〕 http://bit.ly/fc0tvk posted at 14:40:20
- RT @JPubbEleApNews: 家庭内のエネルギーをまるごと「見える化」する「ECOマネシステム」新発売 〔 02/02 パナソニック電工 〕 http://bit.ly/fBkbGB posted at 14:39:20
- [News] Deemed Export Compliance: A Workshop for University TTOs ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/SehW posted at 14:32:11
- [News] U-Nevada, Reno TTO adopts express license to stimulate start-ups ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/m0aE posted at 14:27:54
- RT @jic_news: KCCS の閉域ネットワーク「Pilina WiMAX」が、「沖縄県民の健康づくり」に貢献 http://bit.ly/i2zZjC posted at 14:15:46
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- [Ad] Possibility of Energy Harvesting using Charcoal ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/uhCt posted at 14:08:36
- [News] Litigation: Analysis: Congress takes up patent reform urged on by courts - Reuters ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/iMyU posted at 14:04:37
- RT @BloombergNow: Cyclone Yasi Batters Flood-Devastated Queensland http://bloom.bg/gKpcUP posted at 13:59:32
- [News] 专利: 2010年宿迁市专利授权量增幅居全省前列 - 新民网 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/7Q4q posted at 13:53:34
- [News] Patent Office: PTO: $4000 for Track One Acceleration + Working Off the Tail - IPWatchdog.com ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/Slv0 posted at 13:41:29
- [WikiLeaks] wikileaks news - Google News ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/K874 posted at 13:36:15
- [News] Economics: Japan a victim of it's own success - Bangkok Post ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/YWQC posted at 13:32:13
- [News] Playstation: Sony's New PlayStation Portable - New York Times (blog) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/e1Jp posted at 13:26:10
- [News] Nintendo: Good Cop/Bad Cop: Should You Buy a 3DS or NGP at Launch? - IGN ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/jLJU posted at 13:21:56
- [News] Apple: Google plays catch-up with Apple in tablets - Reuters ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/KFbP posted at 13:11:47
- RT @Nikkan_BizLine: 【中堅・中小】 ヤリステ、階段昇降機で設計コンペ-最優秀に500万円 http://www.nikkan.co.jp/news/nkx0620110203hhai.html posted at 13:09:05
- [News] Apple wants you to get some this Valentine ’s day ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/2XA8 posted at 13:09:05
- [科学] 开普勒探测器发现最小类地行星(组图) 近日,美国宇航局观测发现太 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/qgxP posted at 13:04:55
- [通信] Verizon公布iPhone套餐价格 周四开始预订 【搜狐IT消息】北京时间2月3日消息,据外国媒体报道,美国移动运营商Verizon Wireless今天公布了iPhone手机的语音、 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/BAJC posted at 13:02:56
- [Japan Latest News] A butterfly is fluttering in a bottle, but it is a Japan made toy! ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://t.co/LT3ee48 posted at 13:01:53
- RT @AsiaSTPortal: [R&D Jobs] Indonesia : Three Post-doctoral Fellows / Center for International Forestry Research http://dlvr.it/Fgwkz posted at 13:00:52
- [IT业界] 惠普:部分产品性能将受英特尔芯片缺陷影响 【赛迪网讯】2月3日消息,据国外媒体报道,惠普公司日前表示,由于英特尔生产的芯片存在涉及缺陷,惠普旗下的部分产品在性能上将受到影响。此外,惠普 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/fJaY posted at 13:00:50
- RT @patesalo_e: Analysis: Congress takes up patent reform urged on by courts - Reuters http://paten.to/iaN8TW posted at 12:59:49
- [News] Microsoft flags Chrome H.264 extension (Builder AU) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/18oa posted at 12:50:38
- RT @JPubbServiNews: 美しく年を重ねる「Beautiful-aging Festa2011」2011年3月5日(土)・6日(日)大阪で開催 ~アンチエイジングに関する様々な情報を発信します~(PDF:465KB) 〔 02/02 ジェイティービー 〕 http://bit.ly/enLA7B posted at 12:48:34
- RT @JPubbMediaNews: OBCの奉行シリーズに新製品を追加『 申告奉行V ERP[法人税・地方税編] 』発売~2010年度改正のグループ法人税制対応、中堅・グループ企業向け税務申告マネジメントシステム~ 〔 02/03 オービックビジネスコンサルタント 〕 http://bit.ly/ecaTtN posted at 12:46:31
- [News] ERs Report Calm During Storm, Mangled Hands After ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/cect posted at 12:44:29
- [IT频道] 爱立信将推手机银行 希望最终将取代信用卡 【赛迪网讯】2月3日消息,据国外媒体报道,爱立信星期三称,它将推出手机银行服务,希望能够得到这个市场更多的份额。爱立信预测称,手机银行服务市场 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/ht86 posted at 12:42:17
- [News] Egypt points the way to a new currency era ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/9ZYT posted at 12:40:12
- [News] Dog Sniffs Out Bowel Cancer ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/F98x posted at 12:36:16
- [News] Dog Sniffs Out Bowel Cancer ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/SElT posted at 12:21:41
- [News] Google Develops Web Based Version of its Android Apps Store ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/ES4t posted at 12:19:37
- RT @jic_news: グリー、2011年6月期第2四半期決算で売上、営業利益とも過去最高 http://bit.ly/haRqHG posted at 12:17:34
- [NSF] Phosphorus: Too Much or Too Little? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/3zC0 posted at 12:14:29
- [News] From the Community: ecology in videos and podcasts ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/cFRE posted at 12:03:54
- RT @Chizai_Book: [発売予定] 2011-03-08 楕円の意匠 日本の美意識はどこからきたか / 羽生 清 http://j.mp/dVOozM #chizai posted at 12:01:54
- RT @BloombergNow: Merck's Gardasil Prevents HPV Infection, Genital Warts in Men http://bloom.bg/fX5AQT $MRK posted at 11:59:50
- [DFG] Announcement for Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences - Call 2011/2012 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/v3WJ posted at 11:45:25
- [ONE SECOND] To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask the person who has survived an accident. ➮ @TAdder_Forum @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 11:41:17
- [News] EPA to Regulate Rocket Fuel Chemical in Drinking Water ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/NSvp posted at 11:15:07
- [Jetro] 一般教書演説で中道シフト確実に(米国) 2011年02月03日 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/NImA posted at 11:00:47
- RT @AsiaSTPortal: [R&D Jobs] China : Editor, Drug Information - China and Japan / Thomson Reuters, Healthcare and Science http://dlvr.it/Fgfx6 posted at 10:55:36
- [News] Imitation/山寨: 建材选购指南:山寨地板无处逃 四大原则教你辨识 - 广州搜房 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/7YnB posted at 10:55:33
- RT @patesalo_e: US venture assigns stem cell patent rights to Kyoto U. - The Japan Times http://paten.to/i1peYx posted at 10:53:28
- [Ad] Story around 'Sake’ (Japanese rice-based liquor) and a German designer ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qXw4 posted at 10:49:20
- [News] Translation: Translation firm setting up Asia-Pacific hub in Cebu City - BusinessWorld Onli ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/R5Ma posted at 10:26:08
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- RT @HHMINEWS: RT @pollyp1: Awesome talk from Rob Knight at Janelia/HHMI about the huge diversity of bacteria that colonize the human face posted at 10:13:39
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- [News] Organized ring charged with using fake credit cards at Apple Stores ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/CrEv posted at 09:59:41
- RT @BloombergNow: Senate Democrats Defeat Republican Bid to Repeal Health Law http://bloom.bg/hu0kLX posted at 09:52:20
- [Ad] Energy Harvesting using Charcoal may be a layman’s thinking, isn't it? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/o30l posted at 09:50:18
- [News] Dot Hill Intellectual Property and Patent Leadership Validated by ipCapital Group - PR News ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/i9fL posted at 09:34:02
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- [News] Austin's Xitronix wins patent infringement case - Bizjournals.com ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/0P9B posted at 09:28:40
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- [News] ������������ - Google News ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/RNJ3 posted at 09:05:37
- [News] License: ��������������� ������ - Google News ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/4oDF posted at 08:57:30
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- RT @patesalo_e: Sugar Land man receives US patent for helping to develop oil well modeling ... - Ultimate Fort Bend http://paten.to/dU6PF4 posted at 08:48:15
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- [Me] Hello, Friends! I'm here! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TiUg posted at 08:35:32
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- [News] Sci/Tech: News Corp Launches iPad Only Newspaper The Daily In US - ITProPortal ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/dpsw posted at 08:26:17
- [News] TM: В Роспатент подали заявку на регистрацию товарного знака "Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин" - Le ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/o37c posted at 08:24:11
- [News] Patent: Владелец наибольшего количества патентов в РФ получает $500 - Newsland ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/sZMq posted at 08:20:05
- RT @CEDupdate: I uploaded a YouTube video -- Joseph Minarik, Rob Dugger and Bill Lewis Respond to Stud... http://youtu.be/VVrLPxB7CTA?a posted at 08:18:00
- [News] IP: В Париже обсуждают пути борьбы с контрафакцией и пиратством - Радио ООН ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/2Pmi posted at 08:17:02
- [News] Science/Tech: Rupert Murdoch lance «The Daily», son journal 100% iPad - 20minutes.fr ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/F8AA posted at 08:15:03
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- RT @jic_news: 自在に使える全高 1m の iPad スタンド「The iProp」 http://bit.ly/eiEHvM posted at 08:08:49
- [News] Ciência/Tecnologia: Teste: The Daily, jornal exclusivo para iPad, chega com alguns bugs - ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/mwuM posted at 08:08:48
- [News] Google's Android Market Enables Web Sales - InformationWeek ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/64Ap posted at 08:05:41
- RT @Intellogist: New Intellogist Blog: Non-#Patent Search News Roundup: http://t.co/5VQb1AY Inspec, MEDLINE, Google, Bing, and Wiley Online news! posted at 08:03:44
- [News] "The Daily": iPad bekommt erste digitale Zeitung - teltarif.de ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/DWq1 posted at 08:02:47
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- [科技新闻] 重新定义平板 Google正式发布Android3.0 - 和讯网 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/zQK0 posted at 07:57:32
- RT @Chizai_Book: [本日発売] 完全図解知的財産管理技能検定2級テキスト ¥3,570 http://j.mp/huRZzW #chizai posted at 07:54:17
- [News] Gene: Pacific Biosciences Reports Progress Toward Providing the Premier Third ... - Busines ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/o6AA posted at 07:54:15
- RT @BloombergNow: Visa Profit Climbs as Consumer Card Spending Surges http://bloom.bg/ehrbQH $AXP $BAC $C $COF $DFS $JPM $MA $PNC $V $WFC posted at 07:53:12
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- [Ad] Energy Harvesting using Charcoal may be a layman’s thinking, isn't it? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/o30l posted at 07:45:56
- [News] News Corp debuts daily iPad paper ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/4Izf posted at 07:44:53
- [News] South-East Asia still pandemic hotspot, says study ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/2srw posted at 07:39:46
- RT @ProeticaPeru: Compartimos Pizzas (México, 05'), otro video de la serie "Cineminutos contra la corrupción" dirigido por Alejandro Lubezki http://ir.pe/acv2 posted at 07:38:38
- [BRBreakfast] D.C. Circuit Denies Verizon Motion for Same Panel as Comcast Net Neutrality Case ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/bw45 posted at 07:36:38
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- [News] Toy: 62nd International Toy Fair in Nuremberg - msnbc.com (blog) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/4kqB posted at 07:31:18
- [Business] Bothwell Davis George Architects co-winner of AIA national award ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/75C7 posted at 07:29:07
- [News] Google Bringing Android Market to the Web ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/EmHb posted at 07:21:05
- [WCO] World Customs Organization - Enforcement and Compliance ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/0Cbk posted at 07:09:31
- [News] Ethics Charges Against Judge for Quip About 'Bund Meeting' Are Dismissed ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/DsX9 posted at 06:58:10
- RT @patesalo_e: Austin's Xitronix wins patent infringement case - Bizjournals.com http://paten.to/h94sdu posted at 06:48:47
- [News] 特集ワイド:税と社会保障、どうして一体改革? - 毎日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/glLz posted at 06:47:47
- [News] Loyola Chicago opening LL.M. program in the rule of law in Rome ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/9Me9 posted at 06:42:20
- [EPO] Asia Helpdesk (Chinese/Japanese/Korean translation services available) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://tiny.ly/S2EV posted at 06:41:16
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- RT @sciencemagazine: The new issue of Science Translational Medicine is now available http://bit.ly/99Z4g1 posted at 06:17:10
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- [News] Business Law: United Arab Emirates: Combating Fraud And Money Laundering In The UAE - Habib ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/zMC3 posted at 06:14:58
- [News] Anti-trust: United Kingdom: EU/UK Competition Law Newsletter - February 2011 - McGuireWoods ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/i6db posted at 06:11:40
- [News] Environment: Canada: Ministry Of The Environment Proposes Reform Of Environmental Approvals ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/MUQ8 posted at 06:07:28
- [News] IT: Canada: Financial Institutions Cannot Disclose Personal Information to Facilitate Colle ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/gsoE posted at 06:03:07
- [News] United States: New Food Safety Modernization Act Will Mean Changes for Foreign Food Producer ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/76xR posted at 05:59:53
- [News] IP: Denmark: What to do with the new Top Level Domains - Bech-Bruun Dragsted ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/pSH6 posted at 05:56:46
- [News] United States: Foreign-Trade Zones Board Proposes Changes to FTZ Regulations - Drinker Biddl ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/n3pJ posted at 05:53:34
- [News] IP China: Headlines ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://tiny.ly/RiZc posted at 05:52:29
- RT @BloombergNow: Most U.S. Stocks Drop on Egypt Riot, Valuations; Broadcom Falls http://bloom.bg/ggGxjQ posted at 05:49:28
- [News] Litigation: United States: The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Requires Damages Experts To ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/T2TJ posted at 05:49:27
- [News] Pharmaceutical: United States: Delayed Application of Nondiscrimination Rules for Insured M ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/FAw4 posted at 05:45:11
- [News] Am Law Firms in Cairo React to Egyptian Unrest ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Pg19 posted at 05:43:10
- [BIOtech] Investing in the Future: USDA and DOE Back Biorefinery Development ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/vCnb posted at 05:39:11
- [IPWatchdog] Green Technology Keeps Tires Properly Inflated as You Travel ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/yF8e posted at 05:35:05
- [News] Quebec provides access to new treatment for women with postmenopausal osteoporosis in Canada ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/IPbr posted at 05:33:06
- [WorldTM] DAILY: Small amount of promotional conduct may constitute trademark use ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/MIlv posted at 05:22:49
- [News] Troll: Patent Troll Update – The Speech Technology Consortium One Year Later - UCStrategies ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/eE7H posted at 05:18:29
- [News] 特許審査にもツイッターの“集合知”を活用 - ロイター ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/a1NV posted at 05:13:20
- [News] Funding scandal charge adds to crisis - Independent ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/t2qU posted at 05:09:05
- [WorldTM] Purchase of keywords held to constitute trademark use ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/DZWn posted at 05:04:47
- [WorldTM] Enforcement agencies tight-lipped over South Africa murder investigation ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Wui4 posted at 05:01:31
- [最新News] 「産業日本語」、「オタク日本語」で日本を救う!(RT希望)➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/foBe posted at 04:56:54
- [News] EU sees alarming innovation gap - BBC News ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/muDH posted at 04:55:50
- RT @NMTImedal: We are actively seeking nominations for the 2011 Medal! (DEADLINE is MARCH 31st); for more info >> USPTO website: http://go.usa.gov/YKS posted at 04:53:50
- [News] Lost in (automatic) translation - European Voice ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/ZPT7 posted at 04:51:44
- [News] Pharmaceutical Industry Bracing for Record Patent Expiries, EvaluatePharma ... - PR Newswir ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/CbRF posted at 04:47:26
- [News] BIO Supports Patent Reform Act of 2011 - Business Wire (press release) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/4GR0 posted at 04:45:21
- [News] Another Academic with Solutions to Problems that Don't Exist - Patent Docs ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/iLUN posted at 04:42:13
- [News] iPS: Kyoto University gains exclusive rights to iPS-related technology, avoids ... - Mainic ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/mNL6 posted at 04:39:01
- [News] Canada: Libraries: Random House of Canada eBooks Coming to Canadian Libraries (via OverDrive ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/YiXF posted at 04:34:40
- [EUCouncil] "Create one single European research area, one single market of energy" - Video message ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/spjX posted at 04:30:22
- [News] Parliament committee approves EU consumer law changes ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4wpg posted at 04:26:35
- [Japan Latest News] Biotech firm Hayashibara Co. will file for bankruptcy protection. Fear of trehalose supply! ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 04:20:37
- [WIPO] Sixth Global Congress on Combating Counterfeiting and Piracy Opens in Paris ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/LjgS posted at 04:19:22
- RT @sciencemagazine: Calculated reaction rates for 2 H isotopes, one 36x heavier than the other, agree with exps @ 500K http://bit.ly/eErUmD posted at 04:15:18
- [News] Firestone Energy JV to supply coal to South African power station in off-take agreement ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/4aKs posted at 04:13:10
- [News] World leading Biotech firm Hayashibara Co. said Wednesday, it will file for bankruptcy protection. ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 04:10:27
- [News] Social Media: VCs flocking to mobile photos: Instagram raises $7M ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/nJQu posted at 04:08:55
- RT @HHMINEWS: Yale Biology dept. mulls changes in response to HHMI-AAMC report: http://ow.ly/3P1Cw posted at 04:07:49
- [News] Venture: Google brings Android Market to the web ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/A6f7 posted at 03:58:11
- [Japan Latest News] World leading Biotech firm Hayashibara To File For Protection From Creditors ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮tiny.ly/u9dX posted at 03:57:45
- [News] 車載用リチウムイオン2次電池 制御・管理技術、特許総合力トップ3はトヨタ、デンソー、パナソニック ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/CcWB posted at 03:55:58
- [News] Social Media: 10 Mashable Comics to Make You LOL ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/lYRP posted at 03:53:35
- RT @BloombergNow: Benmosche: AIG Mortgage Unit Thrives on `Red State' Culture http://bloom.bg/ii8j6X $AIG posted at 03:45:33
- [News] News letters - HARAKENZO World Patent & Trademark Japan ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://www.harakenzo.com/en/ipnews/newsletter.html posted at 03:43:28
- RT @GrayOnClaims: Federal Circuit Panel Disagrees on Proper Role of Specification in Claim Construction http://bit.ly/g2Goi1 posted at 03:38:02
- [India] PR Solution wins PR Mandate for Aadarsh Pvt. Ltd PR Solution wins PR Mandate for Aadarsh Pv ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/1Lhh posted at 03:36:59
- [News] Sony Ericsson’s Xperia Arc coming to Vodafone and Three, expected in April ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/eAaa posted at 03:34:53
- [News] リサーチ&情報サイト「リセマム」に病院検索機能が追加 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/ORbP posted at 03:29:20
- [News] カーセブン、1日店長に小倉優子さん ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/iLtI posted at 03:26:14
- RT @anticorruption: New on our website: Taking on corruption in the Middle East and North Africa - http://bit.ly/hTHF5h posted at 03:25:12
- [News] Translation: Is the translation crowdsourcing market getting too crowded? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/VP1e posted at 03:22:04
- [News] Energy: Riassunto: Le scoperte della ricerca sui costi legati al ciclo di vita saranno disc ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/jXCT posted at 03:17:51
- [News] Automotive: Green Automotive Close To Making Decision On Company To Ensure Vehicle Complian ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/iAUy posted at 03:15:39
- [News] Sudan faces tough challenges after vote Although Southern Sudan’s separation from the north ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/rIdP posted at 03:13:29
- [News] Contract/Agreement: ONC Announces Launch of “Direct Project” Pilots ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/HDUO posted at 03:11:13
- [News] Merger/Acquisition: The Law Firm of Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Launches an Investigation into Po ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/8Z0G posted at 03:07:55
- [News] Litigation: NOAA Attempts to Charge Oceana 16K for Release of Sea Turtle Records ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/zy18 posted at 03:04:51
- [News] Analog Devices to Participate in Upcoming Investor Conferences ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/ierJ posted at 03:00:15
- RT @IAM_magazine: Top blog stories in January http://is.gd/OMkpH6 posted at 02:58:58
- [News] Multimedia: Comcast Launches Video Streaming on Xfinity TV App for iPad ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/9CPP posted at 02:57:54
- RT @justiacom: Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and valve face patent infringement suit over online store patent http://j.st/4Xx posted at 02:55:47
- RT @ManagingIP: French Customs speaker uses a slide picturing the head of an online counterfeiting gang as a pirate penguin. A troubling characterisation? posted at 02:48:25
- [News] ISP Entanet lays into Digital Economy Act cost plan ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/hmJs posted at 02:47:23
- [News] US Adds More Jobs, Markets Unconvinced (ADP) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/eC8h posted at 02:45:15
- [News] Google’s Bing Sting – Is Microsoft Copying Google? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/syZI posted at 02:43:04
- [質問] スチームエネルギーについて ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/NSua posted at 02:38:50
- [News] Mac, iOS gain online share on back of strong sales ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/oqTW posted at 02:35:33
- [News] Cell Press launches new iPhone application for downloading research articles ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/DdYj posted at 02:30:38
- [News] FDA-cleared light-stimulation-based VRT restores neurological sight loss ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/GgUM posted at 02:27:00
- RT @JPubb_ChemiNews: Notice Regarding Purchase of Treasury Stock - 01/28 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD.: http://bit.ly/gP6Yll posted at 02:24:47
- [News] Can This Marriage Be Saved? Two Spouses, Both Lawyers, Each Hate Practicing. What to Do? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/LCiN posted at 02:22:35
- RT @JPubbMediaNews: スカパー!e2での3D放送開始について~「スカパー!e2 3Dアワー」が始まります~ (152KB) 〔 02/02 スカパーJSATホールディングス 〕 http://bit.ly/dP3Jvn posted at 02:21:26
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- [News] 2L Glad He ’s No Longer a ‘Pariah ’ After Syracuse Drops Probe of Satirical Blog ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/PgRi posted at 02:14:12
- [News] Chevron RICO Suit Says Plaintiffs ’ Counsel Falsified Expert Reports, Colluded with Ecuador ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/9FQL posted at 02:12:02
- [News] Mac, iOS gain online share on back of strong sales ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/VTI0 posted at 02:09:47
- [News] T-Mobile To Offer Tablet With 3-D Cameras ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/DEdi posted at 02:06:01
- RT @sciencemagazine: Mitochondria contribute to the antiviral immune response #SciSig http://scim.ag/gl5fTc posted at 02:03:53
- [News] T-Mobile to Offer LG G-Slate and Samsung Galaxy S 4G ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/Q2rx posted at 02:00:56
- [News] February 2 roundup ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/zVb8 posted at 01:58:44
- [News] Optimus and Huawei Successfully Achieved 150 Mbps over LTE 2.6 GHz ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/O8q4 posted at 01:54:29
- [News] European Commission Wants Personal Data on Air Passengers ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/2yC6 posted at 01:51:43
- RT @Intellogist: Wiley announces launch of Wiley Open Access; publishing program of open access journals: http://bit.ly/hOLjUl Non-#patent literature news! posted at 01:47:25
- [News] Subscription Porn Site SLAPPed Down After Suing RedTube For Undermining Its Business Model ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/vLdq posted at 01:47:24
- RT @indiaprline: Ranbir Katrina affair confirmed : Dating seriously? | Bollywood Billi | Bollywood Billi http://bit.ly/i6WbDr posted at 01:44:05
- [News] タイ 2011年2月2日(水曜日) アキレス、HDD部品生産へ:日系企業を買収、子会社化[IT] ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/cYWm posted at 01:41:39
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- RT @BloombergNow: U.S. Gasoline at the Pump May Rise to $3.50 a Gallon by May http://bloom.bg/dEuZVX posted at 01:37:05
- [News] Live coverage of News Corp's The Daily iPad app event ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/X5nJ posted at 01:33:39
- [News] New iTunes Store terms tip in-app subscriptions early ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/i8MJ posted at 01:31:15
- RT @bizjournals: Cisco says smartphones and tablets will bring a 26-fold increase mobile web traffic by 2015: http://bizj.us/b1nuv posted at 01:22:41
- [AlternativeEnergy] Why I Believe in Thin Film Solar Technology ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/64I4 posted at 01:21:39
- RT @jacobward: They Invented What? (No. 194): http://wp.me/pYwU-sy posted at 01:18:10
- [Transport] TravelCenters, Given New Leases, Is Still Undervalued ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/IJ6z posted at 01:16:56
- ☼ TweetAdder (tweet adder 3.0)について➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://tiny.ly/xhqu posted at 01:16:44
- [Telecom] Analysts Neutral on Verizon Despite Terremark, iPhone Deals ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/0EPZ posted at 01:13:15
- [Software] Buyout Binge for Cloud Computing Companies? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/pOGn posted at 01:08:31
- [Materials] Agrium: A Cheap Way to Still Play the Fertilizer Boom ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/caGV posted at 00:58:21
- RT @kiri_tori: ✄------------ 2/3(木) ------------✄ posted at 00:56:02
- [HealthCare] Is the MedQuist IPO Worth $561 Million? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/xJfO posted at 00:53:13
- [News/China] Happy Chinese New Year of The Rabbit ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/F5nS posted at 00:50:47
- RT @ManagingIP: WIPO report reveals impact of financial crisis http://bit.ly/hLHmX4 posted at 00:48:12
- [News] Ag-bio Researchers Designing SNP Chips for Plant and Animal Breeding as Sequencers Churn Out ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/vEbW posted at 00:47:00
- [Hardware] American Superconductor: Strong Earnings, Outlook Suggest Continued Share Price Recovery ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/83uI posted at 00:43:46
- RT @IPStrategist: Just completed a survey about @uspto #USPTO website! Wow. Never would have expected this a couple of years ago. posted at 00:41:29
- [Energy] Does Egypt Matter to Investors? ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/WaX8 posted at 00:39:08
- [Biotech] Biogen Idec CEO Discusses Q4 2010 Earnings Call Transcript ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/lhYL posted at 00:35:30
- [News] 9th Circ. Vacates DOE Electrical Congestion Study ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/p0SU posted at 00:31:59
- [News] Wi-Lan Settles With Netgear, Others In Wi-Fi IP Suit ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/RORx posted at 00:28:23
- [Bankruptcy] Mets Owners Fight To Keep Madoff Trustee Case Sealed ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/r0rn posted at 00:25:18
- [News/Competition] Pa. Hospital Antitrust Suit Stayed For High Court ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/H5IJ posted at 00:22:36
- RT @JPubbServiNews: 【参考資料】SAP、SAP® StreamWork™アプリケーションとGoogle Docsとの連携を図る 〔 02/02 SAPジャパン 〕 http://bit.ly/gZaX3C posted at 00:18:57
- [News] Chevron Accuses Ecuadoreans' Atty Of Extortion ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/8SX6 posted at 00:17:21
- RT @JPubbMediaNews: 究極ギャップ萌え恋愛シミュレーション「B面彼氏」を開始 〔 02/02 ジー・モード 〕 http://bit.ly/dG5fX6 posted at 00:15:52
- RT @JPubbEleApNews: 家庭用ルームエアコンの再商品化料金(リサイクル料金)改定について (東芝キヤリア株式会社、 東芝ホームアプライアンス株式会社) 〔 02/02 東芝 〕 http://bit.ly/fqwaYT posted at 00:13:47
- RT @JPubbPickUp: Facebook等による人材発掘専任スタッフ http://bit.ly/i2vpkz posted at 00:10:07
- [CourtNews] Wi-Lan Settles With Netgear, Others In Wi-Fi IP Suit ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/gHOW posted at 00:04:08
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