- [MideastNews] Group warns of continued abuse in Iraqi prisons (AP) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HLOy posted at 23:59:42
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: Mel not quite in Molly's footsteps - Sydney Morning Herald http://goo.gl/fb/17Knd posted at 23:55:27
- [MideastNews] Lebanese PM on final stretch of cabinet formation (AFP) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/r515 posted at 23:55:24
- [最新News] 無線ホームビデオ市場:60 GHz、802.11、UWB、WHDI ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4IkC posted at 23:53:16
- [HinduNews] PMO says no revenue losses in S-band spectrum ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/i4jH posted at 23:48:42
- RT @GirlsTeenQuotes: I hate it when my phone starts lagging, connection and OS -.-" #GTQ posted at 23:46:34
- RT @keiseisuzuki: Darkness of ASIA: 水銀と射殺と放射能。それでもロシアはプーチンを必要としている http://t.co/4zAoqmp posted at 23:44:30
- [UFO News] Dome of the Rock UFO Just a Marketing Stunt? - Fox News ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/pxnz posted at 23:44:28
- RT @givenchy: Fashion photos of the week: Images from the runways of Copenhagen, Spain, Colombo and more http://bit.ly/hGy2Sb posted at 23:36:07
- [カービュー] ホンダ ステップワゴン ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mXMA posted at 23:35:01
- [Ruins] Beautiful pics of ruins from Japan ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮http://tiny.ly/UPTn posted at 23:32:47
- [最新News] 自工会志賀会長「日本の法律で破談にならないこと望む」…新日鉄・住金合併 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xaHA posted at 23:30:33
- RT @nikkeionline: 縄文土器にイノシシの顔、千葉の貝塚で発見 http://s.nikkei.com/hOrdMz posted at 23:27:22
- [Le Monde] MAM, la polémique en direct de l'Assemblée ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2OXe posted at 23:26:18
- [質問] 縦中横がおかしくなる ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/l1en posted at 23:22:05
- RT @2525news: NANAが3月に2度目の京橋花月上陸 http://nico.ms/nw29878 : お笑いナタリー #niconews posted at 23:15:40
- [Night in Tokyo] Brews News #103 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/OfLX posted at 23:15:37
- [AfghanNews] Karzai: Security transfer to Afghan control will start in March ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9HeG posted at 23:13:21
- [最新News] 菓子大手カルビー 3月東証上場へ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gRzV posted at 23:11:18
- RT @JPubb_Listed: Ube Industries to Revise Price of Diphenol Products - 02/07 UBE INDUSTRIES, LTD.: http://bit.ly/hNeLiq posted at 23:09:13
- [最新News] 小沢派議員「処分なら暴れる」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/yJvu posted at 23:04:51
- [TAdderOpinion] Be a good mimic! Japanese language is very easy for non-Japanese! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/XvI2 posted at 23:04:47
- RT @where_is_my_dog: 【熊本】迷子猫:雄ネコ(顔上半分黒,鼻少し黒,首輪なし)1月12日、大津高校グラウンド横。あなたの街や通勤途中で見かけたら連絡お願いします。http://ow.ly/3N40x #kumamoto #cat posted at 23:03:42
- [スイーツ] 【1位】業務用 NK スィート チョコレート 2kg(3,075円) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zAAj posted at 23:01:38
- [Wikileaks] For Second Day, WikiLeaks Founder in Court to Challenge Extradition ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FqMb posted at 22:57:31
- [質問] 大学院過去問 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1Ovn posted at 22:55:13
- [Wikileaks] Keith Olbermann Moving to Current TV ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/RlmI posted at 22:53:11
- [✝Obituaries] Ken Olsen, Who Built DEC Into a Power, Dies at 84 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dX1A posted at 22:49:51
- [質問] 市場動向って、どうやって読むんですか???? 最近始めた営業の仕事で、この... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bDKS posted at 22:45:49
- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: UK must own up to the full scale of the problem http://bit.ly/i01tz5 posted at 22:42:39
- [Latest News] UBS reports first annual profit since 2006 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/38yI posted at 22:42:37
- RT @TelegraphPics: Concrete Ocean: little people left on London streets by urban artist Slinkachu. http://is.gd/FbVct3 posted at 22:38:24
- [質問] 臨床心理士について ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ILj7 posted at 22:38:22
- [NaturalNews] Iron, folic acid supplements during pregnancy make kids smarter ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0gRd posted at 22:35:58
- [Fado] -- saudações fadistas! Fernando Maurício ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/2Bcnxqt posted at 22:32:48
- [質問] 結婚線について ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/v9yR posted at 22:31:40
- [最新News] 新車フェラーリが気の毒すぎる事故現場 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/wIZQ posted at 22:28:34
- [質問] docomo→SoftBank iphoneの連絡 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/tnVx posted at 22:25:16
- [質問] 増税について ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jKEX posted at 22:23:02
- [質問] HDDからiTunesのファイルが消えた ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NTur posted at 22:19:44
- [IndiaNews] ONGC dips 5.58 pc on BSE ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/opRq posted at 22:13:20
- [NYTimes] In Egypt, U.S. Weighs Push for Change With Stability ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/F57N posted at 22:11:01
- [質問] バレンタインチョコについて ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/77j0 posted at 22:07:56
- [質問] 中央快速線・立川 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WUxJ posted at 22:04:50
- ☼ 知財 / 特許 / 技術動向 関連の情報にご興味のある方の為に関連情報をフィードして提供しています。 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 22:02:45
- [質問] 子供に読ませたい漫画 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1yIH posted at 22:00:42
- [質問] 花粉症対策について ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/pEbN posted at 21:56:27
- [質問] 原因不明の悪化、自律神経失調症 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dmKT posted at 21:53:04
- [質問] 履歴書(各別にまとめて書く)の書き方とは? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jxDu posted at 21:48:52
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- [最新News] 「地元ではオシャレだと思ってた」AKB48指原が自身のファッションを語る ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/sBRt posted at 21:42:29
- [質問] ツイッター(ついっぷる)に関して詳しい方! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/x9x8 posted at 21:40:23
- [最新News] 3歳までの食生活がIQに影響か 英研究グループ(CNN.co.jp) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/17zw posted at 21:37:07
- RT @IraqMonitor: #Iraq Business News: Unrest in Iraq – the Risk of Contagion http://bit.ly/eO3B8e posted at 21:36:02
- [NaturalNews] With Huffington Post sold to AOL, NaturalNews invites top alternative health authors t ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jMtl posted at 21:31:19
- [質問] た、助け舟・・・!?(八百長問題にて) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Y28O posted at 21:26:58
- RT @47news: 「鶴丸」でツル観察 日航が釧路ツアー http://bit.ly/dF7862 posted at 21:24:57
- [質問] ダッフィーとシェリーメイの種類 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rXp0 posted at 21:23:55
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- [質問] 既婚された女性に質問なんですが、、、 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/C4Ii posted at 21:21:51
- [質問] ジョージアCM出演者は加瀬亮? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xsn0 posted at 21:19:41
- [MideastNews] Calls for penalizing Saudi ambassador to Egypt ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/jNxC posted at 21:14:18
- [質問] エナジードリンクの効果を十分発揮するには ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/lBYG posted at 21:09:12
- RT @recordoftheday: Today's #RecordOfTheDay is 'New Ceremony' by Dry The River. Listen here: http://ping.fm/vJdQ2 posted at 21:06:07
- [DiscoveryNews] U.S. Tops Worldwide Shark Attack List ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EU29 posted at 21:06:05
- [Quote of the Day] Robert H. Schuller "What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not f ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2ElR posted at 21:04:02
- [AstronomyNews] Humans see a 360° view of the Sun ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jeiV posted at 20:59:50
- [最新News] TPP: 環太平洋連携協定(TPP:Trans-Pacific Partnership)を特許事務所なりに考える ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Lmdz posted at 20:57:48
- [雑和拾遺] 『インコからはじまる話』 ➮ @TAdder_Forum @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://kristenpart.blogspot.com/2010/12/blog-post_27.html posted at 20:57:42
- RT @urageinou: AKB宮澤、検索体験で珍回答「トミカを…」: AKB48の秋元才加(22)、宮澤佐江(20)ら6人が8日、東京都内で行われたマイクロソフト検索サービス「Bing」PRイベントに登場した。 http://bit.ly/dHlgV6 posted at 20:56:36
- [発言小町] 狭い土地で新築を建てます ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CCL6 posted at 20:55:35
- [AstronomyNews] Ambitious Mission Would Probe Depths of Jupiter’s Icy Moons (SPACE.com) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mikr posted at 20:53:20
- [最新News] まさかの「けいおん!」再始動!今春より連載スタート決定!高校卒業後の新展開はいかに?(シネマトゥデイ) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ZJ3L posted at 20:50:56
- [最新キーワード] 東急ハンズとMake:のコラボイベント「Make: in Hands」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/b9Bx posted at 20:48:42
- RT @english_note: Do you mind if I sit here?/ここ座ってもかまわない? #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 20:47:34
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【infancy】 /ínfənsi/ n. beginning phase of a project; babyhood #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 20:46:31
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 霧島山・新燃岳から連鎖する火山活動。次は富士山が噴火する?: http://bit.ly/ep4mkE posted at 20:45:29
- [Funny Videos] How To Recharge An iPod With An Onion ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/zCtX posted at 20:44:27
- RT @nannohi: 【節忌】(2月8日)歌人・小説家の長塚節の1914(大正4)年の忌日。 posted at 20:41:18
- [最新News] 長野がフジメグの弟子と対戦 女王・浜崎、杉山の出場も決定=3.11ジュエルス(スポーツナビ) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/A3Pl posted at 20:40:15
- [最新News] JRA競馬学校卒業式 横山和生君ら7人がデビューへ(サンケイスポーツ) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/cZX0 posted at 20:35:59
- [提案] “人ナビゲーション” ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/Vv6k posted at 20:32:49
- [最新News] ワンフェス会場で3チームがレース参戦を発表! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2mmG posted at 20:27:17
- [Akiba] ワンフェス会場で3チームがレース参戦を発表! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/a3Hn posted at 20:25:17
- RT @BritishMonarchy: On 9 Feb: The Princess Royal - will visit Integrated Water Services Limited at Unit 3A, Monklands Industrial... http://www.royal.gov.uk/0 posted at 20:18:59
- RT @RocketNews24: 公然わいせつ罪で逮捕された男の頭が「どう見てもヅラ」 http://bit.ly/eH7iZX posted at 20:07:33
- RT @naxosrecords: Naxos presents KHACHATURIAN Cello Concerto, Rhapsody for Cello and Orchestra.The Naxos series devoted to the... http://fb.me/N0DfqdcO posted at 20:06:27
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- [Latest News] China: 美国财长盖特纳:敦促巴西一同说服中国让人民币升值 - 和讯网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zPXZ posted at 19:59:01
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: News@10: Xperia Play Coming To Vodafone And O2, Gingerbread To Get Open NFC… http://goo.gl/fb/hIvpz posted at 19:56:47
- [最新News] スズキ純利益2.8倍 - 中日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CFWo posted at 19:56:44
- [Latest News] Hindi: Hindi Poets a Big Hit Overseas - Wall Street Journal (blog) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/DsL9 posted at 19:52:38
- ☼TweetAdderでは、簡単にmp3データをつぶやきに加えられます。たとえば、http://mp3twit.com/5AB これは、mp3twitにmp3データをアップロードしてそのURLを使えるからです。先ずはトライ➮ http://tiny.ly/4UU6 posted at 19:51:34
- [Latest News] India: India to Back Cairn-Vedanta Deal if ONGC Concerns Addressed - Wall Street Journ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/asED posted at 19:50:32
- [Travel Japan] Top Stories: Business and Finance - Bloomberg ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9oju posted at 19:48:15
- [Japan Latest News] Culture: Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, January 31-February 6 (Part 1) - Anime N ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/YOV4 posted at 19:43:56
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "He who enjoys doing and enjoys what he has done is happy." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe posted at 19:39:27
- [Manga] Meidolls Café brings cosplay to Manila (video) - Examiner.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/fikj posted at 19:39:25
- [Japan Latest News] Culture: Language, culture no barrier for Twins' new Japanese star Nishioka - KA ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0hvq posted at 19:37:19
- [Japan Latest News] Japanese jobseekers hold Tokyo pep rally - Atlanta Journal Constitution ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zn0j posted at 19:32:50
- RT @nikkeionline: 3連休、天気は荒れ模様 関東も大雪の恐れ http://s.nikkei.com/gFoS6J posted at 19:29:46
- [Latest News] Egypt's Leaders Seek to Project Air of Normalcy - New York Times ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WEO7 posted at 19:28:49
- [Weather of the Day in past] Feb 8: Colorado avalanche kills three ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ubz6 posted at 19:26:33
- [Analogy] prowl : sneak :: jealousy : _____ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HU4y posted at 19:23:29
- [Trivia] In 1932 Hattie Wyatt Caraway, of Arkansas, becomes the first woman elected to the U.S. Sena ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5OEx posted at 19:21:22
- [Owls & Parrots Park near Mt. Fuji in Japan] Most recommended, if you love birds! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zpiG posted at 19:20:08
- RT @2525news: <GANTZ>V2達成で100万人突破! 新作はウォール・ストリート、毎日かあさん http://nico.ms/nw29794 : MANTANWEB #niconews posted at 19:19:08
- [Quiz] Who said: It is a great shock at the age of five or six to find that in a world of Gary Coope ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/csl6 posted at 19:16:55
- RT @JPubb_NonListed: Public Announcement of New Listing (THE SHIMANE BANK,LTD.) - 02/08 Tokyo Stock Exchange Group, Inc.: http://bit.ly/gtXq4s posted at 19:15:50
- [最新News] 市民生活に正常化の兆しも―3週間目に入ったエジプト民衆蜂起(ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/d0QF posted at 19:14:52
- RT @JPubb_Listed: Mitsubishi Corporation Subsidiary Princes Limited Proposed Acquisition of Premier Foods Plc’s Canned Grocery Ope... http://bit.ly/eaGyxf posted at 19:13:44
- [History of the Day] Feb 8, 1587: Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/i8vH posted at 19:11:41
- RT @where_is_my_dog: 【熊本】雑種(オス、白、5歳)迷子犬の保護期限2月9日午後1時まで。飼い主の方!誰か引き取れる方連絡を!http://ow.ly/3Mogx #kumamoto #wanko #dog 保護場所:植木町富応 posted at 19:07:27
- [外国為替] 【東京市場】模様眺め、ユーロは堅調 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/hkQM posted at 19:07:25
- RT @jic_news: ALSI、HTTPS サイトの通信解析機能を標準で搭載した Web フィルタリングソフトを販売 http://bit.ly/e5mEab posted at 19:04:09
- [WordQuiz] Daily Word Quiz: fatuous ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2bFR posted at 19:04:07
- [Hot Video] Video: Unique Valentine's Day gifts ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zrb1 posted at 19:01:04
- [DPRK News] Rival Koreas meet for talks as tensions ease (Reuters) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Uarh posted at 18:58:25
- [Paranormal/Ghost] The Mystery of Past Life Recall (About) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/jl44 posted at 18:54:06
- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: Dame Ellen MacArthur on the environment http://bit.ly/fz4x0r posted at 18:51:00
- [History of the Day] More events from This Day in History: Feb 8 (Infoplease) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/dfOX posted at 18:50:58
- [Bollywood] Dimple Kapadia -- Saagar Jaisi Aankhonwali song - Saagar ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/deNDP3I posted at 18:45:37
- [Birth of the Day] Feb 8: William Tecumseh Sherman (Infoplease) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/1jJL posted at 18:43:33
- [Odd News] Italy to probe mafia's 'stranglehold on tomato trade' (Newsvine) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/Q1sd posted at 18:39:17
- [Hot YouTube] GD.TOP_0206_SBS Popular Music_ 집에 가지마(Don't Leave) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ORNw posted at 18:27:04
- RT @wiredvision: 社会インフラとしての電子政府、成功の鍵は国民共通番号 : 木暮祐一の「ケータイ開国論II」 http://wiredvision.jp/blog/kogure2/201102/201102081430.html posted at 18:25:02
- [UFO News] Radio Interview - Jerusalem Videos ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/XVRh posted at 18:25:00
- [Bollywood] Love -- Kya Yahi Pyar Hai - Rocky Love Song [HD] (1981) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/eZ0sFDN posted at 18:23:52
- [AnimeNews] The problem of light novels (Manga Blog) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8Gnr posted at 18:21:53
- [UFO News] Video: UFO spotted over Swarcliffe? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/eCuP posted at 18:18:38
- [Latest News] iFixit: Verizon iPhone using dual-band chip (TUAW.com) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/xYbO posted at 18:16:31
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- RT @IraqMonitor: إيلاف: إحالة قائد عسكري و6 ضباط لمحكمة عسكرية في بغداد - بيان صحافي http://bit.ly/ea3tYV #Iraq posted at 17:53:44
- RT @Anime: News: NTV to Make Madhouse #Anime Studio Its Subsidiary • Broadcaster to own 85% of studio; Index now owns 60.91% http://4NN.cx/57054 posted at 17:52:37
- [ニコニコ動画] Where 's The Happiness / Melchior Productions Ltd. ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/T5bh posted at 17:52:35
- [Japan Latest News] Japan record labels 'seeing success in the West' Record labels in Japan are becom ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CzKt posted at 17:50:30
- [最新NewsE] Jules Verne celebrated with Google doodle animation ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/hUh0 posted at 17:47:01
- RT @47news: ジャンプで佐藤が圧勝 全国中学校スキー第2日 http://bit.ly/dJarlr posted at 17:43:45
- [Artist] Johannes Somary, Conductor of Neglected Works, Dies at 75 (International Herald Tribune) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/pPRV posted at 17:41:42
- [鉄道ファン] 鉄道トリビア(鉄道の謎-特集まとめ/鉄道ファン必読!RT歓迎)➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NUKP posted at 17:40:32
- [最新News] cyclowired: ツアー・オブ・カタールで無線禁止を施行するASO ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Oehv posted at 17:39:24
- RT @fairspinneutral: "Loudoun judge defies Va. Supreme Court, continues to reop..." (Tom Jackman/Washington Post) http://fairspin.org/read/71075 posted at 17:38:19
- [ニコニコ生放送] 【天下一】芸人ニコ電バトル~花香芳秋の挑戦~ ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/cGlV posted at 17:33:06
- [ぐるなびレシピ] [毎日更新]本日2月2日のレシピ:スタミナ丼 大槻直人シェフ考案レシピ:スタミナ丼 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/KJue posted at 17:30:06
- [AnimeNews] Star Driver 18 (See Slugs!) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3wne posted at 17:25:51
- [食べログ] 食感が癖になる豆乳ドーナツ ★★★★☆4.0,高円寺店でシナモンとアールグレイとココナツとプレーンを購入。 アールグレイがとても好き。 優しい味。 材料も国産で有機のものを使っている。揚げ油 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/KXuF posted at 17:22:10
- [最新News] FinePix X100 正式発表、ハイブリッドビューファインダー搭載で13万円 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UoMi posted at 17:17:49
- [質問] 驚きの効果 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/wPxC posted at 17:13:27
- [食べログ] 女子会にオススメ☆ ★★★★☆4.5, 4人でコースで利用させていただきました♪ いつもは地元のダイニングバーなどを利用しますが、 同じ位のお値段なのに、 内容は断然こちらのお店の方が ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/iW2R posted at 17:11:09
- [UFO News] Two mini suns appear sequentially, each hovering for three minute, powering down to 1/10 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/tk0x posted at 17:09:09
- [最新News] 【アプリ】ニコペ「お待たせしました、あの動物が登場!」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/Hyl3 posted at 17:07:03
- [Latest News] LAKERS NOTEBOOK: Bryant is not only one pushing Gasol ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ posted at 17:02:52
- RT @netallica_yahoo: オダギリジョー&香椎由宇夫妻に第1子男児誕生: http://bit.ly/h0oVoJ posted at 17:01:49
- [TAdderOpinion] Energy Harvesting using Charcoal may be a layman’s thinking, isn't it? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/o30l posted at 16:59:51
- [MusicNow] Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/B2w0 posted at 16:56:47
- [MusicNow] Your Everyday Disaster ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/BTfx posted at 16:53:29
- [Artist] The Belle Brigade Bring Magic Back to Rock 'N ' Roll ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/x2QH posted at 16:49:02
- [Latest News] Tarif-Poker bei VW beendet ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/crhm posted at 16:40:29
- [Latest News] Haftung bei Auffahrunfall – Verkehrsrecht Dresden – Rechtsanwalt Dresden. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/wAfM posted at 16:37:09
- RT @Chillintil2012: Survival supplies for any situation. Hurricanes, tornadoes earthquakes, or 2012. Don't get caught empty-handed. http://bit.ly/haV5Yr RT PLS posted at 16:35:59
- [地域振興] 成田をPR、ご当地映画クランクイン - 朝日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/C5Qm posted at 16:33:57
- [Latest News] John Paul Getty III. († 54) - Der traurigste Milliardär der Welt ist tot ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bTSy posted at 16:31:43
- RT @InformationWeek: High Expectations For HP Tablet http://twb.io/hVRqcn posted at 16:30:33
- [Japan Latest News] Japan suspends Nebraska beef imports due to safety concern ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/vkgj posted at 16:27:14
- RT @RocketNews24: 10万キロカロリーオーバーのハンバーガーが登場! http://bit.ly/hnMTw3 posted at 16:26:05
- [TAdderOpinion] 京都を観光するなら、口コミ高評価の マークスWホテル 奈良(大和郡山)へ / 外国の友人にもRTして是非勧めて下さい!➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/9433 posted at 16:26:03
- [Latest News] Suche nach Kompromiss: SPD sehnt Merkels Machtwort bei Hartz IV herbei ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Spnh posted at 16:25:05
- [Japan Latest News] UPDATE1: Kan courts opposition SDP to pass budget-related bills ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6AFC posted at 16:18:44
- RT @Dtikler: UFO's & Paranormal: The Key To Everything http://bit.ly/hgGDVd posted at 16:17:41
- [RussiaNews] Organised crime figures rounded up in Russia ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/AJpa posted at 16:16:33
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: JCPenney installs findmore smart fixture - Fibre2fashion.com http://goo.gl/fb/lr8km posted at 16:15:21
- [NASA] NASA And Worcester Polytechnic Institute Are Challenge Partners ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dA2r posted at 16:12:12
- [最新News] 火山灰ついたホウレンソウ 格安で人気 都城で店頭に - 朝日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ifWT posted at 16:08:04
- [RussiaNews] UVU student leader speaks on Russia ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/B3tC posted at 16:04:53
- [Music] Classical label Decca relaunches, eyes future stars (Reuters) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WCVK posted at 16:01:43
- [GlobalGiving] Build an Olive Branch for Turkish & Armenian Youth ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4lil posted at 15:57:31
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission." - Eleanor Roosevelt posted at 15:55:18
- [最新News] FTA交渉: オバマ米大統領:財界との関係修復に腐心 - 毎日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Np0d posted at 15:54:13
- [最新News] 中国は日本国債を短期売り・中長期買い-金利上昇・円安で(Update2) - ブルームバーグ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jLep posted at 15:46:51
- [Anna German] Romance! Анна Герман - Выхожу один я на дорогу ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/2eXThtN posted at 15:45:46
- RT @nikkeionline: トヨタ、11年3月期の純利益4900億円 予想を上方修正(注目の決算) http://s.nikkei.com/gfMj5I posted at 15:42:38
- [最新News] 日本財政破綻危機、3つのシナリオ=為替王 - サーチナニュース ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/eFMo posted at 15:42:36
- [最新News/広島] 沖縄キャンプ、選手の表情など実況中! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/u9vr posted at 15:40:21
- [Gossip] Simon Cowell: US 'X Factor ' panel yet to be set (AP) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/VroE posted at 15:38:04
- RT @2525news: 力士に密着取材の相撲記者、本当に八百長知らなかったの!? http://nico.ms/nw29706 : J-CAST #niconews posted at 15:33:47
- RT @GlobalGiving: New Project Update! Increase literacy in 400 adults in two months: "New location in Global Giving" http://ow.ly/1belxN posted at 15:32:46
- [最新News] EPA交渉: 日豪EPA今年半ば締結目指す 海江田経産大臣 - テレビ朝日 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/svWs posted at 15:31:41
- [Music] ダンスの井出せんせい 『2011 うんどう会』(3/2発売)の作品情報・商品取扱いショップリストを掲載しました。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ivag posted at 15:26:19
- RT @where_is_my_dog: @sonomihan 情報ありがとうございます!→ツイートを見て、飼い主さんの兄弟の方にもしや…と思い話をきいてみた。見つかったようなことも話されていたので確認されてみては?失礼しましたm(__)m RT @where_is_my_dog:... posted at 15:21:56
- [Hot Otaku] 『悪魔城』パロディ:ムチでのお仕置きを待っていたドMなドラキュラ(動画) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/a9h7 posted at 15:21:54
- ♡ Sacred Chocolate is in a class by chocolate, and is very much in demand. ➪ http://tiny.ly/yyjZ posted at 15:20:43
- [最新News] 春場所中止 キャンセル料請求へ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0kkn posted at 15:19:34
- RT @jic_news: NTT 西日本、「ひかり電話サービス」を利用する多地点 TV 会議装置を販売 http://bit.ly/fs5Hzz posted at 15:18:27
- [Sports] Winston Reid backs Avram Grant to save West Ham from relegation ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/r3pA posted at 15:16:23
- [Latest News] Transsexual golfer Mianne Bagger blasts Lana Lawless over 'female at birth' rules ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5Po7 posted at 15:13:11
- [口コミ] 封印シールが貼ってなかった ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/otYu posted at 15:09:08
- [网络游戏] 《生化战场》策划你来当 游戏你做主 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/J3qO posted at 15:07:02
- RT @Earth_News: Wildlife Finder: Echolocation and ultrasound: Ultrasound is high frequency sound that's above the range of human... http://bbc.in/gaUiZ7 posted at 15:04:51
- [Latest News] JAN MOIR: Yes, we all grieve for Amanda Holden, but this oh-so public tweeting of cond ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/YofA posted at 15:03:46
- [口コミ] 国内産21世紀 雑穀米! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/anRC posted at 15:00:05
- [Latest News] Guy, Arkansas: The tiny town that gets a dozen earthquakes EVERY DAY after gas drillin ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/JlRm posted at 14:56:56
- [电影] 高清:《钢的琴》海外报捷 秦海璐王千源获赞誉 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IEba posted at 14:53:48
- [口コミ] Huffington Post、AOLがトップ会見:重点は、女性、口コミ、地域の3つ - TechCrunch ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/vU9u posted at 14:47:24
- [Latest News] Game Theory Series Probes Videogames' Big Questions ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qLpJ posted at 14:44:05
- [WIPO] グローバル時代の特許・情報インフラのあり方について(2010年11月)➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/zSE0 posted at 14:43:58
- [地域振興] 伝統工芸: 34歳で別府竹細工伝統工芸士に 中岩さん - 大分合同新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/et78 posted at 14:40:48
- [地域振興] B級グルメ: 担々やきそばご賞味を、神奈川と静岡のB級グルメ祭開催へ/湯河原町 - カナロコ(神奈川新聞) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/t2N9 posted at 14:37:32
- RT @wikileaksnews: #wikileaks Government has no comment on Wikileaks’ accuracy: The cabinet will not be making an... http://bit.ly/hk21SQ #europe #breaking posted at 14:35:29
- RT @wiredvision: AOLが買収した『Huffington Post』の価値 http://wiredvision.jp/news/201102/2011020821.html posted at 14:26:30
- [地域振興] 物産: ジュビロ・前田選手が知事訪問 スパイクお土産、アジア制覇を報告 静岡 - MSN産経ニュース ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xyYa posted at 14:25:28
- [Последние новости] из Японии: Россиян приучат есть медуз - Страна.Ru ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Uj58 posted at 14:19:04
- [Bollywood] Love! Rekha, Hema & Feroz, Tumne Kisi Se Kabhi - Dharmatma ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/jeW7Hm8 posted at 14:14:58
- [秋葉原] サードウェーブ、秋葉原に新店舗出店へ-「T・ZONE」跡に - アキバ経済新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rMGe posted at 14:11:45
- RT @IraqMonitor: Yahoo! News: US Marine gets 6 years for Iraq contracts fraud (AFP) http://bit.ly/ihjXH7 #Iraq posted at 13:59:27
- [地域振興] 中国人: 往来新世紀(4) 観光 - 朝日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/sayB posted at 13:59:25
- RT @Anime: News: Ro-Kyu-Bu! Sports Comedy Light Novels Get #Anime • Sagu Aoyama's story of high school boy who becomes grade schoo..http://4NN.cx/57044 posted at 13:58:13
- [地域振興] 中国人: パシフィックホテル沖縄:中国人客受け入れ強化 /沖縄 - 毎日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FUWG posted at 13:54:08
- [地域振興] 冬場の観光振興に課題/黒石・シャトルバス - 陸奥新報 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/51gh posted at 13:51:01
- RT @47news: 米施設から牛肉輸入停止 月齢不明が混入 http://bit.ly/gVrrSL posted at 13:48:39
- [地域振興] 「陰陽師の里」で街おこし 豪雨被害の佐用町江川地域 - 朝日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/OTAG posted at 13:47:34
- RT @fairspinneutral: "Switzerland: Rights Groups Issue 'Indictment' of Bush" (Reuters) http://fairspin.org/read/71072 posted at 13:44:20
- [最新News] 転落防止用ホームドア、285駅で設置検討 - 日本経済新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rTWD posted at 13:43:22
- [Latest News] Nearly 300 killed in Egyptian protests ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UNS2 posted at 13:39:06
- [最新News] なぜ勝者は勝ち続け、敗者は負け続けるのか? ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/YOmM posted at 13:35:01
- [TAdderOpinion] ‘Japan quality-safety-reliability’ Detoxification Supplement ‘Sumi S”umi Kirei’ is most recommended!➮http://tiny.ly/UAil posted at 13:32:52
- [IndiaNews] Rahul meets three rape victims in Uttar Pradesh ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/31p5 posted at 13:30:41
- RT @ld_blogtopics: ■第1位 - 鳥肌が立つほどすごい偶然の数々 http://bit.ly/hSgOwL posted at 13:29:32
- [最新News] 米“現体制下で政権移行を” ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6H5e posted at 13:27:28
- RT @Billboarddotcom: Who's watching @SkinsTV on @MTV right now? We went inside the world of @FXFELDMAN, the show's 19 y/o music supervisor: http://bit.ly/fGMA18 posted at 13:24:11
- [JapanPhoto] 看板娘? 投稿者:夢穂 日付:2010年12月12日 アルバム: 2010年春 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/lIhB posted at 13:24:09
- [IndiaNews] Sufi singer Zila Khan to perform at Jamia ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dPtn posted at 13:22:01
- RT @wikileaks: Assange case papers, start with Hurtig http://is.gd/KK5ax5 posted at 13:20:49
- RT @urageinou: 北川景子が“女子旅”満喫!ソニー新CM: 女優の北川景子(24)がソニーのデジタルカメラ「サイバーショット」の新CMで、沖縄での“女子旅”を満喫している。美しい海を目の前にはしゃいだり、シーサーの顔真似をしたり、北川の素顔... http://bit.ly/hEa5Z9 posted at 13:19:42
- [Latest News] Warum Kairo 2011 nicht Berlin 1989 ist ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/OTzO posted at 13:19:40
- [質問] 今月の平日に、4歳、1歳(ベビーカー)連れで東京ディ.. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ufh6 posted at 13:16:24
- [Latest News] Australian Bauxite in trading halt pending drilling results announcement ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1ibH posted at 13:12:01
- RT @english_note: Did you have a great time?/楽しかった? #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 13:10:49
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【cement】 /simént/ n. concrete; mortar; bonding agent; filling (for teeth) #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 13:09:46
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 高橋みなみ、改めて明言 「AKBはガチです!」: http://bit.ly/fXUV3i posted at 13:08:44
- [Maid' Café] Customers pampered at Manila's first "maid cafe" - Reuters ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Bk4s posted at 13:07:44
- [最新News] 首相 修正協議で合意に期待感 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/LiTx posted at 13:04:29
- RT @nannohi: 【御事始め】(2月8日)その年の農事等雑事を始める日。 posted at 13:03:23
- [R25] わずか230g! ノートPCと毎日持ち歩ける携帯スキャナ ONで役立つ! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/pfXn posted at 12:57:08
- [MideastNews] Donald Rumsfeld book admits 'misstatements ' over WMD sites ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6keH posted at 12:54:59
- RT @daisuki_vikas: おはようごさいます きようは ごぜん トレーニングジム いきます それから ゆがたは 15 ねんぶり いっしようにふじさんのぼったともだちにあいます posted at 12:53:50
- [♓Pisces] Problems in your community may result from malfunctioning ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/VORT posted at 12:51:50
- [Ninja] What's Ninja? Ninja is your behind. More info is here: http://tiny.ly/vete ➮ @TAdder_Forum posted at 12:49:35
- [Tokyohive] 4minute releases PV for “WHY ”! ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/L8Sp posted at 12:48:26
- RT @BritishMonarchy: Gallery: The Queen greets well wishers outside St Peter and St Pauls Church, after attending the Sunday... http://www.royal.gov.uk/0G posted at 12:44:02
- [♒Aquarius] Family members might not be in the best of moods today, ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/hEU0 posted at 12:44:00
- [♑Capricorn] Payment for work you've performed may not come when ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8h6t posted at 12:40:46
- [♐Sagittarius] Obstacles may arise in the course of your chores when ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ECI2 posted at 12:37:40
- RT @RocketNews24: エジプト暴動の動画に、馬に乗った死神が映っていた http://bit.ly/e4IT3x posted at 12:34:31
- [互联网] 去年中关村企业 上市融资445亿元 北京青年报新华社电(记者张舵)记者从北京中关村园区管委会了解到,2010年中关村新增上市公司39家,创历史新高,其中境内上市26家,包括主板3家,创业板1 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FS9r posted at 12:33:31
- [电影新闻] 《封神天下》明年开机 打造东方《魔戒》 早报记者 李云灵“封神榜”的故事在中国家喻户晓,如今好莱坞准备将其搬上银幕,拍摄成“东方《魔戒》”三部曲。《变形金刚》系列电影的监制之一汤姆·德桑托 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xsUE posted at 12:28:24
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: Japan's DIY e-book revolt - Brisbane Times http://goo.gl/fb/fB4Ia posted at 12:23:18
- [旅游新闻] 广东传统热门线路火爆 新兴旅游产品受宠 新华网广州2月8日电(记者赖少芬)春节黄金周已近尾声,广东旅游市场迎来了满堂红。记者从广州一些旅行社了解到,春节期间,除了常规热门线路依旧火爆,武广 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rzGM posted at 12:15:02
- [Yara] - Sodfa / يارا - صدفة ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/gDTou96 posted at 12:09:30
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "One is always a long way from solving a problem until one actually has the answer." - Stephen Hawking posted at 12:08:26
- [IT频道] 苹果CDMA版iPhone 4天线采用重新设计方案 【搜狐IT消息】北京时间2月8日消息,据国外媒体报道,电子产品维修网站iFixit称,苹果的CDMA版iPhone采用了重新设计的天线。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/u1cd posted at 12:08:23
- RT @nikkeionline: 「初対面で好感度高めるには」営業の達人に聞く http://s.nikkei.com/fM8jyB posted at 11:59:57
- RT @2525news: <注目リリース>チュンソフト、「みみキス For Woman」を配信 http://nico.ms/nw29618 : MANTANWEB #niconews posted at 11:51:34
- [经济新闻] 金民暴增 炒楼客转“战”黄金 &$ &$春节期间广州市场黄金需求依旧旺盛 多类生肖金条成公斤地被抢购&$ &$ 本报讯 (记者井楠)由于埃及局势引发国际地缘政治动荡,且美元波动周折 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UdL0 posted at 11:51:32
- [国际新闻] 美国去年12月份消费信贷增长3% 连续第4个月上升 美国联邦储备委员会7日发布的数据显示,2010年12月份美国消费信贷环比增长3%,连续第4个月上升,显示美国经济继续复苏。 12 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oLBb posted at 11:48:25
- [新闻] 北京未因烟花爆竹引发重大事故 北京市政府烟花办8日凌晨介绍说,除夕至初五(2月2日至7日),北京未发生因燃放烟花爆竹引发爆炸和群死群伤事故。 据介绍,除夕至初五北京因燃放超标品种和酒后 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/JasG posted at 11:46:13
- [♏Scorpio] Machines are likely to pose a few problems today, Scorpio, ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xaY4 posted at 11:39:43
- RT @where_is_my_dog: 【熊本】迷子犬:シーズー(14才メス・白)1月30日松橋町の県土木事務所近く。 あなたの街や通勤途中で見かけたら連絡お願いします。http://ow.ly/3N40x #kumamoto #wanko #dog posted at 11:37:32
- [♎Libra] Some upsetting dreams might haunt you today, Libra. ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HlEm posted at 11:36:26
- RT @jic_news: AOL、Huffington Post を電撃買収 http://bit.ly/gWFap1 posted at 11:33:06
- [♍Virgo] A trip of some kind might have to be postponed, as ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/RLTc posted at 11:33:04
- [Fado] Grande Maria Teresa de Noronha. Fado do Castanheiro ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/szBGqJo posted at 11:32:57
- [社会新闻] 安徽阜阳拐卖虐待儿童成风 硫酸烧脸毒打致残 “随手拍照解救乞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/BHw4 posted at 11:22:17
- RT @Earth_News: NHM: Is a super snowdrop display on the way? http://bit.ly/gboYmo posted at 11:16:55
- [广州新闻] 解救乞讨儿童行动发起人称已发现4名被拐儿童 (记者 蔡胜 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3l2i posted at 11:14:38
- ☼ If you wish IP (Intellectual Property) related information, please visit my secondary account on twitter! ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 11:10:16
- RT @dictionarycom: Read the other three verses of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Wait, what other lyrics? http://bit.ly/fI3e0P posted at 11:07:09
- [DPRK News] Russia backs UN debate on North Korea ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/20bh posted at 11:06:04
- [♋Cancer] No matter what friends tell you, Cancer, this isn't ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rIfF posted at 10:56:08
- [娱乐新闻] 兔年乐坛天王天后扎堆回归 歌手开唱挤破头 陈奕迅的新作品,一 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ccWv posted at 10:51:52
- RT @wikileaksnews: #wikileaks WikiLeaks’ conspiracy theories laid bare: As WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange enter... http://bit.ly/dKTptP #europe #breaking posted at 10:50:41
- [Latest News] HP aims to bridge gap between desktops and tablets ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9Zf6 posted at 10:49:41
- [♊Gemini] Don't try to sign up for a class over the phone or ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dfjv posted at 10:46:27
- ♡ 皆さんが普段食べてるチョコレートは偽物。Sacred Chocolateを食べればわかります。ネットからカードで簡単注文。円高で今がお得ですよ。➪ http://tiny.ly/yyjZ posted at 10:45:23
- RT @wiredvision: 1冊100円で書籍をスキャン、日本のサービス http://wiredvision.jp/news/201102/2011020820.html posted at 10:41:18
- [♉Taurus] Computers and other equipment could go haywire today, ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3BAh posted at 10:41:16
- [Latest News] Greens unlikely to block flood levy ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CZlZ posted at 10:39:04
- [Latest News] Anonymous hack hits security firm ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qtHA posted at 10:36:58
- [♈Aries] Temporary upsets regarding money might result from ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mqbY posted at 10:33:54
- [IndiaNews] 2G Scam: Jayalalithaa backs Swamy ' ;s demand on Karunanidhi ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6svs posted at 10:30:38
- [IndiaNews] Woman in coma due to hospital error billed Rs. 3 cr ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/aL25 posted at 10:27:29
- [MideastNews] Iranian art symposium to promote Persepolis, Persian Gulf ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/802y posted at 10:25:13
- [Gossip] 優木まおみ、「an・an」で大胆セミヌード!極上ラインを披露 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/F5tS posted at 10:21:53
- [MideastNews] Closing ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Thzb posted at 10:19:39
- [日韩流行风] 日韩流行风的数据来自百度MP3搜索中搜索量最高的歌曲,由系统自动计算统计。➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/JVqN posted at 10:16:21
- RT @FoodNetwork: Recipe of the Day: Shrimp Scampi with Linguini http://ht.ly/3S1yi posted at 10:14:10
- RT @IraqMonitor: AlertNet: US Marine gets 6-year prison term for Iraq fraud http://bit.ly/edOPDb #Iraq posted at 10:10:08
- [History of the Day] February 7, 1964: Beatles arrive in New York ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NIxp posted at 10:10:05
- RT @History_Stuff: Feb. 7, 1984 - Space shuttle astronauts Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart made the first untethered space walk. posted at 10:05:50
- [Gossip] Jon Hamm Distances Himself From Don Draper ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Vojx posted at 10:02:41
- [HotPics] Dynamic And Colorful Photography By Niko Menu ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/G86d posted at 09:59:31
- RT @47news: 1月の貸出残高14カ月連続減 資金需要低調で http://bit.ly/e2v536 posted at 09:58:20
- [Latest News] Queens man charged with pimping prostitutes ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4EUV posted at 09:54:57
- RT @fairspinneutral: "The best campaign ad of 2012" (Ben Smith/Ben Smith's Blog) http://fairspin.org/read/71060 posted at 09:51:46
- [Latest News] Labour Govt 'Wanted Lockerbie Bomber Freed' ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ posted at 09:51:44
- [最新News] キスを披露などラブラブ状態が… ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/w0rh posted at 09:43:25
- [Bollywood] Sridevi - Justice Chowdhary - Maine Tujhe Chhua ➮ http://t.co/TDrcVgH posted at 09:42:19
- [优酷-每日推荐视频] 【拍客】正月初五木星合月天象奇观上演 美丽的星月神话 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NXpS posted at 09:40:10
- RT @ld_blogtopics: ■第1位 - 山里亮太が品川祐にいじめられた過去を暴露→品川、ツイッター垢を削除して逃亡 http://bit.ly/eCTjbA posted at 09:39:00
- [最新News] おざなり研修に異論 「資質なんて向上できない!」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gwtG posted at 09:38:01
- [最新News] 貫地谷しおり「体で払ってよ」…アイバちゃん思わず素に戻った! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/SPDq posted at 09:35:51
- RT @Billboarddotcom: Blood On the Dancefloor: Winter Music Conference Vs. Ultra Music Festival http://bit.ly/hsVUIi posted at 09:33:39
- RT @wikileaks: "CIA already has a strong and growing relationship with the Egyptian Intelligence Service" http://is.gd/vEzl74 posted at 09:30:33
- [最新News] 吉本興業契約社員が100倍の倍率 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xFW3 posted at 09:29:28
- RT @urageinou: 玉置&青田、グアム大げんか!別居報道も: ロックバンド「安全地帯」のボーカル、玉置浩二(52)と元C.C.ガールズのタレント、青田典子(43)夫妻が1月、グアムに旅行した際、公衆の面前で大げんかをしていたことが7日、サンケ... http://bit.ly/e1Cg1i posted at 09:28:23
- [Gossip] 神田沙也加の舞台挨拶でマスコミ退散!? 「金返せ」コールで場内騒然 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7Abi posted at 09:23:06
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【efficient】 /ifíʃənt/ adj. done without waste (of time, resources, etc.) #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 09:18:55
- [ScienceNews] Without language, numbers make no sense ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1E7I posted at 09:18:53
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 玉置浩二・青田典子 結婚7か月でもう出た離婚騒動: http://bit.ly/fTLXb5 posted at 09:16:39
- [Latest News] Media Business: FT launches new Brazil website ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5tw8 posted at 09:14:32
- RT @nannohi: 【ロカビリーの日】(2月8日)1958(昭和33)年のこの日、有楽町の日劇でウェスタンカーニバルが開かれた。 posted at 09:11:18
- [Mravinsky] Glinka - Russlan and Ludmilla Overture - Mravinsky/Leningrad ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/jY0mdBM posted at 09:09:05
- [最新News] NY株69ドル高で6営業日続伸 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/d5CS posted at 09:07:01
- [Sports] So, how CAN Carlo Ancelotti make Fernando Torres fit in at Chelsea? - Daily Mail ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HFKY posted at 09:03:37
- [Latest News] Labour's help in Lockerbie bomber case was profoundly wrong, says Cameron - The Guardi ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/iotb posted at 09:01:23
- [Deportes] Nadal y selección española reciben premios en Emiratos Arabes - latercera.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/21bC posted at 08:59:25
- [Noticias] Batasuna rechaza la violencia de ETA para esquivar la ley de partidos - La Rioja ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/f3bj posted at 08:57:15
- [Divertissements] Andrée Chedid nous a quittés elle aussi - Le Télégramme ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FSl1 posted at 08:52:48
- [Actualités] Les magistrats «écoeurés» par la fermeté de Fillon - Le Parisien ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/KKqS posted at 08:50:42
- RT @BritishMonarchy: Gallery: The Queen greets children outside St Peter and St Pauls Church, after attending the Sunday service on... http://www.royal.gov.uk/0D posted at 08:48:38
- [Культура] Татьяна Шмыга. Равных ей уже не будет - Вести.Ru ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uJKZ posted at 08:47:33
- [новости] США признают суверенитет Южного Судана в июле 2011г. - РБК - RBC.Ru ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/v72U posted at 08:43:29
- RT @RocketNews24: ブタを描くだけで分かる性格診断 http://bit.ly/hORZ4b posted at 08:39:34
- [Entretenimento] Nenhuma escola será rebaixada por causa do incêndio, decidem escolas - Band ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/e2P5 posted at 08:39:32
- [Notícias] Equipamento que causou apagão estava com a manutenção em dia, diz ... - Pernambuco.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qBOJ posted at 08:36:09
- [Entretenimento] Rivais vão ajudar escolas de samba destruídas pelo fogo - Correio da Manhã ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FQn1 posted at 08:34:07
- [Dusty Springfield] - I wanna be a free girl ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/IQ9wCnN posted at 08:34:02
- [Notícias] Executivo do Google foi libertado - Público.pt ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/vorQ posted at 08:30:47
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: KMPH Fox 26 Central San Joaquin Valley News Source in Fresno, California… http://goo.gl/fb/9JGjO posted at 08:28:38
- [IndiaNews] Bebo gets the wives' vote! - Times of India ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/COyD posted at 08:27:36
- [IndiaNews] ISRO's spectrum deal cost country Rs 2L crore? - Times of India ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EP9m posted at 08:23:28
- [Latest News] Hartz IV-Reform: Einigung aufgeschoben - Gespräche vertagt - Hamburger Abendblatt ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/JAuU posted at 08:19:03
- [台灣娛樂] 團團圓圓快洞房 兩岸專家候命 - 香港新浪網 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FSMS posted at 08:14:50
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself." - Galileo posted at 08:11:37
- [台灣新聞] 世遺邊境激戰 柬斥泰軍放毒氣 - 香港新浪網 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/X0ot posted at 08:11:35
- [国际新闻] 欧盟对苏丹南部公投结果表示欢迎 - 新华网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uGgj posted at 08:08:24
- [娱乐] 沈阳日报:兔年春晚哪些最给力哪些还乏力 - 新浪网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PyFb posted at 08:04:11
- [新闻] 柬泰互不相让第四次交火 - 搜狐 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Tkgr posted at 08:02:03
- RT @nikkeionline: 孫氏とメディア王が抱えるアップルリスク http://s.nikkei.com/gVGxHK posted at 08:01:00
- [பொழுதுபோக்கு] பாகிஸ்தானுடனான பேச்சுவார்த்தை: எச்சரிக்கையான நம்பிக்கை ... - தினகரன் ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/awRm posted at 07:58:54
- [मनोरंजन] जेएनयू ब्लू फिल्म : स्टूडेंट्स का हाथ! - नवभारत टाइम्स ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0F60 posted at 07:56:38
- [செய்திகள்] புதிய கட்சியை தொடங்கினார் புதுச்சேரி ரங்கசாமி - தினமணி ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PTjJ posted at 07:54:11
- [Jansug Kakhidze] Soul of Georgia - Mukhambazi ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/wMfoae6 posted at 07:54:05
- RT @2525news: 椎名林檎が水中でリフレッシュ!? http://nico.ms/nw29561 : オリコン #niconews posted at 07:51:00
- [इसमें समाचार पढें़] इसरो ने कहा, करार पहले से समीक्षाधीन - Patrika.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EKWB posted at 07:49:55
- أهم الأخبار - أخبار البشير يعلن قبوله نتائج الاستفتاء في جنوب السودان - الخليج ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/D2L7 posted at 07:46:50
- [Latest News] Gannett Call-Option Trades Rise After AOL Buys Huffington Post - Bloomberg ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ZWe5 posted at 07:42:43
- [Sports] Packers victory means kids get to play hookie - USA Today ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/32Fw posted at 07:40:39
- [Entertainment] Christina Aguilera is not alone in anthem flub club - USA Today ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ycDM posted at 07:38:35
- [Gossip] Pauly D -- Out-Fist Pumped by YouTube PHENOM ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/W1zu posted at 07:35:31
- [Latest News] Ezra Klein: Why Obama and the chamber are getting friendlier - Washington Post ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4UgZ posted at 07:29:15
- [Music] GRAMMY Live(TM) to Deliver Dual-Screen Experience to Music Fans Worldwide Feb. 11 - 13 via G ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rMNj posted at 07:26:10
- [Latest News] Verizon iPhone surprise: iFixit tear-down reveals dual-mode CDMA, GSM Qualcomm chip ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2Voa posted at 07:23:51
- ❍ 人間に見捨てられた犬猫たち/「この現実を知って欲しい」➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/cnuI posted at 07:23:45
- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: To us, it's an obscure shift of tax law. To the City, it's the heist of the century | George Monbiot http://bit.ly/i2HRip posted at 07:20:39
- [Latest News] Pentefountas takes on vice-chair of broadcast at CRTC ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/t8X5 posted at 07:19:34
- العربية.نت | الصفحة الرئيسية النيابة المصرية تحقق في مزاعم بمسؤولية وزارة الداخلية عن تفجير كنيسة ا ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Q6iC posted at 07:16:20
- [ScienceNews] Cannabis May Influence Onset Of Psychosis ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Vo9y posted at 07:11:25
- [Al Arabiya] Ex-minister suspected behind Alex church bombing ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zIQ1 posted at 07:03:24
- [最新News] 邦画史上初!「攻殻機動隊 S.A.C」3D映像がYou tubeで解禁 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PQng posted at 07:00:45
- [Latest News] Bird flu: Migratory Birds Trigger Bird Flu Outbreak In South Korea - Bernama ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UuY8 posted at 06:57:40
- [最新News] 鳥インフルエンザ: 卵出荷に例外適用 鳥インフルで県決定 - 西日本新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/C8l0 posted at 06:53:00
- [Gossip] もし松潤と柴咲コウに子どもが生まれたら、超濃いだろうな など ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7Rhx posted at 06:48:56
- [最新News] 「産業日本語」、「オタク日本語」で日本を救う!(RT希望)➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/foBe posted at 06:46:47
- [Twitter] 人気イベントのクチコミをチェック!「チケットぴあ×イベントonツイナビ」コラボページ登場!! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/hRj4 posted at 06:43:40
- [Japan Latest News] Travel › Qantas to increase int'l fuel surcharges ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/E0Oh posted at 06:39:16
- [Latest News] Office Web Apps are Now in India ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/YCfx posted at 06:37:12
- [AfghanNews] 900 Afghans militants join reintegration program ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2mnS posted at 06:33:43
- [UN新闻] 潘基文呼吁柬埔寨泰国停火并寻求持久解决方案 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/DtBA posted at 06:29:22
- [Latest News] Flu breakthrough promises a vaccine to kill all strains - Akon Jha - Guardian ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ekNT posted at 06:27:15
- [Games] News: UKIE "disappointed" that Scottish Affairs Committee "undecided" on tax breaks ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/szjV posted at 06:25:03
- [最新News] 女子チョコ用にも! 素敵が詰まったロクシタンの「ハーブガーデンショコラ」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/itjI posted at 06:20:34
- RT @IraqMonitor: Wisconsin Troops Abroad Watched Packers Win Super Bowl - 89.7 WUWM - Milwaukee Public Radio http://bit.ly/gIZFd7 #Iraq posted at 06:17:29
- [Opnion] 『国家の偉大さや道徳的水準は、その国で動物がどう扱われているかによって判断することができる』(ガンジー)➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://amba.to/idkmT2 - 杉本彩 さんブログから posted at 06:17:21
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- RT @47news: 北海道警警部補を逮捕 個人情報漏らした疑い http://bit.ly/eSQwkP posted at 06:03:23
- [Latest News] Last.fm Radio goes premium on mobile and home entertainment devices ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/re7w posted at 06:02:19
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- RT @fairspinneutral: "Warning Against Hasty Exit for Mubarak" (Mark Landler/New York Times) http://fairspin.org/read/71037 posted at 05:55:48
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- [Latest News] Netanyahu: Danger that Egypt will go in direction of Iran ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2zPI posted at 05:37:35
- RT @urageinou: 武井咲 初主演は工業高生役: http://bit.ly/dJsVUN posted at 05:33:12
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- ♡ Sacred Chocolate is hand made most exceptionally tasting and nutritionally beneficial choco. More info is here ➪ http://tiny.ly/yyjZ posted at 05:30:46
- [迷い犬を探して]「一つでも救える命を」 保護期限2月9日(火)迄の犬たち ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bJtt posted at 05:26:38
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- RT @english_note: There's your tea./はい、あなたのお茶。 #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 05:22:19
- [Latest News] Business Wire Chinese News ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/wIWa posted at 05:21:14
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【banquet】 /bæ'ŋkwit/ n. celebration; feast; dinner; drinking #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 05:20:03
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 日テレ『PON!』、次期“お天気お姉さん”をfacebookで一般募集: http://bit.ly/eDkd8G posted at 05:19:04
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- RT @nannohi: 【〒マークの日】(2月8日)1887(明治20)年のこの日、逓信省(後の郵政省、現在の日本郵政グループ)のマークが逓信の「テイ」に合わせて甲乙丙丁の「丁」に決定した。しかし、万国共通の郵便料金不足の記号「T」と紛らわしいことがわかり、6日後の14日に、「テイシンショウ」の「テ」を posted at 05:15:51
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- ☼ For a person who wishes to have the IP-related information, my tweets will be of any help. ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 05:09:16
- الجزيرة نت المحتجون بمصر يتأهبون لمعركة طويلة أعلن المتظاهرون في ميدان التحرير بقلب القاهرة عن تشكي ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/wWag posted at 05:03:05
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- RT @RocketNews24: なぜか日本で未発売のアニメ作品ブルーレイ / 北米から取り寄せ購入する人が続出 http://bit.ly/gyShGC posted at 04:42:02
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- ☼ If you like TweetAdder, please visit my blog where more information is available about it. ➭ http://tiny.ly/Xrm6 ➭ @TAdder_Forum posted at 04:30:00
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- RT @english_note: Can you meet me in the club around Shoreditch tonight at half past one?/今夜1時半にショーディッチ付近のクラブで会えない? #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 01:29:29
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【common】 /kɑ'mən/ adj. widespread, frequent, usual #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 01:27:20
- RT @netallica_yahoo: アンジェラベイビーがシャオミンと“年越しデート”黙認、楽しい正月オフに―香港: http://bit.ly/ff5hcR posted at 01:25:15
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- RT @HistoryChannel: THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 1775 > Benjamin Franklin publishes "An Imaginary Speech”. 1898 > Zola is brought to trial. http://bit.ly/fCFSH4 posted at 01:10:00
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