- [News] Patent Attorney: John Marshall Law School 55th Annual IP Law Conference - Patent Docs ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/kWO4 posted at 23:54:00
- [WikiLeaks] wikileaks news - Google News ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/dLle posted at 23:51:42
- [News] Economics: Japan's Yosano: need growth in nominal, real GDP - Reuters ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/xs6v posted at 23:48:29
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- [News] Playstation: Sony Wins One Round, But Playstation Still Hacked Often - International Busines ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/nuas posted at 23:42:09
- [News] Nintendo: Old Nintendo GameCubes make for great desktop organizers - DVICE ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/JfXy posted at 23:37:51
- [News] Apple: Apple might use Intel Light Peak in upcoming MacBook Pro refresh - DVICE ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/UjzK posted at 23:26:40
- [News] Google Docs adds preview for Apple ’s Pages ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/RBIp posted at 23:24:36
- [科学] 菲律宾北部火山喷发 火山灰冲上2000米高空 据菲律宾火山地震研究院(PHILVOCS)消息,当地时间2月21日上午9时15分,菲律宾北部布鲁桑火山(Bulusan)喷发,火山灰冲上200 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/I835 posted at 23:21:15
- [通信] 商务部:遗憾华为放弃收购 希望美方摒弃成见 路透上海2月21日电---中国商务部周一表示,就电信设备生产商--华为迫于一美国政府机构压力放弃所收购的美国服务器技术公司3Leaf表示遗憾,希 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/u6kR posted at 23:17:05
- RT @patesalo_e: Lawsuit Claims Miller High Life Loyalty Program Infringes Patent - Techdirt http://paten.to/fghKIG posted at 23:14:04
- [IT业界] 增长快速 联想有望叫板一体机老大苹果 台湾媒体报道,业界消息称,在快速增长的内地市场依托下,联想目前已经跃居全球第二大一体机品牌,并有希望挑战这一领域的老大苹果。消息称,联想去年四季度 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/iobQ posted at 23:14:03
- [News] Seventh US Patent Issued to Dyadic International (AG IP News) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/skgX posted at 23:05:38
- RT @JPubbServiNews: ソーシャルゲーム第二弾「7’s Thief」提供開始のお知らせ 〔 02/21 カービュー 〕 http://bit.ly/i8kMzy posted at 23:01:23
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- RT @JPubbEleApNews: 電子回路基板材料の価格改定を実施 〔 02/21 パナソニック電工 〕 http://bit.ly/e8MBM6 posted at 22:58:21
- [IT频道] 人人网上市传言刺激软银股价上涨至4年来新高 【搜狐IT消息】北京时间2月21日消息,据国外媒体报道,在人人网今年将在美国IPO(首次公开募股)的传言拉动下,软银股价在东京股票交易所上涨 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/pgQ8 posted at 22:57:15
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- [News] Apple Maintains Dominance of Mobile Application Store Market in 2010 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/4bi1 posted at 22:34:47
- RT @BloombergNow: Record U.S. Cattle, Hog Prices Seen on Shrinking Herds, China http://bloom.bg/emnJpH posted at 22:19:27
- RT @WTO_OMC: #wto Lamy: “Pragmatic solutions need to be found now to enhance global governance” http://dlvr.it/H90jX posted at 22:03:16
- [Breaking News] The 'transparent' cement that lets daylight flood into a room! Read more: ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://bit.ly/icVP6g posted at 21:50:30
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- [NewsPod] Science Podcast, 20 February 2011 -- AAAS Meeting Special Concerns in reporting on umbili ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/XqeW posted at 21:35:05
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- RT @Nikkan_BizLine: 【新技術・新製品】 新日鐵化学と九州工業大学、円筒型セル構造の開発により「色素増感太陽電池」の耐久性向上に成功 http://www.nikkan.co.jp/newrls/rls20110221o-17.html posted at 21:24:43
- [Jetro] ジェトロ・米国市場販路開拓セミナー(福山)2011年3月18日 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/uNQ7 posted at 21:24:42
- RT @uspto: Today is the official federal holiday for Washington's Birthday - the Patent and Trademark Office is closed - http://go.usa.gov/r1E posted at 21:22:27
- [Jetro] 知的財産権アドバイザー(バンコク(タイ))募集のお知らせ 知的 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/082O posted at 21:22:26
- [Jetro] 外国企業によるM&Aに安全保障上の審査(中国) 2011年02月21日 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/eibQ posted at 21:18:15
- RT @patesalo_e: Patent: Apple looking to make batteries hold more juice - IntoMobile http://paten.to/f4jTG7 posted at 21:15:00
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- RT @JPubb_MediaNews: 2011/02/21 IIJ Introduces FS810WR Mobile Wireless LAN Router - 02/21 Internet Initiative Japan Inc.: TOKYO--Febr... http://bit.ly/h7lCXJ posted at 21:09:56
- RT @JPubb_EleApNews: Toshiba Develops New Energy-Saving Flip-Flop Circuit - 02/21 Toshiba Corporation: http://bit.ly/glcdE3 posted at 21:08:55
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- RT @JPubbServiNews: Android(TM)端末のスマートフォンから新規ユーザー登録が可能に 〔 02/21 ミクシィ 〕 http://bit.ly/h0DiIv posted at 21:03:49
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- RT @JPubbPharmNews: キョーリン製薬グループにおける環境衛生事業への参入について 〔 02/21 キョーリン製薬ホールディングス 〕 http://bit.ly/dLaOM9 posted at 20:58:26
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- RT @IAM_magazine: Huawei agrees to US #patent sale after authorities raise concern about security http://is.gd/MzaIMN posted at 19:38:16
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- RT @Nikkan_BizLine: 【環境】 三菱電機、マキタ本社工場に85kW太陽光発電システムを設置 http://www.nikkan.co.jp/newrls/rls20110221m-01.html posted at 19:23:53
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- RT @JPubb_EleApNews: Roland Introduces Advanced DWX-50 5-axis Dental Milling Machine - 02/21 Roland DG Corporation: http://bit.ly/hLUgm0 posted at 19:08:51
- RT @JPubb_PharmNews: Takeda Voluntarily Recalls its Anti-inflammatory Enzyme Preparation, Dasen® in Japan - 02/21 Takeda Pharmaceutic... http://bit.ly/hlCjHi posted at 19:07:49
- RT @JPubb_ChemiNews: KOSÉ to Launch New Foundation for Global Markets from SEKKISEI SUPREME - 02/21 KOSE Corporation: http://bit.ly/e4UiSV posted at 19:06:41
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- RT @JPubbEleApNews: 個人向けパソコン春モデル「VALUESTAR」「LaVie」シリーズ4タイプ21モデルの発売日決定のお知らせ 〔 02/21 日本電気 〕 http://bit.ly/fow7NT posted at 19:01:29
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- RT @JPubb_Listed: TEL Announces Important Personnel Changes and Partial Change in the Organization - 02/18 Tokyo Electron Limited: http://bit.ly/fmmpJi posted at 18:52:54
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- [News] Govt may shut plastic bag making units - Hindustan Times ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/DrwD posted at 18:34:32
- RT @jic_news: CMS導入後に発覚する分散制作における課題とは @八丁堀【無料セミナー】 http://bit.ly/eif1VA posted at 18:33:27
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- [Business] 3 Sage Hospitality-operated Ohio hotels sold ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/K3Sl posted at 17:52:02
- [News] TNT reports Q4 profits rise ahead of company split ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/UUFQ posted at 17:47:44
- [WCO] World Customs Organization - Capacity Building - Meetings and missions ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/PAeI posted at 17:37:25
- RT @Nikkan_BizLine: 【エレクトロニクス】 ビシェイ社、850nm 赤外エミッタ「VSLY5850」を発表 http://www.nikkan.co.jp/newrls/rls20110221o-15.html posted at 17:22:31
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- RT @AsiaSTPortal: [R&D Jobs] Japan : Full-time faculty in Clinical Psychology Program in Department of Educational / Tokyo Gakugei... http://dlvr.it/H7w2C posted at 17:14:27
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- [News] Albany Law plans to cut its class size, budget ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/CRNL posted at 17:09:24
- RT @JPubbMediaNews: 「災害用伝言板」がドコモ スマートフォンに対応 -「災害用伝言板」をspモード向けに開発し、ドコモ スマートフォンでご利用可能に- 〔 02/21 エヌ・ティ・ティ・ドコモ 〕 http://bit.ly/i89GD1 posted at 17:01:06
- RT @JPubbEleApNews: サイレックス・テクノロジー、Network Display Adaptorの新製品2機種を発売802.11n準拠の高速無線LANモデルは株式会社ワコムでも販売 〔 02/21 サイレックス・テクノロジー 〕 http://bit.ly/dKVcgp posted at 17:00:00
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- RT @jic_news: 「あのテディベアを取り返せ!」−−トヨタ、日本初となるテレビ CM に連動した視聴者参加型 http://bit.ly/e2PO7I posted at 16:35:39
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- [最新News]「日本での成功体験通じない」金型流用されるケースも/技術流出問題(重要な発明ほど、特許出願せずに秘匿する?)➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/E6uL ➮ http://tiny.ly/7yTX posted at 16:24:12
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- [EPO] Asia Helpdesk (Chinese/Japanese search services available) ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮http://tiny.ly/vDnB posted at 15:20:11
- [EUCouncil] Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the proposed legislation on wom ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/y7lP posted at 15:12:00
- RT @JPubbMediaNews: PCを活用し子どもの創造力、表現力を高めるキャンペーンを展開 〔 02/21 日本マイクロソフト 〕 http://bit.ly/dLzPSv posted at 15:03:44
- RT @JPubbEleApNews: 低消費電力を実現した新しいフリップフロップ回路の開発について 〔 02/21 東芝 〕 http://bit.ly/fKRb0u posted at 15:02:42
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- RT @jic_news: ウィンゲートのデビューダイレクト、LINDY リモート電源制御スイッチを販売 http://bit.ly/gYTeHY posted at 14:38:50
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- RT @JPubbEleApNews: マキタが本社工場に85kW太陽光発電システムを導入 三菱電機がシステムを設置し2月に稼働開始 〔 02/21 三菱電機 〕 http://bit.ly/evdmpk posted at 12:58:26
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- RT @kiri_tori: ✄------------ 2/21(月) -----------✄ posted at 00:09:51
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