- RT @GramophoneMag: Percy Grainger fact: In the 1920s he was earning $5000 per week from performing (equiv to $60,000 in today’s money). http://bit.ly/eR0Rl3 posted at 23:57:33
- [最新News] 鳥インフルエンザ: 宮崎・高千穂町でも感染の疑い - 時事通信 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mjc0 posted at 23:57:31
- [Gossip] 嵐がSMAPに喧嘩を売った!!ドロ沼の様相に… ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PnND posted at 23:54:24
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- [Japan Latest News] Travel › Rose Hotel Yokohama joins Worldhotels ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/OuA4 posted at 23:42:35
- RT @BritishMonarchy: The Duchess hosts a literacy reception with notable authors http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ie6GU1dY_0&feature=youtube_gdata posted at 23:38:20
- [Latest News] Brainchild Announces KINEO, Android Tablet For Students ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uH0Y posted at 23:38:18
- [AfghanNews] 22,000 Pakistanis flee fighting near Afghan border ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/03nZ posted at 23:36:14
- [Japan Latest News] Idea of simplifying the Japan written language to suit tech. writings by JAPIO ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/caRr posted at 23:34:40
- [UN新闻] 潘基文对海地公布第二轮总统竞选候选人表示欢迎 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/csUf posted at 23:32:35
- RT @InformationWeek: Internet Runs Out Of IP Addresses http://twb.io/fAC3HK posted at 23:31:32
- [Latest News] Pakistan's deadly blasphemy-seeking vigilantes - Mustafa Qadri - Guardian ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ROhe posted at 23:28:22
- RT @RocketNews24: ボブ・マーリィの息子ジギー・マーリィ、『マリファナマン』で漫画デビュー! http://bit.ly/h0LleQ posted at 23:27:15
- [Games] News: Sony details NGP strategies at private UK event ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2q4y posted at 23:25:17
- [最新News] バレンタインのギフトにふりかけよう! 恋の媚薬「ラブパウダー」の作り方 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/etnz posted at 23:20:54
- RT @Dtikler: UFO's & Paranormal: Columbian UFO fish kill explored in Vancouver Canada Line video http://bit.ly/gmwb8S posted at 23:18:45
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: SRS Labs introduces iWow 3D - Techworld.com http://goo.gl/fb/2VDRo posted at 23:15:26
- [Japan Latest News] Entertainment › Korean girl group KARA returns to Japan ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/SfJA posted at 23:14:19
- RT @AmnestyOnline: News - Human rights activists detained in #Egypt must be freed http://bit.ly/hhcplx #Jan25 ^tm posted at 23:13:08
- [Entertainment] K-pop group Choshinsei member Yoonhak to star in Japanese drama ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Z0wu posted at 23:10:05
- [Latest News] Foursquare reveals new “promoted” check-in for Super Bowl Sunday ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/BLOp posted at 23:05:30
- RT @keiseisuzuki: Darkness of ASIA: 無意識を自覚する方法。自分が何に洗脳されているか、一瞬で知る方法 http://t.co/bNzz09M posted at 23:02:49
- [Latest News] Virtual world Habbo hits more than 200M registered users ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Bt31 posted at 23:01:47
- [Latest News] Recruiting developers in Silicon Valley, Nokia says good things are coming soon ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0Gzz posted at 22:59:38
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein posted at 22:57:33
- [Yara] - Enta Minni / يارا - إنت مني ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/en9oGF5 posted at 22:56:31
- [Games] greenpois0n untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 now available ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UXgk posted at 22:55:29
- [Tokyograph] FUNKY MONKEY BABYS provide theme song for drama "Propose Kyoudai" ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Nk83 posted at 22:51:22
- [Latest News] Gladwell Still Missing the Point About Social Media and Activism ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uTda posted at 22:47:03
- RT @nikkeionline: 米失業率、9.0%に改善 1月、雇用者数3.6万人増 http://s.nikkei.com/hFpzqr posted at 22:45:59
- [Latest News] Apple under pressure to reveal plans for its next CEO ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/cdKD posted at 22:43:50
- RT @2525news: 電子雑誌「BOX-AiR」零号に西村ツチカ新作ショート http://nico.ms/nw28768 : コミックナタリー #niconews posted at 22:35:24
- [最新News] 「虚像」としての大相撲 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/87st posted at 22:35:20
- RT @JPubbPickUp: サッポロ、ヱビスバーを大阪に開店 http://bit.ly/fC13yI posted at 22:31:12
- [Latest News] Anti-Mubarak protesters throng Cairo's Tahrir Square ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/BiaW posted at 22:31:10
- RT @JPubb_Listed: New Fujitsu 6MHz Buck-Boost DC/DC ConverterExtends Mobile Device Battery Life with Minimum Footprint - 02/03 Fuj... http://bit.ly/hDhMub posted at 22:27:56
- ある獣医師が6歳の男の子の前で癌の愛犬を安楽死した時の話。獣医が男の子に慰めの言葉を探していると、その子は「人間は人生を学ぶために生まれてくるんだよね?みんなを愛することとか、みんなに優しくすることとか。犬はもうそれを全部知っているから、人みたいに長くこの世にいなくていいんだよ」 posted at 22:27:18
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- [Latest News] vAuto Launch Released for Mobile Devices ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CGFy posted at 22:23:44
- RT @where_is_my_dog: 【熊本】動物愛護センターでは<<子犬>>たちの飼い主さんを募集しています。 http://ow.ly/3MoiZ #kumamoto #wanko #dog posted at 22:21:34
- [迷い犬を探して]「一つでも救える命を」 保護期限の犬たち ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/GBat posted at 22:21:32
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- [ONE MONTH] To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a pre-mature baby. ➮ @TAdder_Forum @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 22:17:07
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- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: Amazon's uncontacted tribe: how media coverage can trigger action | John Vidal http://bit.ly/frzixu posted at 22:00:50
- RT @TelegraphPics: Janne Parviainen's light paintings of eerie skeletons in snowy forests. http://is.gd/jajZjy posted at 21:57:39
- الجزيرة نت اختراق الجزيرة نت لتشويه تغطية مصر تمكن قراصنة فجر اليوم من اختراق القسم المخصص لصفحة ال ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ckjj posted at 21:57:34
- ❍ ショーケース販売のペットショップは徐々に日本から無くしてしていきませんか?➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8JU7 posted at 21:52:27
- [最新News] もはや国技の名に値しない – 宮崎日日新聞 | 日刊ファイト! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/DO4A posted at 21:47:45
- [Lazar Berman] Brillante! - SPIELT SERGEI RACHMANINOW - MOMENT MUSICAL E MOLL OP.16 NO.4 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/Sx2rDLA posted at 21:47:38
- 【KoreanTime新着情報】<テレビで話題!>『ベートーベン・ウィルス』好評配信中! そのほか大人気チャン・グンソク出演作も多数ラインナップ!!! (1話完全無料) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0njk posted at 21:43:10
- [最新News] 【海外映画】今世紀最大のミステリー・シリーズついに完結! リスベットの衝撃的過去と、これまでの事件をつなぐ国家的陰謀が明かされる。『ミレニアム 3 眠れる女と狂卓の騎士』 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HNdo posted at 21:38:52
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- [ScienceNews] Egypt Update: Rare Tomb May Have Been Destroyed ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/JIzO posted at 21:09:24
- [ScienceNews] Crops Wither and Prices Rise in Chinese Drought ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/O1yR posted at 21:06:18
- [Latest News] German sues over alleged CIA kidnapping ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/C1Hq posted at 21:02:41
- [最新News] アウディジャパン アウディ ジャパン、1月登録台数、過去最高を記録 ―Audi A1発表効果が他のモデルにも波及、最高のスタートを切るー ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/01Uw posted at 20:59:32
- RT @IraqMonitor: AlertNet: FACTBOX-Security developments in Iraq, Feb 4 http://bit.ly/dGUREz #Iraq posted at 20:57:23
- RT @Anime: News: Sengoku Otome Historical Pachinko Game Gets TV #Anime • Re-imagining of Japan's Era of Warring States with all-fe..http://4NN.cx/56946 posted at 20:56:17
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- [Japan Latest News] Bank of Japan Schedules of Outright Purchases of CP and Corporate Bonds (Asset Pu ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/QYMf posted at 20:48:51
- RT @47news: 金沢の兼六園でライトアップ 水面に映える金色の庭園 http://bit.ly/i2Kq1M posted at 20:47:39
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- RT @fairspinneutral: "Housing finance changes likely to mean less government ba..." (Washington Post) http://fairspin.org/read/70774 posted at 20:42:19
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- [Gossip] Sheen: People, Get Over My BS ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/p7C4 posted at 20:38:00
- [Science] Report says economic development could change worldwide face of cancer ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/VWVu posted at 20:33:44
- RT @recordoftheday: Today's #RecordOfTheDay is 'You And I' by Claire Nicolson and Yellowhammer. Listen here: http://ping.fm/6cVxA posted at 20:32:40
- [川柳] カラシニコフ にんげんだもの おちんちん ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/sY1n posted at 20:31:37
- RT @ld_blogtopics: ■今日一番笑った記事 - 彼女のバッグに存在したら怖い物 http://bit.ly/gWoaS6 posted at 20:30:27
- [Odd News] Dumb Drunk Couple ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/o3PP posted at 20:29:21
- [最新News] ひるおび 食べるラー油 作り方というキーワードが熱いです。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7sNZ posted at 20:27:14
- [最新News] ほとんどの学校行事から国旗国歌が姿を消した背後に自民党 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/G9zC posted at 20:24:58
- [Latest News] Dreamplug is the low-powered, lilliputian PC for people with really boring dreams ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TC7H posted at 20:22:51
- RT @urageinou: 幅をきかす「家電タレント」: http://bit.ly/5Q7yyR posted at 20:20:38
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- RT @TOEIC_990: 【minimum】 /mínəməm/ adj. pertaining to the smallest; indicating the least #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 20:11:39
- [最新News] 県工芸公募展 織物、ガラスなど137作品を展示 by 琉球新報 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/9kda posted at 20:11:35
- RT @netallica_yahoo: スリムクラブ、女子人気得られず悲痛な叫び 「女性にモテたい!」: http://bit.ly/gknzob posted at 20:09:56
- [新闻] 机构股东服务要求苹果披露乔布斯接班人计划 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/kGLO posted at 20:07:53
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- RT @nannohi: 【大石忌】(2月4日)1703(元禄16)年のこの日、前年に吉良邸に討入り主君の仇を討った大石内藏助以下赤穂浪士46人に幕府が切腹を命じた。 posted at 20:05:41
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- RT @GramophoneMag: New on the Gramophone Player: Editor's Choices, Thomas Beecham conducts Delius, vintage Hugues Cuenod, and Steve Reich http://bit.ly/gwYIuU posted at 20:04:35
- [最新News] ラブホが培った「怪優」の素地 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0TP4 posted at 20:02:19
- [MideastNews] Anti-Mubarak activists pour into Cairo's Tahrir Square ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9K6r posted at 19:58:12
- [❤質問] 生理が長い… 中3の女子です。 生理が長くて困ってます(;_;) 今まで2、3週間ぐらい 続いたりすることは 何度もあったんですけど、 最近は1ヶ月ぐらい 続いたりします。 普通の人は1週 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6X71 posted at 19:55:50
- RT @Disney_TDRinfo: 【東京ディズニーリゾート・ミニシアター】東京ディズニーランドNEWアトラクション「ミッキーのフィルハーマジック」ダイジェストムービーを公開しました。: http://bit.ly/dXRH5r posted at 19:51:35
- [インコ] セキセイインコとオカメインコ ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/rYGh posted at 19:47:17
- RT @Chillintil2012: Do you have questions about 2012, the One World Order, the war in Iraq, and more? Find the answers here: http://bit.ly/aw5ANW RT PLS posted at 19:45:17
- [Latest News] No signs of abatement in Cairo uprising ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/XVb1 posted at 19:45:15
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- [Latest News] Anti-Mubarak activists pour into Tahrir Square ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/LeJo posted at 19:36:34
- RT @RocketNews24: レゴで表現したアルバムジャケットがスゴイ! http://bit.ly/feaL6y posted at 19:35:31
- [Latest News] The Bank Regulators' Book Club ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5tg7 posted at 19:28:16
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: The Mystery of Pricing [And Successful Business] - pluGGd.in http://goo.gl/fb/rShr7 posted at 19:26:11
- [Latest News] iPad's App Store gets search filters ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rjWr posted at 19:26:08
- [Latest News] iPad App Store updated to include search filters, install buttons ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ihE9 posted at 19:21:57
- RT @69News: Breaking News: 3 Hurt in Accident in Berks County: 3 people were rushed to the hospital early this morning after... http://bit.ly/h2DKev posted at 19:20:54
- [Culture] Midnight Movie: Food Truck Video Game Battle ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rU6l posted at 19:18:55
- RT @GirlsTeenQuotes: Waiting for a friend to come over to your house takes forever, even though they live so close to your place. #GTQ posted at 19:17:47
- [Al Jazeera] Egypt set for 'final push' protests ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/luel posted at 19:16:48
- [最新News] 厳冬のち一気に春本番 大阪城公園の梅が見ごろ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9Zg0 posted at 19:14:36
- [最新News] Facebookは「特に影響ない」 ミクシィ通期営業益を上方修正(ITmedia News) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gVk1 posted at 19:11:28
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain posted at 19:10:19
- [Ruins] Beautiful pics of ruins from Japan ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮http://tiny.ly/UPTn posted at 19:09:18
- [最新News] 残りの人生、SF映画は「Endhiran」1本あれば十分だ!(動画) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/kkFy posted at 19:04:10
- RT @nikkeionline: 地下に眠る「もう一つの大坂城」 http://s.nikkei.com/hJ66d2 posted at 19:01:02
- [口コミ♨] 2011/02/04 ハイビスカス越谷(埼玉県越谷市) マイケル ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UOF2 posted at 18:58:57
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- RT @2525news: 吾妻ひでお、切り口変えたふたつの展示会を開催 http://nico.ms/nw28698 : コミックナタリー #niconews posted at 18:50:31
- [最新News] ほとんどの学校行事から国旗国歌が姿を消した背後に自民党 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/8Dwn posted at 18:49:25
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- [StockMarket] Web Marketing Course Web Marketing Course This is a complete training course in all as ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EN75 posted at 18:39:49
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- [TAdderOpinion] Be a good mimic! Japanese language is very easy for non-Japanese! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/XvI2 posted at 18:37:35
- [最新News] 中国初のステルス戦闘機メーカー、米国防省との契約目指す?米WSJ紙 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/aORx posted at 18:35:33
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- [Travel] More grounded planes in Houston ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1XEl posted at 18:28:51
- [CNN] 'Change is coming,' Egypt protesters chant ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2RFP posted at 18:26:37
- RT @Earth_News: EarthNews: 'Weird' big predator threatened http://bbc.in/hJcmHN posted at 18:20:14
- [Latest News] Japan Crisis: NYメロディック・ハードコア大注目株SUCH GOLD、ジャパン・ツアーがまもなくスタート! - CDJournal.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ir0N posted at 18:18:02
- [Latest News] The diplomatic car that ran over 20 people in Cairo ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/U8Vu posted at 18:13:46
- [HinduNews] Inflation serious threat to growth: Manmohan Singh ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/14nU posted at 18:10:31
- [Health] A Testimony of Yoga ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/86Jc posted at 18:08:20
- [Latest News] Egypt: Mubarak to ABC News: If I quit now, Egypt will sink into chaos - Ha'aretz ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/JnXT posted at 18:06:05
- [Fado] -- saudações fadistas! Fernando Maurício ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/2Bcnxqt posted at 18:03:58
- أهم الأخبار - أخبار واشنطن تبحث مع مسؤولين مصريين استقالة مبارك - البيان ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/hi68 posted at 18:00:45
- [Latest News] Egypt: To Mubarak: If you love Egypt, leave - Washington Post ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/wpge posted at 17:58:37
- [DetoxNews] TNP - Body Cleansing / Detox ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/PoJW posted at 17:46:10
- [Latest News] Packers, Steelers Find A Bunch Of Fucked-Up Shit While Exploring Cowboys Stadium ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mYrQ posted at 17:42:59
- [最新News] 杉浦太陽、娘の名前間違える ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/sSb6 posted at 17:37:46
- [鉄道ファン] 3月12日 九州新幹線全線開業後の旅行商品を順次・JR九州で発売します。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/STPi posted at 17:35:27
- [最新News] 「政治の不安定化」が要因 国債格下げS&P小川ディレクターに聞く - MSN産経ニュース ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/S4bL posted at 17:31:25
- [Japan Latest News] Debt: Foreigners snap up Japanese debt after rating downgrade - Financial Times ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/wqi5 posted at 17:27:10
- [鉄道ファン] 113系8両が長野総合車両センターへ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/YUUN posted at 17:24:50
- ☼ 知財 / 特許 / 技術動向 関連の情報にご興味のある方の為に関連情報をフィードして提供しています。 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 17:23:40
- RT @IraqMonitor: Yahoo! News: Iraqi boy killed by gunmen aiming for his father (AP) http://bit.ly/gt69wI #Iraq posted at 17:19:31
- RT @Anime: News: 2 Teens Arrested for Thefts at K-On! Model School • 18- & 17-year-old males allegedly were fans & stole 20..http://4NN.cx/56944 #anime posted at 17:18:32
- [遅延情報] 山手線[遅延](02/04 00:52) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0oOv posted at 17:18:30
- [遅延情報] 全日本空輸ANA893便(羽田→庄内)【出発遅延】 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/pv4F posted at 17:14:25
- [遅延情報] ベトナム航空VN3010便(成田空港→アトランタ)【出発遅延】 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9pgB posted at 17:10:18
- RT @47news: 国保納付率、過去最低更新 09年度、88・01% http://bit.ly/gnTEAw posted at 17:07:09
- [Chocolate] THE NIBBLE Gourmet Food Magazine - Product Reviews of the Best Gourmet Food Products - N ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/86Kd posted at 17:06:02
- [最新イベント] 松本パルコ横に串焼き&串揚げ店-ボリュームあるメニューを提供 /長野(みんなの経済新聞ネットワーク) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/l4D7 posted at 17:03:50
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- [✝Obituaries] 'Last Tango in Paris' star Maria Schneider dies ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Kxmm posted at 16:59:01
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- [最新News] デモ参加、ネット上で賛否二分 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/st9k posted at 16:50:37
- RT @ld_blogtopics: ■第1位 - 平野綾の免許証に男たち大興奮 http://bit.ly/h2MnFP posted at 16:46:30
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- [Japan Latest News] World › Anti-Mubarak activists call for another mass rally ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Nq39 posted at 16:36:34
- RT @wikileaks: Defend #Wikileaks London public meeting Mon 7 Feb with Tariq Ali, Jemima Khan, Tony Benn & more. DETAILS: bit.ly/ibyRNZ posted at 16:35:26
- [Tokyo/东京] 东京股市创下近半个月来收盘新高 - 中金在线 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oFIa posted at 16:32:12
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- RT @TOEIC_990: 【protrusion】 /proutrú:ʒən/ n. the act of protruding #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 16:22:49
- RT @netallica_yahoo: アジャ・コングがワハハ本舗入り初舞台: http://bit.ly/hFEc1I posted at 16:20:45
- [Japan Latest News] Stephen Fry Japan trip scrapped after A-bomb joke ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/nzPZ posted at 16:16:08
- RT @nannohi: 【ぷよの日】(2月4日)2003年12月、セガが同社のゲームソフト「ぷよぷよ」のPRの為に制定。「ぷ(2)よ(4)」の語呂合せ。かつては「ぷよぷよ」の開発元であるコンパイルが毎月24日を「ぷよの日」としていた。 posted at 16:14:56
- [雑和拾遺] 『インコからはじまる話』 ➮ @TAdder_Forum @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://kristenpart.blogspot.com/2010/12/blog-post_27.html posted at 16:10:38
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- [Japan Latest News] Prius loses Japan top spot for first time (thejapannews) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gh2F posted at 15:54:07
- [IndiaNews] US asks Pakistan to meet international obligation and release diplomat ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/mAiQ posted at 15:51:49
- RT @Chillintil2012: The first Mayan prophecy speaks of the End of Fear. Be not afraid as U read the other prophecies and prepare for 2012. http://bit.ly/dEl3Jx posted at 15:48:41
- [提案] “人ナビゲーション” ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/Vv6k posted at 15:48:39
- RT @InformationWeek: National Health IT Coordinator Blumenthal Stepping Down http://twb.io/g0iD6P posted at 15:45:24
- [日本旅游] 大打“春节牌” 中国游客成各国争抢“香饽饽” - 中国网 (新闻发布) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/VGxv posted at 15:44:20
- RT @RocketNews24: ドミノピザのキャラクターを勝手に作ってみた http://bit.ly/euwedo posted at 15:42:22
- [排毒/Detox] 教你六个运动招式有效排毒瘦腹 - 东北网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/tqvQ posted at 15:41:15
- [最新News] 住友商事がイタリアで太陽光発電に参画 現地企業を傘下に ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HNVZ posted at 15:39:09
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- [TDL情報] dis_1topi: デ ィ ズ ニ ー 公 式 携 帯 サ イ ト の 「 デ ィ ズ ニ ー デ コ メ 」 で 東 京 デ ィ ズ ニ ー シ ー10 周 年 の プ レ ビ ュ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/v67I posted at 15:36:01
- RT @Dtikler: UFO's & Paranormal: PLANET X Mentioned by Announcer on Sci-Fi Channel http://bit.ly/gqsbsD posted at 15:31:50
- [最新News] アフタヌーンティー・リビングからトラベルシリーズ2011年春夏モデル登場 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gbJU posted at 15:29:39
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: Snowmageddon: Getting Rid of All That White Stuff - BU Today http://goo.gl/fb/2fXvn posted at 15:28:30
- [IndiaNews] WAVES - Speical Lecture on Vedic Monotheism - Vedic Ekeshwarvad, Mumbai Chapter ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bdky posted at 15:26:31
- [MideastNews] Egypt Braced For 'Day Of Departure' Demo ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Bqsw posted at 15:23:20
- ☼TweetAdderでは、簡単にmp3データをつぶやきに加えられます。たとえば、http://mp3twit.com/5AB これは、mp3twitにmp3データをアップロードしてそのURLを使えるからです。先ずはトライ➮ http://tiny.ly/4UU6 posted at 15:23:13
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- [Japan Latest News] Foreign powers praise Haiti election decision ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/V0W0 posted at 15:12:37
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." - Albert Einstein posted at 15:11:31
- [AfghanNews] Taliban leader 's death by exercise reduces dwindling Gitmo population ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Y1O9 posted at 15:09:24
- [Latest News] DotA Guide: Rigwarl - The Bristleback Introduction ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8cUW posted at 15:05:13
- RT @nikkeionline: 結婚式・葬式で言ってはいけない言葉のマナー http://s.nikkei.com/hqB0Tq posted at 15:02:04
- RT @2525news: ラスベガスでT-MobileのプリペイドSIMカードを探せ! http://nico.ms/nw28595 : ITmedia +D PC USER #niconews posted at 14:52:31
- [MideastNews] US mission will be safe after Iraq withdrawal: officials (AFP) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/QeP9 posted at 14:52:29
- [Owls & Parrots Park near Mt. Fuji in Japan] Most recommended, if you love birds! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zpiG posted at 14:52:22
- RT @JPubbPickUp: 新日鉄と住金が経営統合へ http://bit.ly/f5PbJn posted at 14:49:10
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- [Charcoal/Detox] Simple tricks to keep you form the cancer stick - BlogHer (blog) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qyW8 posted at 14:41:27
- [HinduNews] Mubarak reiterates won't quit as deadline looms ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/c2GN posted at 14:39:21
- [UFO News] UFO over Jerusalem - like no flying object ever seen (UFO Video) - Examiner.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Rkq4 posted at 14:37:19
- RT @jic_news: 「ジョグノート」など特化型 SNS が成長、アウンコンサルティングが SNS 利用動向調査 http://bit.ly/fcyws6 posted at 14:36:11
- [最新News] NHK、福祉大相撲を中止 八百長疑惑受け ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HJai posted at 14:33:06
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- [最新News] マツダ、ロードスターが累計生産90万台を達成 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/L5PV posted at 14:23:41
- RT @Earth_News: Wildlife Finder: Black grouse: Black grouse are distinctive looking gamebirds of northern Europe's woodland and ... http://bbc.in/dHgnpr posted at 14:22:30
- [Le Monde] Volley : Tours renverse le Dynamo Moscou ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/A0Yp posted at 14:20:19
- [質問] なぜ個人のマイページの総合順位と全体の100位までの総合順位の表は1番ずれているのですか? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ZVKo posted at 14:17:08
- [Night in Tokyo] Dining Diary - Tenmamichi: Shimo-Kitazawa ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/B2PB posted at 14:09:44
- [Bollywood] Love -- Kya Yahi Pyar Hai - Rocky Love Song [HD] (1981) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/eZ0sFDN posted at 14:05:14
- RT @life_sucks1017: 1902年2月4日 - 第三成分Z項を発見。天文学・物理学者である木村栄緯度観測所所長により、地球自転軸の傾きに関する方程式に『Z』を加え、『Δφ = X cos λ + Y sin λ + Z』 と修正し正しい方程式として認められた。この功績により学士院恩賜賞と文化勲章を受賞。 posted at 14:01:14
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- [Wikileaks] Biden Tells Egypt VP to Release Journalists ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EZOv posted at 13:43:56
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- [NaturalNews] Earth ’s Best Organic 2nd Sweet Potato & Chicken Dinner , 4 Ounce Jars (Pack of 12) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/leFx posted at 13:26:56
- [質問] 自分が天中殺の時に出産した場合 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/c7L9 posted at 13:22:26
- RT @IraqMonitor: Air Guard unit deploys to Iraq - Salt Lake Tribune http://bit.ly/giokD8 #Iraq posted at 13:21:23
- [最新News] 目を疑う、おっかないモスクワの駐車場 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2uPC posted at 13:18:13
- [TAdderOpinion] Energy Harvesting using Charcoal may be a layman’s thinking, isn't it? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/o30l posted at 13:15:10
- [質問] 良いスマホ用名刺管理ソフトを教えてください。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PEOD posted at 13:14:09
- [質問] 消費税増税論者を永久に黙らせる百問百答,12 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/61aU posted at 13:10:53
- RT @47news: 焼け焦げた車から2遺体見つかる 神奈川・横須賀の山中 http://bit.ly/hZqf4O posted at 13:08:44
- [質問] ウォークマン、iPodについてです。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9kky posted at 13:07:39
- [Latest News] Canadian Govt to “Reverse ” CRTC ’s Usage-Based Billing Ruling ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/LUNN posted at 13:05:35
- RT @fairspinneutral: "White House working on exit for Hosni Mubarak" (Glenn Thrush/The Politico) http://fairspin.org/read/70766 posted at 13:01:21
- [IndiaNews] DB Realty falls 7% on 2G spectrum scam ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dRVd posted at 13:01:19
- [NYTimes] White House, Egypt Discuss Plan for Mubarak x2019;s Exit ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/KvR1 posted at 12:58:09
- [質問] 豆の形をしたまんじゅうを教えて下さい ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/605H posted at 12:55:59
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- [質問] ジョジョ1部、ディオの。。。台詞だっけ? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/yZI0 posted at 12:49:31
- RT @ld_blogtopics: ■第1位 - 朴一教授「在日の二重国籍を認めろ。そうすれば韓国籍 http://bit.ly/f3BfC7 posted at 12:48:21
- [質問] 鼻づまり ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Y2zs posted at 12:47:13
- [質問] デパスについてお尋ねします。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/09sN posted at 12:42:56
- [質問] 【職務経歴書】自己PRを図解化するのはOKか? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5tkg posted at 12:40:50
- RT @wikileaks: Huge WikiLeaks rally in Melbourne Fri, 6pm, Fed Square. Be there! http://is.gd/HkX5s2 posted at 12:39:50
- RT @urageinou: 友チョコ主流に変化の兆し?: http://bit.ly/806lhV posted at 12:37:50
- [TAdderOpinion] 京都を観光するなら、口コミ高評価の マークスWホテル 奈良(大和郡山)へ / 外国の友人にもRTして是非勧めて下さい!➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/9433 posted at 12:37:47
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- [最新News] 下着の購入に県民性が関係?購入金額最多は「長崎県」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/19hP posted at 12:33:30
- [質問] skype5.0で以前コンタクトリストいた人 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9gyr posted at 12:30:27
- RT @english_note: Can't you just get fired?/クビになっちゃえば? #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 12:28:14
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【apt】 /æ'pt/ adj. suitable; appropriate; intelligent; savvy; capable #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 12:27:10
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 氷見のぶりが食べたい: http://bit.ly/gnNQw5 posted at 12:26:10
- [最新News] 水上で10メートルのジャンプ、新しいマリンスポーツ披露(CNN.co.jp) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/eJ2M posted at 12:26:08
- RT @funnyordie: Here's a preview of tomorrow's new Funny Or Die Presents! New episodes every Friday at Midnight on HBO. http://ow.ly/3Q0XS posted at 12:24:04
- RT @nannohi: 【西の日】(2月4日)「に(2)し(4)」の語呂合せ。この日に西の方へ向かうと、幸運に巡会えるとされている。 posted at 12:19:46
- [NaturalNews] Sick Brains in Teens - Is There A Root Cause? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NYEG posted at 12:19:44
- [質問] どうせ小錦や若貴兄弟も八百長してたんでしょ? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/GWmJ posted at 12:17:41
- [質問] TDRバケパについて ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Nbr7 posted at 12:15:31
- [Anna German] Romance! Анна Герман - Выхожу один я на дорогу ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/2eXThtN posted at 12:15:18
- [質問] うつでしょうか? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Iw6n posted at 12:11:18
- [質問] 大新グループのCMに出ているイルカと泳ぐ娘は誰? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/D62R posted at 12:08:09
- [MideastNews] UK police hold man over Churchill fake signatures ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/KBB1 posted at 12:02:38
- [質問] 法律ひとつひとつに合理的な意味はない? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bwsp posted at 12:00:03
- RT @BritishMonarchy: Gallery: The Duke of Gloucester, Patron of the Heritage of London Trust, with Richard Quirk, Managing Director... http://www.royal.gov.uk/Zs posted at 11:57:54
- RT @Chillintil2012: Can you be a positive role model for a young person you know and uplift them in some way? Yes you CAN! via(@JeannieWhyte) posted at 11:56:49
- [DiscoveryNews] Exoplanet Life 'Impossible'? Or '100 percent'? What? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CiF2 posted at 11:56:47
- [Quote of the Day] Lord Byron "Friendship is Love without his wings!" ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/T4Mt posted at 11:53:40
- RT @InformationWeek: Google Showcases Android 3.0 Honeycomb OS http://twb.io/eVkSR1 posted at 11:52:37
- RT @RocketNews24: 【究極の美女】セクシー声優・平野綾の運転免許証の写真が超超超チョ~美人すぎる件 http://bit.ly/fdJkaz posted at 11:50:24
- [AstronomyNews] A picture-perfect pure-disk galaxy ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0wLz posted at 11:49:13
- [発言小町] その後、結婚しました!小町の皆さんのおかげです☆ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CR6N posted at 11:46:00
- [AstronomyNews] A Sky Full of Alien Planets (SPACE.com) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/B6BD posted at 11:43:48
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: iPad 2 might be announced as soon as next week - ZDNet (blog) http://goo.gl/fb/9qo5w posted at 11:39:38
- [最新News] ジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィット、『バットマン』新作に出演!?ノーラン監督との再タッグに向け交渉中!(シネマトゥデイ) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/DgT1 posted at 11:39:36
- ♡ Sacred Chocolate is in a class by chocolate, and is very much in demand. ➪ http://tiny.ly/yyjZ posted at 11:39:28
- [最新キーワード] mercibeaucoup, EINSTEIN jevous enprie! LOVE LOVE LOVE ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/owL0 posted at 11:35:27
- [Funny Videos] Fight Gets Epic Once Weapons Come Out ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/L6KH posted at 11:31:17
- [最新News] 2.17後楽園の対戦カード一部変更 柿沼が復帰=ZERO1(スポーツナビ) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oDH2 posted at 11:27:06
- [最新イベント] 2011年RCC早春神楽共演大会 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3XbY posted at 11:24:57
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "If you want to achieve widespread impact and lasting value, be bold." - Howard Schultz posted at 11:23:53
- [最新News] 虎・藪コーチ、上園にプレート使い方伝授(サンケイスポーツ) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6Hqc posted at 11:22:49
- [最新News] 配色が凄い!? ペンタックスの「K-r BONNIE PINK」モデル ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FbAJ posted at 11:18:50
- [Akiba] ファン待望の続編、「逆転検事2」が好調! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3bmr posted at 11:14:49
- RT @nikkeionline: 記事のネット配信、欧米で有料化加速 http://s.nikkei.com/e7o0P3 posted at 11:13:44
- [WIPO] グローバル時代の特許・情報インフラのあり方について(2010年11月)➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/zSE0 posted at 11:10:30
- [Latest News] The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/IDQC posted at 11:06:22
- RT @2525news: 宮崎駿監督最新作『パン種とタマゴ姫』サントラ発売 http://nico.ms/nw28489 : BARKS #niconews posted at 11:04:12
- [Chocolate] Best Of Raw 2010 #fb ➮ http://tiny.ly/AxVe http://tiny.ly/6YWu posted at 11:04:10
- [最新News] 六本木に寿司戦争勃発!最大級のオオバコで24時間営業を掲げる、国内5店舗目「板前寿司 六本木店」が2月16日オープン! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zuxa posted at 10:57:50
- [Latest News] Taiwan: 维基解密:中共发展飞弹 台湾成为藉口 - 希望之声国际广播电台 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dAzg posted at 10:53:42
- [Latest News] China: 中国“虎妈”在娘家遭冷落不奇怪 - 南方报业 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/62xj posted at 10:49:24
- [最新News] D2C、インド等のモバイル広告市場への取組を強化 - ソフトバンク ビジネス+IT ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EHUX posted at 10:47:19
- RT @jic_news: 「クルマ文化再生の救世主、求む」−トヨタ、ソーシャルアプリ企画コンテストの応募受付を開始 http://bit.ly/f4PRAZ posted at 10:46:15
- [Bollywood] Love! Rekha, Hema & Feroz, Tumne Kisi Se Kabhi - Dharmatma ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/jeW7Hm8 posted at 10:46:13
- [Latest News] India: US commerce secy to visit Isro & DAE - Times of India ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xeHq posted at 10:40:54
- [Travel Japan] Japanese coaches to offer baseball instruction in Cuba - Fox News ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HvGM posted at 10:36:50
- [Japan Latest News] Culture: Internet Piracy Boosts Anime Sales, Study Concludes - TorrentFreak ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0p3U posted at 10:34:35
- [Manga] Bleach Chapter 435 Manga Scanlations Released - 3anime ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Cy5R posted at 10:31:25
- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: Country diary: East Yorkshire http://bit.ly/fKxR66 posted at 10:30:19
- [Japan Latest News] Culture: What's On: JAPAN CULTURE SCENE - Asahi Shimbun ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7YqY posted at 10:29:14
- [Japan Latest News] Rice: Rice Exports Jump 45% To Record Volume In '10 - NIKKEI.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/V7nk posted at 10:27:10
- [Japan Latest News] IPad Makes Space in Tiny Japan Homes by Removing Shelves - Bloomberg ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4d0q posted at 10:25:02
- [Latest News] UPDATE 4-US, UK condemn attacks on journalists in Egypt - Reuters ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Vy3y posted at 10:22:53
- [Weather of the Day in past] Feb 3: Big rains from the child ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xloe posted at 10:19:43
- [Analogy] joy : emotion :: apple : _____ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/lOJH posted at 10:16:42
- [Trivia] Freedom's Journal, the first African-American newspaper, was published in 1827. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ntGL posted at 10:14:29
- [Quiz] Who said: There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but ind ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3nnX posted at 10:12:21
- [最新News] 【肥田美佐子のNYリポート】米人権団体が石原都知事の同性愛差別発言に「ノー」(ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/W5qV posted at 10:09:09
- [History of the Day] Feb 3, 1870: The 15th Amendment (black suffrage) passed. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/faYy posted at 10:05:48
- [TAdderOpinion] ‘Japan quality-safety-reliability’ Detoxification Supplement ‘Sumi S”umi Kirei’ is most recommended!➮http://tiny.ly/UAil posted at 10:05:42
- [外国為替] 【NY市場】トリシェ会見後、ユーロ売り加速 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qHZG posted at 10:02:33
- [WordQuiz] Daily Word Quiz: adamantine ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5glD posted at 10:00:08
- [Hot Video] Video: 3 tips to improve a poor credit score ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/660v posted at 09:55:49
- [DPRK News] N. Korea 's Kim attends New Year concert (AFP) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/o9bH posted at 09:53:44
- RT @wiredvision: エジプトの「闘うギーク」たち http://wiredvision.jp/news/201102/2011020420.html posted at 09:52:40
- [Paranormal/Ghost] UFO Sighting Reports (About) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/XpbV posted at 09:49:31
- [History of the Day] More events from This Day in History: Feb 3 (Infoplease) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/SaCm posted at 09:46:17
- RT @ceron_jp: [6link] YouTube - Christian Chivu hits Alessandro Parisi ! Bari - Inter 03/02/2011 http://ceron.jp/uLP4 posted at 09:43:04
- [Birth of the Day] Feb 3: Elizabeth Blackwell (Infoplease) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/ycaW posted at 09:39:04
- [Odd News] Celebrate Valentine's Day With Harlequin's Interactive Kiss Creator (GiggleSugar) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/WhHY posted at 09:35:44
- RT @hana_kotoba: おはようございます。今日の誕生花は〝一人静【ヒトリシズカ】〟花言葉は「静謐」です。それでは皆さん、良い1日を。 posted at 09:29:20
- [Ninja] What's Ninja? Ninja is your behind. More info is here: http://tiny.ly/vete ➮ @TAdder_Forum posted at 09:29:18
- RT @IraqMonitor: New York Times: Rumsfeld’s Defense of Known Decisions http://nyti.ms/eNoU2D #Iraq posted at 09:26:13
- [Hot YouTube] ℃-ute 『Kiss me 愛してる』 (MV) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xiko posted at 09:22:00
- [UFO News] Fourth Video from Jerusalem ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/GIWw posted at 09:19:50
- RT @47news: 速報:東京株式市場の日経平均株価(225種)は反発して始まった。 http://bit.ly/17n4iz posted at 09:15:36
- [AnimeNews] Free manga and Japanese croquet (Manga Blog) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gh3v posted at 09:15:34
- [UFO News] x26;#x27;UFO x26;#x27; Hovers Over Jerusalem x26;#x27;s Dome of... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zzlY posted at 09:13:24
- [Latest News] SRS Labs introduces iWow 3D (Macworld) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/hquq posted at 09:10:08
- RT @fairspinneutral: "McCain says 'centrist' Obama easier to work with" (Daniel Strauss/The Hill) http://fairspin.org/read/70745 posted at 09:09:02
- [最新News] 小沢氏処分 党員資格停止が軸 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/OGKt posted at 09:06:02
- [Art] Projekt30′s April 2011 Exhibition (the-art-list) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/g0hb posted at 09:00:43
- [Latest News] The saddest story ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/etlK posted at 08:55:17
- [ニコニコ動画] 【トランス】メタルスネイル【オリジナル】 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/RAv2 posted at 08:53:04
- RT @Billboarddotcom: First Look: @Eminem will be a puppet for his Lipton Super Bowl commercial. Photo: http://bit.ly/eizuGV posted at 08:49:51
- [Japan Latest News] Sumo wrestlers admit match-fixing Allegations of match-fixing have been admitted. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HCuF posted at 08:48:51
- [Yara] - Sodfa / يارا - صدفة ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/gDTou96 posted at 08:46:39
- RT @urageinou: 大桃美代子の登場に驚きの声: 全文スポニチ 02月04日06時00分 http://bit.ly/hs4B9k posted at 08:45:31
- [最新NewsE] Brits fly home from riot-hit Cairo ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/LcRy posted at 08:45:29
- [Artist] Mahler Said What to Whom? (International Herald Tribune) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/kLwy posted at 08:41:07
- [最新News] cyclowired: プロ7年目を迎えるフミ「ステージレースも見据えて走りたい」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/JI1V posted at 08:37:48
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【consolidate】 /kənsɑ'lədèit/ v. to combine into one body or system #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 08:33:25
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 男はナゼ聞きベタ?海外の心理学的考察――「離婚の4つの予兆」「男性が聞く耳を持たない7つの理由」: http://bit.ly/hc0R2R posted at 08:32:21
- [ニコニコ生放送] 【衆議院 国会生中継】 ~平成23年2月4日 予算委員会~ ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/Jnwv posted at 08:30:19
- RT @nannohi: 【ビートルズの日】(2月4日)ビートルズの愛称「Fab.4」を、2月4日の「Feb.4」にかけたもの。 posted at 08:29:12
- [ぐるなびレシピ] [毎日更新]本日1月28日のレシピ:豆腐のステーキ 樋口元雄シェフ考案レシピ:豆腐のステーキ ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/xNhZ posted at 08:27:00
- [AnimeNews] Dream Eater Merry 04 (See Slugs!) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/YT2U posted at 08:22:37
- [食べログ] よくもらいますが・・・ ★☆☆☆☆1.5,食べ方が2種類書かれてますが まずはレンジでやってみました。 なんだか美味しくないです。 ここではかなり評価高いので期待していたのに・・・ 僕の温め ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/TaMq posted at 08:19:30
- [最新News] HTCのデュアルコアAndroid端末は " Pyramid " ・1.2GHz Snapdragon 採用? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/I1Ts posted at 08:17:25
- [質問] なぜか ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PhZB posted at 08:15:15
- [食べログ] 看板のない和菓子屋の豆大福 ★★★★☆4.5,伊勢屋は武蔵関駅南口から徒歩5分の場所にある和菓子屋さん 商店街にあり、店の看板は無いので閉店舗の空き家のようなたたずまいをしている。 近所では ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/MZCj posted at 08:10:59
- RT @BritishMonarchy: Gallery: The Duke of Gloucester, Patron of the Heritage of London Trust, with Robert George, Conservation... http://www.royal.gov.uk/Zr posted at 08:08:45
- [UFO News] UFOS RECORDED ON WEBCAM CHICAGO 02/02/11 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PHzZ posted at 08:07:45
- [最新News] 2月3日(木)放送予定の「Starry☆Sky」アニメ上映会についてのお詫び ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/F6Mc posted at 08:03:27
- [Fado] Grande Maria Teresa de Noronha. Fado do Castanheiro ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/szBGqJo posted at 08:02:52
- RT @InformationWeek: Sage Updates Accpac ERP For SMBs http://twb.io/hlSiCg posted at 08:01:48
- [Latest News] Southland gas prices increase to highest since fall 2008 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ posted at 08:00:50
- RT @RocketNews24: 高速移動中のバスが自転車に激突する痛々しい瞬間 http://bit.ly/epBiSw posted at 07:57:33
- [MusicNow] Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/37NR posted at 07:53:23
- [MusicNow] Your Everyday Disaster ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/1h5p posted at 07:49:13
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: Some Verizon iPhone pre-orders already shipping - PhoneDog http://goo.gl/fb/dEkVi posted at 07:47:13
- RT @AmnestyOnline: News - Crackdown by Egyptian security forces condemned http://bit.ly/gShA35 #Egypt #jan25 posted at 07:46:07
- [Artist] Ashley Greene Says She and Joe Jonas Have a "Traveling" Relationship ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/69VX posted at 07:45:00
- [Latest News] Kommentar: Brutale Schläger im Auftrag des Präsidenten ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ypu4 posted at 07:40:50
- ☼ If you wish IP (Intellectual Property) related information, please visit my secondary account on twitter! ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 07:38:42
- [Latest News] Barbie® stimmt mit Silvia Neid und Birgit Prinz auf die Frauenfußball Weltmeisterschaf ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/p29s posted at 07:36:34
- [地域振興] ご当地アイドル Negicco「夢は武道館」 - 読売新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/RU0C posted at 07:34:19
- [Latest News] FBI-Fahndung - Betrügerin gab sich als Guggenheim-Erbin aus ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/AWPw posted at 07:30:06
- [Japan Latest News] UPDATE7: 3 sumo wrestlers, elder admit to match-fixing ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NxUF posted at 07:26:44
- RT @nikkeionline: 菅政権、6月までの「瀬戸際戦術」 http://s.nikkei.com/i41t2U posted at 07:22:21
- [Latest News] Lage in Ägypten im Live-Ticker: Premier Shafiq will Freitagsmärsche dulden ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Gq3E posted at 07:22:19
- [Japan Latest News] Japanese morning newspaper headlines ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/C9gF posted at 07:16:57
- [RussiaNews] Suspected bomber behind Moscow airport blast identified ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dTE5 posted at 07:14:56
- [NASA] NASA Selects Seven Firms For Construction Contract Awards ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/98Xl posted at 07:12:46
- RT @2525news: <CLAMP>ジャンプSQ.で新作「GATE 7」連載開始 http://nico.ms/nw28443 : MANTANWEB #niconews posted at 07:11:37
- ♡ 皆さんが普段食べてるチョコレートは偽物。Sacred Chocolateを食べればわかります。ネットからカードで簡単注文。円高で今がお得ですよ。➪ http://tiny.ly/yyjZ posted at 07:11:35
- [最新News] 火山灰が生活に影響 除去作業中の転落事故相次ぐ - テレビ朝日 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/OFpt posted at 07:10:34
- [RussiaNews] Russian Orthodox Church allowed to enter politics ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/fth0 posted at 07:08:26
- [Music] Halftime gig 'dream come true ' for Black Eyed Peas (AP) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2BGs posted at 07:06:20
- [GlobalGiving] “Support-A-Child” Help Child Go To School & Study ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/156a posted at 07:04:19
- RT @LoneRockDeli: Today's Soups: Chicken Pot Pie & Roasted Turkey with Sweet Corn Chowder. posted at 07:03:08
- [最新News] 小麦や大豆の値段が高騰してもインフレにはならない ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/zS5m posted at 07:02:06
- [最新News] 欧米格付け会社 しょせんは営利企業 日本国債格下げ 資本市場の「鬼っ子」 - MSN産経ニュース ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Xunq posted at 06:59:02
- [最新News] 日本はハーグ条約加盟を 米次官補、対応促す - MSN産経ニュース ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Vn3l posted at 06:54:42
- [最新News/広島] 廣瀬純 外野手のテーマソング、何故 ルパン三世?【広島人検定】 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/LhOG posted at 06:50:14
- [Gossip] Spokesman: Sheen wants to resume work this month (AP) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xYbE posted at 06:48:06
- [Music] NEW ROMAN TRIO ライブ情報を更新しました。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ed5d posted at 06:42:40
- RT @Earth_News: RT@ARKive: Raising awareness about endangered #rabbits. Find out more in Helen's blog. http://ow.ly/3Pt87 #chine... http://bit.ly/faS4RN posted at 06:40:44
- [Hot Otaku] Epicの『CoD』風刺ゲーム / 陸上自衛隊の公式ゲーム など - 最新ゲームNEWSまとめ 0204 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IUqm posted at 06:40:42
- [最新News] 最年長山本昌投手 独自の調整 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/kzVN posted at 06:38:29
- [日韩流行风] 日韩流行风的数据来自百度MP3搜索中搜索量最高的歌曲,由系统自动计算统计。➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/JVqN posted at 06:36:18
- [Sports] Manchester City legend Neil Young dies of cancer aged 66 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/YMr2 posted at 06:34:19
- [Latest News] Janitor John Luebbers fired just before shooting principal Sam LaCara at California sc ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Tbq8 posted at 06:31:02
- [口コミ] docomo のREGZA PhoneとauのREGZA P... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5pKg posted at 06:28:55
- [网络游戏] DNF研发商新作 《Cyphers》特色系统揭秘 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PO6n posted at 06:25:44
- [Latest News] MPs have thousands of pounds in expenses claims rejected ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/fke0 posted at 06:23:39
- [口コミ] 美味しくない ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xy9P posted at 06:20:16
- [Latest News] VIDEO: How scientists used stars to identify black hole at the centre of the Milky Way ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/eUNM posted at 06:15:52
- RT @WorldTennisMag: New news 2010 Fed Cup Runner-Up USA Begins Chase for 2011 Title this Weekend http://ht.ly/1babVy posted at 06:12:45
- [电影] 克里斯汀有望加盟新《超人》 新超女郎呼之欲出 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/z9MU posted at 06:11:40
- [口コミ] セブンネットショッピング、倖田來未さんを起用して「みんなのクチコミ」投稿をアピール、キャンペーンも - 朝日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5Z3n posted at 06:04:20
- [Bollywood] Sridevi - Justice Chowdhary - Maine Tujhe Chhua ➮ http://t.co/TDrcVgH posted at 06:04:15
- [Latest News] Mars' Shifty Sand Dunes Knocked Down by Dry Ice ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NVkS posted at 06:02:07
- [地域振興] 伝統工芸: 県伝統工芸館で組木のひな人形などを集めた展示会 - テレビ熊本 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8i0S posted at 05:57:57
- [地域振興] B級グルメ: B級グルメ「B―1グランプリ」12年関東大会を甲府で - 朝日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CwN2 posted at 05:55:41
- [Mravinsky] Glinka - Russlan and Ludmilla Overture - Mravinsky/Leningrad ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/jY0mdBM posted at 05:41:10
- RT @IraqMonitor: Yahoo! News: US mission will be okay after troops leave Iraq: official (AFP) http://bit.ly/eIrix8 #Iraq posted at 05:40:04
- RT @Anime: News: Gaku, English Pokemon BW & SoraKake Promos Streamed • Gaku in May; Pokémon Black & White in February; The ..http://4NN.cx/56890 #anime posted at 05:37:51
- [秋葉原] 店内にも入れるストリートビュー風Webサービス開始 - AKIBA PC Hotline! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jOYu posted at 05:28:32
- RT @47news: 為替相場 4日(日本時間 3時) http://bit.ly/dURkjL posted at 05:27:29
- [地域振興] 医療観光: 外務省と観光庁、医療滞在ビザの身元保証機関の登録基準発表 - トラベルビジョン ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/vxPQ posted at 05:26:26
- RT @fairspinneutral: "John McCain: 'Thank God' Donald Rumsfeld stepped down" (Jennifer Epstein/The Politico) http://fairspin.org/read/70707 posted at 05:21:10
- [Dusty Springfield] - I wanna be a free girl ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/IQ9wCnN posted at 05:18:02
- [地域振興] 中国人: 中国や台湾からのお客様も大喜び~伊東に行くならハトヤ、電話はよい風呂 - Record China ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/wcpy posted at 05:14:46
- [地域振興] 中国人: 話題:春節迎え中国人の観光客続々 前年比3割伸び 「雪まつり」と重なり - 毎日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dHVj posted at 05:12:44
- [地域振興] 高田純次が引退して町おこし!「ホームカミング」予告編公開 - エイガドットコム ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/nh3U posted at 05:06:30
- RT @Billboarddotcom: (Purity Ring On It) Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' has become a Christian ode to chastity. Watch: http://bit.ly/eCwwa3 posted at 05:03:21
- [最新News] 福井鉄道福武線、2新駅は「泰澄の里」と「清明」 - 朝日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dLUv posted at 05:03:17
- RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks cables shed light on true ACTA history http://is.gd/nxE3kQ posted at 05:01:04
- RT @urageinou: 2011年02月03日の裏芸能速報 | http://urageinouxx.seesaa.net/article/184017100.html posted at 04:59:58
- [Latest News] Egyptian vice president talks of conspiracy among protesters ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/r0J3 posted at 04:59:01
- [最新News] 【噂ファイル】コンビニおにぎりをカップヌードルに入れると美味しい? ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/DnQI posted at 04:54:44
- [IndiaNews] India condemns attacks on foreign journalists in Cairo ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8zRz posted at 04:51:24
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【tie】 /tái/ n. rope; cord; link; connection; equal score in a game #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 04:49:16
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 兵器製造現場から告ぐ、日本の製造業のすごさは脅威だ―中国掲示板: http://bit.ly/e3VNtS posted at 04:48:14
- [最新News] 中国でビル全焼 花火が原因か ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bq1y posted at 04:48:12
- RT @nannohi: 【世界対がんデー(World Cancer Day)】(2月4日)2000年の「対がん同盟結成を呼びかけるパリ憲章」に基づき、国際対がん連合(UICC)が2002年から実施。 posted at 04:43:07
- [IndiaNews] MCD schools asked to implement quota for poor ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WbAw posted at 04:43:05
- [Latest News] Hunderte Hamas-Sympathisanten solidarisieren mit dem Protest ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/66P1 posted at 04:40:53
- [質問] 携帯のHTMLで質問です。 PCだと 等で.. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/N6Fp posted at 04:37:47
- [Jansug Kakhidze] Soul of Georgia - Mukhambazi ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/wMfoae6 posted at 04:34:24
- RT @HistoryChannel: THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 2005 > Gonzales becomes first Hispanic U.S. attorney general http://bit.ly/hDWJjq posted at 04:33:19
- [Latest News] Hazlewood Resources withdraws from Wolfram Camp Tungsten Project acquisition ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NMem posted at 04:33:16
- [Maid' Café] America's Greatest Otaku set to debut this month - Examiner.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xChP posted at 04:31:03
- [最新News] 予算関連法案の成立一層厳しく ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bPZu posted at 04:27:33
- RT @BritishMonarchy: Gallery: The Duchess of Cornwall with actress Sara Coward who plays Caroline Sterling in The Archers, 2... http://www.royal.gov.uk/Zn posted at 04:21:57
- [MideastNews] Electricity Ministry to add 1,200 megawatts to Iraqi national grid in summer ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zKHI posted at 04:17:48
- RT @InformationWeek: Egypt Takes $90 Million Hit From Internet Blackout http://twb.io/hi6wL1 posted at 04:14:39
- [♓Pisces] You could be introduced to a new person today Pisces. ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HKCE posted at 04:14:36
- RT @RocketNews24: 【噂ファイル】コンビニおにぎりをカップヌードルに入れると美味しい? http://bit.ly/eF5UJ4 posted at 04:11:17
- [Tokyohive] Kobukuro releases PV for “Blue Bird ”! ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/CIAu posted at 04:10:13
- [♒Aquarius] A goal you've recently been on the verge of attaining ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1iuV posted at 04:07:02
- [♑Capricorn] Have you been exercising beyond your fitness level, ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1DS0 posted at 04:04:49
- [♐Sagittarius] A business or romantic partner might be in a foul mood ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jmZv posted at 04:02:34
- RT @Dtikler: UFO's & Paranormal: Alien ET Spirit ORBS - XENO ORBS - Life After Death http://bit.ly/h7MZ0X posted at 04:01:18
- [互联网] 3日IT微博TOP10:PPLive融资额超优酷IPO融资额 编者按:当微博(http://t.sohu.com/)成为我们工作生活中非常重要的一部分时,我们享受了其带来的信息新革命——无与 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/kXIT posted at 04:00:14
- ❍ 人間に見捨てられた犬猫たち/「この現実を知って欲しい」➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/cnuI posted at 03:58:53
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: Google announces Android Market Web store - Total Telecom http://goo.gl/fb/ak0nw posted at 03:57:48
- [通信] PPLive宣布获得软银数亿美金投资 【搜狐IT消息】2月3日,PPLive和软银正 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xRzb posted at 03:57:46
- RT @AmnestyOnline: News - Sudanese security forces raid newspaper offices #sudan http://bit.ly/i8W6VF #humanrights posted at 03:55:37
- [电影新闻] 央视网络春晚 李亚鹏徐静蕾演绎《等你爱我》 电影《将爱情进行 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xtVE posted at 03:53:26
- RT @RAWA77: RAWA.org: Afghan police “nearly as unpopular as Taliban in south”: Reuters: Afghanistan’s police force is only s... http://bit.ly/g9EoRP posted at 03:52:08
- RT @GirlsTeenQuotes: *sigh* the things I do for my family. #GTQ posted at 03:46:42
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us." - Earl Nightingale posted at 03:40:09
- RT @Quoteland: "A champion of the working man has never yet been known to die of overwork." - ROBERT FROST http://fb.me/U3Ac0LOA posted at 03:38:07
- RT @nikkeionline: FRB議長「米景気、持続回復の証拠増えている」 http://s.nikkei.com/eXHXjh posted at 03:28:34
- RT @2525news: NY株、反落 http://nico.ms/nw28431 : 時事通信社 #niconews posted at 03:20:24
- [经济新闻] 组图:春节留守深圳 90后南航空姐怎么过新年? &$ &$ 2011年的最后一天,深圳分公司客舱部木棉组召集来自全国各地的单身空姐凑到一起,贴窗花、贴对联,欢欢喜喜过过春节,每个人 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/QYmi posted at 03:20:21
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- [国际新闻] 那不勒斯流光溢彩迎免年 2011年2月2日,意大利南部重要港口古城那不勒斯的居民被出现在海湾的两大景观所吸引,一是具有上千年历史的“蛋型”古城堡被照得通红,上面用中文写着象征着两国友谊 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/twgT posted at 03:17:59
- RT @JPubbPickUp: ソフトバンク、中国最大のオンラインTVに出資 http://bit.ly/fqm6ER posted at 03:16:51
- [新闻] 大年三十守望天气变化 2月2日一大早,记者赶到湖南省气象台采访。省气象台首席预报员姚蓉早已坐在电脑前,紧张地调阅、记录着各种天气图等气象资料。8点钟,每天例行的全国天气大会商即将开始,中央 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Bj3X posted at 03:15:52
- RT @JPubb_Listed: Notice Regarding Purchase of Treasury Stock - 01/28 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD.: http://bit.ly/gP6Yll posted at 03:13:49
- [♏Scorpio] If you've given up on something you've lost, Scorpio, ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4rFh posted at 03:08:35
- [♎Libra] Are you involved in a search through every store for ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/kKM7 posted at 03:06:18
- RT @JapanRealTime: Japan WikiLeaks: Banks and Iran http://on.wsj.com/f3Zae6 posted at 03:04:11
- [♍Virgo] Changes you're making at home might necessitate your ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4TSf posted at 03:02:04
- [中国新闻] 温家宝在山东了解旱情 并与干部群众共度春节 温家宝在山东与基 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rgqx posted at 02:50:20
- RT @Earth_News: Wildlife Finder: Old world monkeys: The Old World monkey family is, as its name suggests, native to the Old Worl... http://bbc.in/fbTgCH posted at 02:47:09
- RT @TelegraphPics: Protesters improvise helmets and shields to protect against stones in Cairo, Egypt. http://is.gd/gkpjde posted at 02:44:00
- [广州新闻] 团购饭店年夜饭打折近一半 广州市民纷纷抢购 团购年夜饭打折近 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zTxV posted at 02:43:57
- [Opnion] 『国家の偉大さや道徳的水準は、その国で動物がどう扱われているかによって判断することができる』(ガンジー)➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://amba.to/idkmT2 - 杉本彩 さんブログから posted at 02:41:45
- [DPRK News] North Korea parliament seeks talks with South 's MPs ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/P0as posted at 02:36:27
- [♌Leo] Generally you avoid politics in any group you belong ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xDRP posted at 02:33:22
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- [♋Cancer] Expect to be frantic if you have to take care of something ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gyvc posted at 02:27:52
- [Latest News] 720p video support, 3MP camera for iPad 2 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/q1PA posted at 02:20:24
- [♊Gemini] A temporary separation from a love partner might have ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2sC7 posted at 02:18:06
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- [♉Taurus] Various intellectual or humanitarian subjects you've ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/L3p1 posted at 02:12:45
- [Latest News] Engine fault leaves Aussies stranded ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/vLG3 posted at 02:09:36
- ☼ TweetAdder (tweet adder 3.0)について➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/xhqu posted at 02:08:26
- [Latest News] Google eyes Apple in tablet war ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/a7HP posted at 02:07:21
- [♈Aries] Is there a secret you're obsessed with unveiling, Aries? ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ynl2 posted at 02:04:13
- [IndiaNews] Chidambaram arrives in Jammu to review security situation in Kashmir ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HMgf posted at 02:00:53
- [IndiaNews] Ex-minister’s residence robbed of Rs.17 lakh, but thief insists he stole 1.7cr ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9tYR posted at 01:56:37
- [MideastNews] Interview with Ambassador John Limbert: "I Miss the People and their Warmth" ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/LJyS posted at 01:52:24
- [Gossip] AKB板野友美の胸チラ放送事故?!世紀のお宝画像か ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/xoOt posted at 01:49:11
- [MideastNews] Egyptian President Receives Phone Call from Russian Counterpart ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zkkg posted at 01:47:00
- RT @IraqMonitor: Should the Army Have Seen Manning Coming? - Hot Air http://bit.ly/exeK2s #Iraq posted at 01:44:36
- RT @History_Stuff: Feb. 3, 1913 - The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. It authorized the power to impose and collect income tax. posted at 01:39:11
- [History of the Day] February 3, 2005: Gonzales becomes first Hispanic U.S. attorney general ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7KBV posted at 01:34:54
- RT @47news: 総理大臣杯見送りも 八百長疑惑で菅首相 http://bit.ly/gOzN79 posted at 01:31:32
- [Gossip] Kristen Stewart Was Never Cast In Superman ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uPrU posted at 01:29:33
- [HotPics] Celebrities Photography By George Holz ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/0RpD posted at 01:27:23
- ♡ Sacred Chocolate is hand made most exceptionally tasting and nutritionally beneficial choco. More info is here ➪ http://tiny.ly/yyjZ posted at 01:25:07
- RT @fairspinneutral: "If this is young Arabs' 1989, Europe must be ready with a..." (Timothy Garton Ash/Guardian) http://fairspin.org/read/70663 posted at 01:24:03
- [Latest News] More heads roll at NJ's largest sewerage agency ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ePHa posted at 01:24:00
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- [最新News] "傲慢"AKB板野イジメ 整形暴露? ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/0iIj posted at 01:13:08
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- [最新News] 「W現代」「Wポスト」追及の八百長ついに証拠―歴代横綱を公開査問しろ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Mt2I posted at 01:03:05
- RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks cables: planned US missile shield blind to nuclear weapons http://is.gd/GqkhAK posted at 01:01:38
- RT @urageinou: NHKが参入意向 アナログ帯活用のラジオ: NHKは3日、地上デジタル放送完全移行後に空くアナログ周波数帯を活用し、2013年にも始まる携帯端末向けのラジオ放送について、総務省に参入する意向を伝えたと発表した。 http://bit.ly/gNUcNV posted at 00:59:38
- [最新News] 相撲協会が火消しに躍起なワケ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/R6xY posted at 00:54:13
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- RT @english_note: So what?/だから? #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 00:48:46
- [Gossip] サイゾーテレビ【ニコニコキングオブコメディ】第17回、配信しました! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1tqP posted at 00:47:40
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【enhance】 /inhæ'ns/ v. to make more attractive or valuable #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 00:46:31
- RT @netallica_yahoo: “黄金の尻”を持つDVD売り上げナンバーワングラドル・吉木りさの恥ずかしい過去?: http://bit.ly/fNqiMA posted at 00:45:25
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