- [HinduNews] 7 arrested in Sonawane killing case, kin demands CBI inquiry ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP➮ http://tiny.ly/PQFE posted at 23:56:45
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【concerning】 /kənsə':rniŋ/ prep. about #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 23:55:39
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- RT @GreatestQuotes: "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill posted at 22:55:48
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- ☼ If you wish IP (Intellectual Property) related information, please visit my secondary account on twitter! ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 22:34:28
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- ♡ 皆さんが普段食べてるチョコレートは偽物。Sacred Chocolateを食べればわかります。ネットからカードで簡単注文。円高で今がお得ですよ。➪ http://tiny.ly/yyjZ posted at 22:11:14
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- RT @History_Stuff: Jan. 26, 1784-In a letter to his daughter, Benjamin Franklin expressed unhappiness over the eagle as the symbol of America. He wanted the tu posted at 21:01:36
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- [History of the Day] Jan 26, 1837: Michigan became the 26th state in the United States. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Hjb8 posted at 19:24:43
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- [Latest News] Apple Tweaks Website Design with Darker Navigation and Animations (Macrumors.com) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/ZkBK posted at 18:26:42
- [最新News] 景気判断 7期ぶりに下方修正 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oQ6d posted at 18:22:00
- [Latest News] The unnecessary battle ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ih3c posted at 18:07:05
- [ニコニコ動画] カレーのちライス ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/k1WD posted at 18:05:03
- [Japan Latest News] Japanese burger chain to expand overseas The largest chain of burger restaurants ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ArCi posted at 18:02:59
- [最新NewsE] Toyota announces new vehicle recall ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/i4JH posted at 18:00:56
- RT @wiredvision: エロと暴力のマンガ、アニメ : 小田切博の「キャラクターのランドスケープ」 http://wiredvision.jp/blog/odagiri/201101/201101261430.html posted at 17:56:40
- [Artist] The unnecessary battle (Arts Journal) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/pDzo posted at 17:54:27
- [最新News] cyclowired: 綾部勇成が難関山岳キャメロンハイランドで優勝 個人総合リーダーに ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/vCtw posted at 17:50:12
- [Opnion] 『国家の偉大さや道徳的水準は、その国で動物がどう扱われているかによって判断することができる』(ガンジー)➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://amba.to/idkmT2 - 杉本彩 さんブログから posted at 17:49:02
- [最新News] 地球から、元気をチャージ!「世界の聖地・パワースポット」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ePE6 posted at 17:47:00
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- [ぐるなびレシピ] [毎日更新]本日1月20日のレシピ:煮魚 (魚の煮付け) 中村哲也シェフ考案レシピ:煮魚 (魚の煮付け) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/XISC posted at 17:41:37
- [AnimeNews] Yōko Sanri to End B Gata H Kei Manga on February 3 (www.animenewsnetwork.com) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/pX0P posted at 17:39:35
- [食べログ] 田園プラザ川場 / のむヨーグルト ★★☆☆☆2.5,池袋西武で開催されていたセブン&アイ HLDGS.×Yahoo!JAPAN お取り寄せグルメ選手権 最終決戦にて購入しました。田 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/iwkZ posted at 17:37:19
- RT @IraqMonitor: US office urges halt in funds for Iraq security institute - Washington Post http://bit.ly/f5gEjz #Iraq posted at 17:36:06
- [最新News] オンライン Apple Store が準備中、iPhone 4 ホワイト追加? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/sBa0 posted at 17:32:58
- [質問] 一緒にがんばれる仲間がほしい ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ONru posted at 17:28:43
- [食べログ] 昔ながらのラーメン屋 ★★★★☆4.5,今流行のこってり系とはちがう、あっさりした醤油ラーメンと塩タンメン。 担々めんは、野菜たっぷりのゴマ味噌ふうで、癖になります。 しいたけうまにそばは絶 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/cT7T posted at 17:26:33
- [UFO News] I saw one to four glowing balls of light in the distant sky. Each one disappeared and rea ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gpZO posted at 17:24:25
- RT @47news: 3DTVは全体の3・8% 10~12月の国内出荷 http://bit.ly/ftcwrp posted at 17:23:12
- ☼ TweetAdder (tweet adder 3.0)について➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/xhqu posted at 17:22:09
- [最新News] 人格ラヂオとニコ電で盛り上がれ!! ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/WjJW posted at 17:21:04
- [Latest News] Valley sees home sales fall in 2010 as fewer resales of foreclosures, sluggish economy factor in ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ posted at 17:17:55
- RT @fairspinneutral: "MSNBC Ratings Rise on First Night Without Olbermann" (Bill Carter/Media Decoder) http://fairspin.org/read/69573 posted at 17:16:53
- [MusicNow] Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/2nOR posted at 17:13:43
- [MusicNow] The Hymn of a Broken Man - full album stream ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/wm7Q posted at 17:10:33
- [Artist] Lady Gaga 's Manager Says She Overachieved on "Born This Way" ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/74DF posted at 17:07:23
- [Latest News] Obama drängt USA zu mehr Gemeinsinn ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3Bkr posted at 17:00:22
- ♡ Sacred Chocolate is hand made most exceptionally tasting and nutritionally beneficial choco. More info is here ➪ http://tiny.ly/yyjZ posted at 16:59:14
- [Latest News] E-Plus Gruppe schließt 2010 mit Rekordergebnis ab und investiert in weiteres Wachstum ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/S41m posted at 16:57:06
- [Latest News] +++Wirtschaftsticker+++ - Toyota ruft 1,6 Millionen Autos zurück ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/RtwE posted at 16:54:57
- RT @urageinou: 西川史子、子どもは「一日でも早く欲しい」: 医師でタレントの西川史子(39)が26日、一日振り込め詐欺防止隊長に任命され、撃退法を学ぶイベントに登場した。昨年2月に会社役員、福本亜細亜さん(36)と結婚してもうすぐ1年が経... http://bit.ly/f2W75M posted at 16:52:55
- [Japan Latest News] UPDATE2: Foreign tourists to Japan hit record 8.61 mil. in 2010 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/RNLu posted at 16:52:53
- [Latest News] Rede an die Nation: Obama sieht "Sputnik-Moment unserer Generation" ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rHSr posted at 16:50:47
- [Japan Latest News] Sri Lanka raises minimum age for women working abroad ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mzsU posted at 16:44:25
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【scrupulous】 /skrú:pjuləs/ adj. moral; adhering to ethical principles; precise; strict; exact #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 16:42:15
- [RussiaNews] Industrial output in Russia rose encouragingly in 2010 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/RTG1 posted at 16:42:14
- RT @netallica_yahoo: アンジェリーナ、トム、そしてフェイスブック創始者も被害に!?ハリウッドにみる暴露本の実態とは…: http://bit.ly/fmIdOB posted at 16:40:14
- [NASA] NASA's Space Shuttle Discovery Set for Final Trip to Launch Pad ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zCsO posted at 16:39:06
- [RussiaNews] Russian Patriarch Denounces Moscow Airport Bombing ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/XTYe posted at 16:36:51
- RT @nannohi: 【共和国記念日 [インド]】(1月26日)1950年のこの日、インド憲法が施行され、共和国に移行した。 posted at 16:35:48
- [Music] M.I.A. producer Blaqstarr goes 'Divine ' on new EP (Reuters) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ObsR posted at 16:34:49
- [GlobalGiving] Enhancing Community Rehabilitation 40000 in Delhi ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3835 posted at 16:30:41
- [最新News] 若者はもっとワクワクすべきだろう ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/V6Vn posted at 16:26:30
- [最新News/広島] リストーロ 東城町の手作り牧場ジェラート!動物ふれあい広場も ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zwEI posted at 16:23:14
- [Gossip] Jesse "The Body" Ventura objects to airport body scans (Reuters) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HZjj posted at 16:20:09
- ☼ For a person who wishes to have the IP-related information, my tweets will be of any help. ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 16:19:05
- [TDL情報] 【東京ディズニーシー】「おすすめグッズ」情報を更新しました。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/vHuW posted at 16:16:00
- [Music] NIKIIE(ニキー) 2ndシングル「HIDE&SEEK」(3/9発売)最新コメント映像が届きました。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TAU8 posted at 16:11:59
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- RT @Rocketnews24: 過酷を極める「火星有人飛行シュミレーション」進行中 http://bit.ly/hseiqt posted at 16:07:51
- [最新News] アジア杯 日本と豪が決勝進出 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qa5k posted at 16:06:50
- [Sports] Evil tone means Keys and Gray have lost all respect, says Kelly Smith ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5ZH5 posted at 16:02:36
- [Latest News] State of the Union 2011: Obama says this is our 'Sputnik' moment ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uTzQ posted at 15:58:11
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: Apple app store hits 10 billion downloads - TMCnet http://goo.gl/fb/NPLzr posted at 15:56:05
- [口コミ] キーボードのキー配列は同じですか? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/VWIO posted at 15:55:02
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- [Latest News] State of the Union 2011: Obama says this is our 'Sputnik' moment ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/RLsv posted at 15:48:46
- [Latest News] Parents pass on 'irrational fear' of spiders and snakes to their children ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9XOg posted at 15:44:43
- ☼ If you like TweetAdder, please visit my blog where more information is available about it. ➭ http://tiny.ly/Xrm6 ➭ @TAdder_Forum posted at 15:42:38
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Life has no limitations, except the ones you make." - Les Brown posted at 15:41:33
- [电影] 《将爱》全明星阵容首现身 专访主演李亚鹏 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PBTe posted at 15:40:34
- [口コミ] クチコミによる「世界の汚いホテルランキング2011」--トリップアドバイザー - マイコミジャーナル ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9TCf posted at 15:32:07
- RT @nikkeionline: 田辺三菱、注射薬6品目を回収 子会社が試験せず http://s.nikkei.com/ifRE7E posted at 15:30:57
- [Latest News] Legendary Dinosaur King Didn't Survive on Fast Food ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EgiV posted at 15:29:59
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- RT @2525news: セルジオ越後 「決勝戦の心配は守備と香川のケガ」 http://nico.ms/nw25823 : J-CAST #niconews posted at 15:22:38
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- [地域振興] 物産: “廃管”パイプでお土産作り 有馬温泉観光協会 - 神戸新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TSAL posted at 15:16:27
- [Последние новости] из Японии: Леонова: может, последний номер – счастливый? - Чемпионат.ру ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bhLY posted at 15:08:26
- [Breaking News] The 'transparent' cement that lets daylight flood into a room! Read more: ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://bit.ly/icVP6g posted at 15:08:23
- RT @jic_news: 富士通マーケティングとシマンテック、中堅企業向けクラウド型ウイルス対策サービス http://bit.ly/gbSsVA posted at 15:06:15
- [秋葉原/秋叶原] 日本秋叶原血案再度开庭 检方要求判处被告死刑 - 环球网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/17To posted at 15:04:13
- [Akihabara] Gallows urged over Akihabara rampage - The Japan Times ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/956Y posted at 15:00:06
- [秋葉原] 秋葉原殺傷に死刑求刑 検察「完全責任能力ある」 - 東京新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1PWo posted at 14:55:59
- RT @Earth_News: Wildlife Finder: Learning: Learning is the process of picking up new skills. An animal may learn from its own ex... http://bbc.in/g7KFo3 posted at 14:51:40
- [地域振興] 中国人: リサーチパネルエイジア、消費者データ検索サービス「LifeStyle Index」で日中の消費者データ検索が可能に - CNET Japan ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/44lW posted at 14:46:22
- [地域振興] 中国人: 中国人の日本旅行、一番人気は北海道 - 中国特快 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/aVZE posted at 14:44:22
- [地域振興] 中国人: 【風(6)カジノっているの?】 中国人観光の核に…「経済効果」期待の声 - MSN産経ニュース ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/YMba posted at 14:42:17
- [地域振興] 中国人: 訪日外国人、最多の861万人 中国人けん引し26%増 - 日本経済新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Cbs4 posted at 14:40:11
- [地域振興] レアメタル発掘体験はいかが 弟子屈町が観光振興策 - 日本経済新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8tWS posted at 14:37:01
- [Jansug Kakhidze] Soul of Georgia ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/1QGfI2b posted at 14:33:57
- [地域振興] 野生動物の肉で町おこし - 読売新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qokH posted at 14:32:51
- [最新News] 京三製作所が高い・「ホームドア」の設置拡大に期待 - ストックステーション ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/y5Lc posted at 14:28:47
- [Latest News] Groundbreaking report highlights urgency of future food security ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/LtCV posted at 14:25:45
- RT @wiredvision: 空き缶で「太陽の1年」を撮影 http://wiredvision.jp/news/201101/2011012622.html posted at 14:23:42
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- [最新News] オバマ大統領が一般教書演説 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/u2Rv posted at 14:15:03
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- [Latest News] Polizei löst Demonstrationen mit Tränengas auf – drei Tote ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mXx1 posted at 14:04:37
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- RT @IraqMonitor: العراق: 10 ملايين زائر يحيون أربعينية الإمام الحسين - صحيفة الوسط البحرينية http://bit.ly/fhgt7A #Iraq posted at 13:59:10
- [Latest News] Medusa Mining: City broker upbeat after solid quarterly report ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gFPB posted at 13:59:08
- RT @Anime: News: Yōko Sanri to End B Gata H Kei #Manga on February 3 • Risque romantic comedy to end in 300th installment in Weekl..http://4NN.cx/56598 posted at 13:58:01
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- [最新News] 愛知・豊橋 鳥インフルの疑い ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ffzM posted at 13:53:49
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- RT @47news: 元力士逮捕で「処分している」 放駒相撲協会理事長 http://bit.ly/dWOyhz posted at 13:49:35
- [MideastNews] Natalie Portman 's 'No Strings Attached ' Sex ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TIkm posted at 13:45:23
- RT @fairspinneutral: "A Region's Unrest Scrambles U.S. Foreign Policy" (Mark Landler/New York Times) http://fairspin.org/read/69563 posted at 13:43:22
- [♓Pisces] You consider yourself a rational person, Pisces. If ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/cAFA posted at 13:41:12
- [Tokyohive] Itano Tomomi holds press conference as Samantha Thavasa ’s “muse ” ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/lEis posted at 13:39:02
- [♒Aquarius] You may feel slightly bored and restless, Aquarius. ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EYsC posted at 13:34:53
- RT @ld_blogtopics: ■第1位 - よみうり写真大賞がひどいリア充な件について http://blog.livedoor.jp/chihhylove/archives/4027191.html posted at 13:31:48
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- [♐Sagittarius] Even though you seem content with your career, you're ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HgI7 posted at 13:27:46
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- RT @urageinou: 生放送でなくて助かった人気女優: 全文Techinsight Japan 01月26日12時00分 http://bit.ly/hLN4ZJ posted at 13:21:33
- [电影新闻] 《与妻书》福州拍摄 高一童为老师遗愿投身革命 高一童《与妻书 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/o9p6 posted at 13:20:34
- [インコ] ようこそ!とりみカフェ!(神戸)➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/PKr6 posted at 13:18:23
- RT @english_note: I'm very optimistic about my future./将来は明るいと思ってるよ。 #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 13:12:09
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【bias】 /báiəs/ v. to prejudice; to influence opinions #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 13:11:11
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 世紀の大脱出、歴史に刻まれた6つの事件: http://bit.ly/gxQBf8 posted at 13:10:08
- [旅游新闻] 2011年春节国旅总社推出合家欢度假产品 春节将至,中国国际旅行社总社有限公司(后称“国旅总社”)推出了众多春节国内旅游产品。在冬季传统旅游热点海南、云南的基础上,重点推出了广东放鸡岛和广 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TK4R posted at 13:07:59
- RT @nannohi: 【携帯アプリの日】(1月26日)2001(平成12)年のこの日、NTTドコモが携帯アプリケーション「iアプリ」のサービスを開始した。 posted at 13:05:50
- [IT频道] 2010年CDMA手机销量排名:三星华为分列前两位 【搜狐IT消息】(文/李志宇)1月26日消息,根据市场调研公司赛诺的最新报告,截止2010年12月,CDMA手机已占中国手机市场销量的2 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3PO2 posted at 12:59:54
- [Anna German] Shine, shine my star, Beautiful! Анна Герман.гори гори моя звезда ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/fHqY3EE posted at 12:50:37
- [经济新闻] 赤择远:QFII入场将给股指期货带来什么 赤择远 继券商、基金允许参与股指期货后,QFII参与期指终于有了眉目。 25日,中国证监会发布QFII参与股指期货交易指引,并向社会公 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/BMID posted at 12:43:21
- RT @Rocketnews24: IKEAレイアウトの秘密!迷路に誘い込む戦略とは http://bit.ly/gJglTT posted at 12:39:18
- [国际新闻] 法国与俄罗斯签约将共建四艘两栖攻击舰(图) &$ &$资料&$ &$图&$ &$:&$<a href="http://w ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/G6p6 posted at 12:39:16
- [新闻] 湖北:百余名干部在反腐中受处分 挽回损失1.59亿 湖北省各级纪检监察机关去年共受理信访举报46759件(次),立案4842件,结案4533件,处分4681人,其中市厅级干部12人,县处级 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/z7Cp posted at 12:37:03
- [游戏] 玩电子游戏上瘾与心理问题相互作用 过去多项研究显示,玩电子游戏上瘾会提高青少年患心理疾病的风险。而美国一项最新研究显示,存在心理问题的青少年容易沉溺于电子游戏,玩电子游戏上瘾与罹患心理疾病 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5pew posted at 12:33:50
- [♏Scorpio] Today may be an odd combination of social and financial, ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mfpi posted at 12:29:44
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: PAN Vision celebrating the first World in War update by having an update sale… http://goo.gl/fb/hDkk1 posted at 12:28:35
- [♎Libra] Family, home, and hearth are on your mind today, Libra. ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/sacY posted at 12:25:24
- [♍Virgo] Today you may take a look around your home and see ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/cV2M posted at 12:21:03
- [Shahd Barmada] شهد برمدا : بعاد كنتم ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/Jlph5Z8 posted at 12:20:59
- [深圳新闻] 深圳拟禁止保障房上市交易 记者25日从深圳市规划和国土资 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/o8Yc posted at 12:17:57
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "No pressure, no diamonds." - Mary Case posted at 12:14:47
- [汽车] 沃尔沃汽车集团中国区总部在上海挂牌成立 【 2011 年 1 月 25 日上海】沃尔沃汽车公司( Volvo Car Corporation )总裁兼首席执行官斯蒂芬 · 雅克布( Stefa ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/iZuY posted at 12:07:14
- RT @silverplatedpot: [News] A Party for Edward Gorey and the Edwardians ➮ @silverplatedpot ➮ http://tiny.ly/L4pT posted at 12:05:11
- RT @nikkeionline: 田辺三菱子会社、品質試験せず薬出荷か 厚労省が立ち入り調査 http://s.nikkei.com/fY5Bq7 posted at 12:00:57
- [DPRK News] North Korea a goldmine for talent ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/p8fn posted at 11:56:45
- [♌Leo] Conversation and travel are highlighted today, Leo. ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ru89 posted at 11:53:46
- [Fado] Grande Maria Teresa de Noronha Fado Hilário ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/h9cQsjW posted at 11:52:43
- RT @2525news: 発見物を展示して、世界中にトレンドを巻き起こせ――「大航海時代 Online 〜Tierra Americana〜」 http://nico.ms/nw25710 : ITmedia Gamez #niconews posted at 11:51:39
- [TamilNews] கணவரை கொலை செய்து மூதாட்டியிடம் நகை கொள்ளை ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IBf8 posted at 11:49:34
- [♋Cancer] Finances are highlighted for you today, Cancer. This ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3eus posted at 11:47:29
- [娱乐新闻] 罗兆辉猝死 绯闻女友任港秀麦家琪等齐封嘴 罗兆辉 [ 图集:罗兆 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ZnPn posted at 11:43:22
- [Latest News] Meet Vogue's creative director at Covent Garden Apple Store ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ATS3 posted at 11:39:57
- RT @jic_news: ソフトバンク、BB モバイルがヤフーに発行した優先株式などを取得 http://bit.ly/hjGLsp posted at 11:36:44
- [♊Gemini] You're never at a loss for an opinion, Gemini, and ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/RwHv posted at 11:36:42
- [♉Taurus] Passion is very much on your mind, Taurus. Unfortunately, ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/maKn posted at 11:28:23
- [Latest News] IMF predicts faster world growth ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/nMQa posted at 11:25:10
- RT @Earth_News: Discovery Animals: Bat Uses Carnivorous Plant as a Toilet http://bit.ly/dImY6F posted at 11:21:14
- [Latest News] Unified memory heralds green PCs ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7J4B posted at 11:21:07
- [TAdderOpinion] APIを使わないbot!tweet adder 3.0 - 導入の手引き6 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NZbW posted at 11:20:59
- [♈Aries] This is your lucky day, Aries, and you can expect all ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/GWva posted at 11:18:48
- [IndiaNews] Systemic changes required to fight corruption: President ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/epBy posted at 11:14:40
- RT @dictionarycom: We proudly present the brand-new Dictionary.com homepage. Peruse, use, & enjoy: http://bit.ly/fZUnps #dictionary posted at 11:12:35
- [MideastNews] Photos: Zayandeh Rud comes back to life with return of migratory birds ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EYuX posted at 11:07:30
- [Gossip] 月9ドラマ枠がついに消失?!後釜はジャニーズ番組との噂 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7YV6 posted at 11:04:29
- [MideastNews] Closing ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/VMml posted at 11:02:24
- [社會生活] 日本最大養雞地鹿兒島縣疑似出現禽流感 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/W1O7 posted at 10:59:08
- [滾動新聞] 詳訊:亞洲杯半決賽日本隊點球5比2戰勝韓國 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NkFP posted at 10:57:08
- RT @WorldTennisMag: New news Fed Cup Captain Mary Joe Fernandez Picks Bethanie Mattek-Sands, Melanie Oudin, Vania King and Liezel Huber ... http://ht.ly/1b1Ixr posted at 10:55:08
- [History of the Day] January 25, 1905: World's largest diamond found ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/g5iC posted at 10:53:03
- [Gossip] Justin Bieber Love Magazine Androgyny Cover ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/F6ml posted at 10:48:48
- RT @wiredvision: キュートなフェルト製:「カメラ型」のカメラケース http://wiredvision.jp/news/201101/2011012616.html posted at 10:47:48
- [Latest News] Pot-growing firefighter sentenced to five years in prison ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6zoq posted at 10:43:36
- [都市伝説]コンセントを抜き差しで、家電が復活?➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/h4j8 posted at 10:40:19
- [Latest News] Andy Gray Sacked After Sexist Remarks ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ posted at 10:39:22
- [最新News] AKB古参ヲタ"愚の骨頂"と激怒 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/QzF2 posted at 10:31:55
- [优酷-每日推荐视频] 东田造型2011年会建外SOHO最给力的亚洲真身jabbawockeez-假面舞客 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6mv3 posted at 10:27:46
- RT @nytimesdining: Recipe: Champagne Cocktail http://nyti.ms/eixP6E posted at 10:25:42
- [最新News] 新卒エントリー「TOEIC730点で足切り」 既存社員にも影響? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Puqs posted at 10:25:41
- [最新News] 仏像を崇高に見せる仏師たちの隠れたワザ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FkEC posted at 10:21:19
- RT @IraqMonitor: Yahoo! News: US judge drops case of Blackwater men killed in Iraq (AFP) http://bit.ly/dO5uu1 #Iraq posted at 10:17:13
- RT @Anime: News: Sazae-san Cast, Toei Staffers Win Tokyo #Anime Awards • Late Gatchaman science-fiction researcher Takumi Shibano ..http://4NN.cx/56588 posted at 10:16:04
- [Jansug Kakhidze] Soul of Georgia --- Alexsandre Basilaia, Temur Tsiklauri & Jansug Kakhidze - Santeli ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/ojNo3Vv posted at 10:16:01
- [最新News] 母親が金の管理 元力士ら逮捕へ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NU9D posted at 10:12:53
- RT @47news: 玉飛鳥ら3人が再十両 春場所の番付編成会議 http://bit.ly/gPx9yg posted at 10:04:39
- [ScienceNews] Speeding star creates bird-like space sculpture ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FVxy posted at 10:03:36
- [Latest News] Rumour mill cranks up over upcoming New York Times ‘paywall’ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9Gns posted at 10:01:32
- RT @fairspinneutral: "GOP to hit Obama hard on economy" (Aharding/CNN) http://fairspin.org/read/69529 posted at 09:57:16
- [最新News] NY金が3カ月ぶり安値、手じまい売り続く ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NOmO posted at 09:55:21
- [Shahd Barmada] -- شهد برمدا : دقو المهابيج ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/6ER88cV posted at 09:55:17
- [Sports] Rangers in bid to land Kris Commons for £400k - Scotsman ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bUDB posted at 09:53:00
- [Latest News] Davos tackles Globalisation 3.0 - BBC News ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3KBq posted at 09:50:45
- [Deportes] Adebayor 'vuelve' al fútbol - El País.com (España) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/fcbs posted at 09:47:29
- [Noticias] Vía libre al Pacto de Toledo, pero sin consenso en la edad de ... - Cinco Días ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/nbJC posted at 09:43:22
- [Divertissements] Oscars 2011 : les favoris sont au rendez-vous ! - Le Télégramme ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/szi6 posted at 09:40:19
- RT @Billboarddotcom: Trent Reznor: Oscar Nom 'Amazing and Flattering' http://bit.ly/f0I7x0 posted at 09:39:10
- [Actualités] L'Egypte se révolte pour chasser Moubarak : plusieurs morts - Rue89 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/W9ez posted at 09:37:03
- [Культура] Киноакадемики заикнулись об "Оскаре" - Коммерсантъ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/yW5X posted at 09:33:04
- [новости] В Москве и Подмосковье сегодня - День траура - Маяк ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5vHY posted at 09:31:00
- [Entretenimento] Documentário rodado no Brasil com Vik Muniz concorre ao Oscar - Jornal Floripa ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/eRT7 posted at 09:28:53
- [Notícias] Nota oficial da Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária sobre o ... - Extra Online ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qIWX posted at 09:25:16
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【everyday】 /évridei/ adj. routine, common, ordinary #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 09:24:11
- [日韩歌手] 日韩歌手的数据来自百度MP3搜索中搜索量最高的歌手,由系统自动计算统计。➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qWGU posted at 09:24:09
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 中国はいつ先進国になるのか?21世紀後半が目標―中国紙: http://bit.ly/hacxR5 posted at 09:21:59
- [Entretenimento] 'O Discurso do Rei' lidera corrida aos Óscares - Diário de Notícias - Funchal ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3OgW posted at 09:20:59
- RT @nannohi: 【帝銀事件の日】(1月26日)1948(昭和23)年のこの日、東京・豊島の帝国銀行椎名町支店で帝銀事件が起こった。東京都の衛生課員と名乗る男が、「近くで赤痢が発生したので予防薬を飲んでもらう」と偽り行員16人に青酸化合物を飲ませて殺害し、現金16万円と小切手を奪って逃走した。当初 posted at 09:16:48
- [Notícias] Catalina Pestana acusa Carlos Silvino de fazer "teatro" - Rádio Renascença ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1DnX posted at 09:16:46
- [IndiaNews] 127 Hours: Movie Review - Times of India ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2eLO posted at 09:13:40
- [IndiaNews] 'BJP's Ekta Yatra revives memories of May 1953 march' - Times of India ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/fA16 posted at 09:10:31
- [Latest News] Tycoon in Turnschuhen - Spiegel Online ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UNcY posted at 09:08:18
- [台灣娛樂] 第83屆 奧斯卡入圍揭曉-《王者》一出眾稱臣奧斯卡入圍12項 - 中時電子報 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4q24 posted at 09:05:06
- [台灣新聞] 陳光標來台行善地方反應兩極 無關藍綠 - 中時電子報 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FLFN posted at 09:02:59
- [国际新闻] 俄总统猛批机场安保漏洞 爆炸大厅无安检设施 - 环球网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/U8yT posted at 08:59:42
- [娱乐] 《国王的演讲》全程领跑 独得12项奥斯卡奖提名 - 凤凰网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/m0Pw posted at 08:55:29
- [新闻] 时评:河北大学车祸案有哪些期待 - 腾讯网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/tpuw posted at 08:53:22
- ☼ 知財 / 特許 / 技術動向 関連の情報にご興味のある方の為に関連情報をフィードして提供しています。 ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 08:50:04
- [பொழுதுபோக்கு] பத்ம விருதுகள் அறிவிப்பு - தினமணி ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jPFs posted at 08:48:58
- RT @InformationWeek: What's Driving Apple's 10 Billion App Success? http://twb.io/eYXgiy posted at 08:47:53
- RT @Rocketnews24: 「彼氏がまったくおごってくれない。私も幸せな恋愛したいのに」と苦悩する女性 http://bit.ly/i3idIo posted at 08:44:44
- [मनोरंजन] ऑस्कर में फिर रहमान - दैनिक भास्कर ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ijg6 posted at 08:44:43
- [செய்திகள்] கறுப்புப் பணத்தை வெளிக்கொணர 5 அம்ச உத்தி: பிரணாப் முகர்ஜி பேட்டி - தினமணி ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/n9YX posted at 08:40:29
- RT @Dtikler: UFO's & Paranormal: Taken and Thrown Back Without Concern - Another Abductee Speaks Out http://bit.ly/eIvBu8 posted at 08:37:24
- RT @MacTrast: Apple Blog: Watch the 2011 State of the Union Address on iOS Devices http://bit.ly/i1mMj0 posted at 08:36:20
- [इसमें समाचार पढें़] भाजपा ने प्रदेश भर में धरना दिया - याहू! जागरण ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4hb9 posted at 08:36:19
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: AbleNet Launches Its Low Vision and Mobile Device Access Product Lines at ATIA… http://goo.gl/fb/Q7dky posted at 08:35:09
- RT @AmnestyOnline: News - #Afghanistan parliament inauguration highlights crisis of accountability http://bit.ly/ft4P1f #humanrights #Karzai ^tm posted at 08:34:08
- أهم الأخبار - أخبار (يوم غضب) لأنصار الحريري بعد تكليف ميقاتي تشكيل الحكومة اللبنانية - الرأي ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/yWA1 posted at 08:34:05
- [Latest News] Apple eyes pay-by-iPhone - Computerworld ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/E6F8 posted at 08:32:01
- [Sports] Bears QB Collins passes exit physical, weighing career options - NFL News ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WHDP posted at 08:27:51
- [Entertainment] Oscar Doesn't Always Mean Sales - Wall Street Journal ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/S6db posted at 08:25:31
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our own sunshine." - Ralph Waldo Emerson posted at 08:21:27
- [Gossip] John Travolta As John Gotti!!! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Kz9N posted at 08:21:25
- RT @Quoteland: "Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today." - MARK TWAIN http://fb.me/ElLhugUO posted at 08:20:14
- [Jansug Kakhidze] Soul of Georgia --- Jansug Kakhidze & Nani Bregvadze - Shemodgomis kvavilebs ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/pUFstg8 posted at 08:18:15
- [Japan Latest News] Written by Matthew Holzmann - Printed Circuit Design & Fab ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8ntI posted at 08:17:12
- [Latest News] What Obama needs to achieve in his State of the Union address - Christian Science Moni ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rMQs posted at 08:12:51
- RT @nikkeionline: 原油と金急落が示すマネーの変調(NY特急便) http://s.nikkei.com/hVjaDE posted at 08:10:45
- [Music] The Black Eyed Peas Release First 360-Degree View Music Video - antiMUSIC ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/lw6v posted at 08:08:48
- [Latest News] HTC Flyer could be a 7-inch tablet with yesterday’s OS and last year’s specs ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oYCS posted at 08:06:43
- [Latest News] ANALYSIS: Distribution access and production funding headline contentious issues in Be ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/I2dU posted at 08:04:39
- RT @2525news: 坂口博信の超大作RPG『ラストストーリー』を発売前に入手し破壊する動画をYouTubeにアップ! 目的は何? http://nico.ms/nw25666 : ガジェット通信 #niconews posted at 08:00:19
- العربية.نت | الصفحة الرئيسية تكليف ميقاتي بتشكيل الحكومة اللبنانية.. وتظاهرات غاضبة لاستبعاد الحرير ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7sm8 posted at 08:00:16
- [ScienceNews] "Do not track" options in store for Chrome, IE and Firefox ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/k1wh posted at 07:56:28
- RT @ONECampaign: Wanna volunteer in places like Ghana or Haiti but don't have $$$? Apply to @Travelocity's Travel for Good grant: http://bit.ly/ijxMRI posted at 07:50:42
- [Al Arabiya] No vote for Palestinian diaspora: leaked documents ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WmE0 posted at 07:50:40
- [最新News] マツコ・デラックス、人生初の恐怖体験に思わずマジギレ! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jvd0 posted at 07:47:02
- [Latest News] Bird flu: Bird Flu Blow to Miyazaki - Wall Street Journal (blog) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PCpP posted at 07:42:55
- [Bollywood] Old is gold! Kuchh Dil Ne Kaha - Sharmila Tagore & Dharmendra - Anupama ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/RiWw535 posted at 07:39:49
- [最新News] 鳥インフルエンザ: 兵庫で死亡の野鳥、鳥インフル感染確認 - TBS News ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Rkt1 posted at 07:38:41
- [Gossip] AVデビュー寸前だった!!林家三平と結婚した国分佐智子の忘れたい過去… ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/f7e6 posted at 07:34:31
- [滚动新闻] 详讯:日银总裁称日本经济迟早将复苏 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gf7U posted at 07:31:16
- [Twitter] 毎日一生懸命な皆さんへ、クスッと笑える!ぐちったー大賞キャンペーン実施中! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Z9MN posted at 07:28:02
- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: Obama speech expected to freeze spending on the environment http://bit.ly/i9KN8Q posted at 07:26:53
- [Japan Latest News] Travel › Gov't to let airlines decide on limited use of cell phones on planes ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rl14 posted at 07:24:48
- [Latest News] UPDATE: Samsung Galaxy Ace Will be Releasing as Galaxy Cooper in India ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ioRW posted at 07:20:32
- [AfghanNews] Senate Dem presses Obama to boost Afghan security ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/nt2H posted at 07:18:28
- [UN新闻] 潘基文希望黎巴嫩新领导人将维护国家稳定当作头等大事 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jH0F posted at 07:15:14
- [Fado] Diva Amalia -- uma casa portuguesa amalia rodrigues ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/MTPrlet posted at 07:15:02
- [Latest News] Ricky Gervais's fundamental error was to attack God - John Harlow - The Australian ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IWYY posted at 07:11:48
- [Games] News: Gaikai expands exec team with ex-Namco Bandai, EA signings ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qAV0 posted at 07:07:34
- [最新News] 引越しや旅行にちょっと注意? 今年の凶方位と方災とは ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/hmiW posted at 07:05:24
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- [Japan Latest News] Entertainment › Avril Lavigne attends public unveiling of new album ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PiUE posted at 06:57:49
- [Entertainment] AKB48's single becomes million seller ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dNjo posted at 06:53:39
- ☼TweetAdderはmp3データのアップと貼り込みがワンステップ。コマーシャルにもなります。たとえば→ http://mp3twit.com/5BD Let's try ➮ http://tiny.ly/4UU6 posted at 06:53:31
- [Latest News] You know what’s cool? 8 Oscar nominations for The Social Network ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/YdMW posted at 06:51:27
- [Latest News] Facebook CTO: 2011 is all about mobile and HTML5 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ihrX posted at 06:45:14
- [Games] RIM to launch BlackBerry Balance software: Keep your work, personal data separate ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6eL6 posted at 06:42:02
- [Tokyograph] Marie Yanaka crowned 43rd Miss Nippon winner ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/LXyE posted at 06:37:43
- [Latest News] Newspapers Try to Reimpose Scarcity on News With Ongo ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oPD0 posted at 06:35:30
- RT @hana_kotoba: おはようございます。今日の誕生花は〝ヒヤシンス(白)〟花言葉は「心静かな愛」です。それでは皆さん、良い1日を。 posted at 06:32:18
- [Latest News] Intel hires Will.I.Am as its ‘Director of Creative Innovation’ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rBWs posted at 06:31:10
- RT @IraqMonitor: قفزة في صادرات نفط العراق من الموانئ الجنوبية في يناير - رويترز العربية http://bit.ly/eAffWu #Iraq posted at 06:29:00
- RT @Anime: News: K-On!! #7 Tops Weekly BD Chart with 27,000 Copies • 3rd weekly #1 Blu-ray Disc from 2nd K-On #anime series http://4NN.cx/56585 posted at 06:27:56
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- [Latest News] Egyptian protesters denounce Mubarak; 3 killed ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uRwe posted at 06:23:42
- RT @47news: 野球賭博主催で元力士ら逮捕へ 暴力団背景の胴元か http://bit.ly/eN1IwI posted at 06:17:16
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- RT @fairspinneutral: "Six on Supreme Court to Attend State of the Union" (Jess Bravin/Washington Wire) http://fairspin.org/read/69497 posted at 06:12:09
- [最新News] ヒースロー・エクスプレスの乗車券がiPhoneで購入可能に ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rX6e posted at 06:10:11
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- RT @Billboarddotcom: Vote for your all time favorite @BritneySpears music video & help us create a fan list! Vote: http://bit.ly/feK43x posted at 05:55:23
- [Odd News] Sky news soccer reporter Andy Gray fired for sexist comments ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Z3EJ posted at 05:55:21
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- RT @TOEIC_990: 【charge】 /ʧɑ':rʤ/ v. to demand payment #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 05:39:06
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 【オリコン】『けいおん!!』ブルーレイ7巻が初登場首位: http://bit.ly/fJscpO posted at 05:36:56
- [Latest News] Baidu: Midwife victorious in controversial “Anusgate” lawsuit ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/i2Nf posted at 05:34:58
- RT @nannohi: 【有料駐車場の日,パーキングメーターの日】(1月26日)1959(昭和34)年のこの日、東京都が日比谷と丸の内に日本の公共駐車場初のパーキングメーターを設置した。料金は15分単位で10円だった。 posted at 05:31:44
- [ONE MINUTE] To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who has missed the train. ➮ @TAdder_Forum @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 05:31:42
- RT @GramophoneMag: Alexandre Desplat, the composer of the Oscar-nominated soundtrack for The King's Speech, talks to Gramophone http://bit.ly/fkJh8y posted at 05:30:40
- RT @HistoryChannel: THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 1905 > World’s largest diamond found. 1924 > First Winter Olympics begin in Chamonix, France http://bit.ly/f3BxfB posted at 05:25:32
- [最新News] ジム・キャリー、新しいカノジョは24歳のANTM ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3LFP posted at 05:23:32
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- ♡ Sacred Chocolateはここです。➪ http://tiny.ly/yyjZ posted at 05:05:27
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- RT @GreatestQuotes: "I have often regretted my speech, never my silence." - Xenocrates posted at 04:36:11
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- [Post Archive] My tweets in past are available to see here! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IJbF posted at 04:26:44
- [Post Archive] 過去のツィートはここで保存しています。宜しければご覧ください。➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IJbF posted at 04:26:30
- RT @nikkeionline: NECとレノボ、パソコン合弁で合意 27日発表へ http://s.nikkei.com/gLBJQq posted at 04:24:29
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- [Science] Seroprevalence of anti-HAV among patients with chronic viral liver disease ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ih9a posted at 04:19:07
- RT @2525news: <けいおん!!>ブルーレイ7巻がシリーズ3度目の総合首位 http://nico.ms/nw25657 : MANTANWEB #niconews posted at 04:15:02
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- RT @47news: 法科大学院重点8校、改善進まず 中教審特別委が報告案 http://bit.ly/g9rhTW posted at 02:36:46
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- RT @fairspinneutral: "Inspired by Tunisia, Egypt's protests appear unprecedented" (Dan Murphy/Christian Science Monitor) http://fairspin.org/read/69452 posted at 02:28:33
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- RT @Billboarddotcom: We're doing a live Q&A w/ Panic! At The Disco this Mon 1/31 at 4:30pm ET! Tweet your ?'s w/ #bbpanic http://bit.ly/hEWYlY posted at 02:12:23
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- RT @wikileaks: US Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act: ask your senator “did you kill this bill?” | http://www.wnyc.org/blowthewhistle posted at 02:09:12
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- RT @TOEIC_990: 【key】 /kí:/ adj. important; significant; fundamental; necessary; crucial #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 01:57:24
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 助演女優賞に「トゥルー・グリット」14歳女優がノミネート!: http://bit.ly/e4rWkE posted at 01:56:21
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- RT @nannohi: 【文化財防火デー,有料駐車場の日,パーキングメーターの日,帝銀事件の日,コラーゲンの日,携帯アプリの日,共和国記念日 [インド],建国記念日 [オーストラリア],建国の父ドゥアルテの日 [ドミニカ共和国]】(1月26日)http://www.nnh.to/01/26.html posted at 01:52:17
- [CNN] Thousands protest in Egypt ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Sihv posted at 01:52:15
- RT @GramophoneMag: Janowski and Pentatone to record all ten major Wagner operas http://bit.ly/dH4X5N posted at 01:49:53
- [Latest News] Real Concern for people living in the New Madrid Fault Zone - Heads Up Folks. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/P4Ue posted at 01:47:54
- RT @HistoryChannel: THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 1553 > King Henry VIII secretly wed Anne Boleyn. 1776 > 1st national memorial ordered by Congress http://bit.ly/f3BxfB posted at 01:44:31
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