- [最新News] 角川書店、「My Railway JR東日本編」をリリース ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/H8bv posted at 23:59:55
- [Akiba] 「キングダム ハーツ」の最新作が8万本でトップ! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CYlV posted at 23:57:45
- RT @nikkeionline: エジプト、デモ隊が当局と衝突 エルバラダイ氏を包囲か http://s.nikkei.com/ehsCrI posted at 23:54:26
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- RT @2525news: 「過去を裏切る『黒夢』を愛してくれた」 清春が語る"復活"の真相 http://nico.ms/nw26709 : NCN #niconews posted at 23:44:33
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- [Post Archive] My tweets in past are available to see here! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IJbF posted at 23:36:43
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- RT @jic_news: Web 会議「V-CUBE ミーティング」、サイボウズ ガルーン3上での予約管理が可能に http://bit.ly/gOeOfd posted at 23:29:16
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- [Latest News] India: US admirer of Gandhi sets himself on fire in India - Washington Post ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EUzy posted at 23:21:32
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- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: National Trust walks surge in popularity http://bit.ly/frBkCv posted at 23:15:18
- RT @TelegraphPics: Chinese New Year: millions travel home as China celebrates year of the rabbit. http://is.gd/If4C0M posted at 23:12:08
- [Manga] Vertical lands two coveted manga - Comic Book Resources ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/kyfi posted at 23:12:04
- [Japan Latest News] Culture: Kimono tradition wraps Soldiers in Japanese culture - United States Arm ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/wQfa posted at 23:07:46
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- [Japan Latest News] Tokyo Bourse to List Exchange-Traded Notes From May - Bloomberg ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/lrBw posted at 23:01:14
- [Latest News] Mass Anti-Government Protests Rock Egypt - Voice of America ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WVLO posted at 22:58:00
- [Weather of the Day in past] Jan 28: Killer blizzard slams Buffalo ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ESmW posted at 22:53:43
- RT @wikileaksnews: #wikileaks WikiLeaks leaked cable reveals delicacy of US ties with key ally Egypt: A US diplomat... http://bit.ly/gqxAtb #breaking #news posted at 22:50:42
- [Analogy] feast : banquet :: weep : _____ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/CO9G posted at 22:50:40
- [Trivia] The Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, was the chief temple to the goddess Athen ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8RsG posted at 22:46:25
- [Quiz] Who said: Nine times out of ten, in the arts as in life, there is actually no truth to be dis ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/czLw posted at 22:44:19
- [History of the Day] Jan 28, 1915: Congress passed legislation creating the U.S. Coast Guard. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PaLk posted at 22:39:00
- [外国為替] 【ロンドン市場】米GDP控えドル売り優勢に、ドル円は前日の上げを消す ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9wRh posted at 22:35:36
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- [Hot Video] Video: Obama’s new team girds for action ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/a59g posted at 22:28:26
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- [Paranormal/Ghost] UFO Photographed over Bendigo, Australia (About) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/0zdW posted at 22:22:08
- [History of the Day] Diet of Worms: general assembly of the Holy Roman Empire began; it ended four mon ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/GhRi posted at 22:17:54
- [UFO News] GENERAL GEORGE S. BROWN RELEASES UFO INFORMATION. ➮ @TAdder_ForumIP ➮ http://tiny.ly/V7cY posted at 22:14:33
- RT @IraqMonitor: AlertNet: INTERVIEW-US more open on detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan-ICRC http://bit.ly/gOb6a7 #Iraq posted at 22:13:26
- [Birth of the Day] Jan 28: Jackson Pollock (Infoplease) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/CxGG posted at 22:12:18
- [Odd News] What Do You Do When You're Snowed In? (GiggleSugar) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/ClAj posted at 22:09:06
- RT @47news: ボルト、5月に百メートル出場 陸上ゴールデンガラ http://bit.ly/gs5cau posted at 22:03:47
- RT @fairspinneutral: "At last, Obama addresses Egypt protests - on YouTube" (Linda Feldmann/Christian Science Monitor) http://fairspin.org/read/69870 posted at 21:57:23
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- [AnimeNews] Vertical nabs Princess Knight, Drops of God (Manga Blog) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jvhW posted at 21:49:49
- [UFO News] UFO Photographed over Bendigo, Australia ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/QhAl posted at 21:47:44
- RT @recordoftheday: Today's RecordOfTheDay is 'If It Wasn't For You' by Various Cruelties. Listen here: http://ping.fm/bUB9T posted at 21:44:37
- [Latest News] Videator 5.0 hits Mac App Store (Macminute.com) ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/EdJK posted at 21:44:35
- [最新News] イレッサ 国が和解勧告を拒否 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/sEec posted at 21:41:29
- RT @wikileaks: Cable: "Torture and police brutality in Egypt are endemic and widespread" http://is.gd/WSIcnI posted at 21:37:21
- RT @urageinou: KARA、5人体制継続へ 事務所と合意: メンバーの一部が所属事務所に専属契約の解除を申し出ていた日本でも人気の韓流ガールズグループ「KARA」が28日までに、現在の5人体制での活動を継続することで事務所側と基本合意した。 http://bit.ly/h3OZcR posted at 21:34:59
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- RT @TOEIC_990: 【stop】 /stɑ'p/ v. to halt; to cease; to quit; to close; to block; to impede #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 21:24:46
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 沢尻エリカ夫・高城剛氏 久々に帰国し「東京は平和」: http://bit.ly/ekS79q posted at 21:23:38
- ☼ TweetAdderについての説明をブログにて行っています。もし宜しければどうぞ。 ➭ http://tiny.ly/Xrm6 ➭ @TAdder_Forum posted at 21:22:31
- [Japan Latest News] Japan reaches Asian Cup final Japan's national football team have reached the fin ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Yrp8 posted at 21:21:30
- [最新NewsE] David Cameron: Britain must "stick to the course" to come through recession ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5OCd posted at 21:19:21
- RT @nannohi: 【初荒神】(1月28日)毎月28日は三宝荒神の縁日で、一年で最初の縁日は「初荒神」と呼ばれている。 posted at 21:18:13
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- [最新News] cyclowired: 投票すればサイン入りスペシャルジャージが当たる! ライダー・オブ・ザ・イヤー投票受付中 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/raBO posted at 21:08:50
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- RT @BritishMonarchy: On 29 Jan: Changing the Guard at Windsor Castle - Starts at approx 11am http://www.royal.gov.uk/G posted at 20:59:13
- [AnimeNews] Infinite Stratos 04 (See Slugs!) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/hAuX posted at 20:55:55
- [食べログ] ワインとグーです♪ ★★★☆☆3.5,東京都世田谷のハム・ソーセージ専門店です。 某雑誌の紹介から取り寄せしました。 秋田の「嶋田ハム」のレバーケーゼが好きですが、 コチラもなかなか美味でし ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/2IUq posted at 20:53:30
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- RT @GreatestQuotes: "I began learning long ago that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others." - Booker T. Washington posted at 20:21:33
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- [Japan Latest News] Erupting volcano cuts short Kawasaki's Miyazaki training camp ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/sJfJ posted at 20:08:44
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- [Japan Latest News] Myanmar court rejects Suu Kyi's appeal to reinstate party ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/GxkV posted at 20:00:33
- RT @2525news: 『iPhone/iPod touch』でリアルにトランペットを演奏できるアプリ『iTrump』 http://nico.ms/nw26654 : ガジェット通信 #niconews posted at 19:58:21
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- RT @JPubb_Listed: STAR ALLIANCE ADDS AIR CANADA, TAM AND US AIRWAYS TO UPGRADE AWARDS PRODUCT - 01/27 All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.: http://bit.ly/hBkrE0 posted at 19:51:42
- [RussiaNews] Russia 's nuclear envoy to hold talks with S. Korean counterpart ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1suG posted at 19:49:34
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- RT @jic_news: 【求人】(株)スリーエスでITエンジニアを募集。詳しくはこちらをご覧ください http://bit.ly/fwBD0j posted at 19:41:54
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- [Gossip] 'CHiPs ' star to be sentenced for securities fraud (AP) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UBUV posted at 19:35:42
- [TDL情報] 【東京ディズニーランド】「おすすめグッズ」情報を更新しました。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/pnkB posted at 19:33:38
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- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: Will climate change burst 'food bubble'? http://bit.ly/f5egCC posted at 19:23:57
- RT @TelegraphPics: Julianne Moore is this year's Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year. http://is.gd/Ld5eSq posted at 19:20:48
- [Latest News] Husband and lover arrested on suspicion of keeping wife locked in cellar - for SIXTEEN ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/92Cf posted at 19:16:37
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- [Latest News] GP who had two affairs beaten up by lover's husband in surgery car park ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/OQ6q posted at 19:04:59
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- RT @wiredvision: 『インセプション』から『エンジェル ウォーズ』へ--気鋭の映像作家たちが描出する"内なる世界" : 高森郁哉の「ArtとTechの明日が見たい」 http://wiredvision.jp/blog/takamori/201101/201101281629.html posted at 18:56:51
- [Latest News] Climate change sceptics double in 4 years as Britain goes cold on global warming ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/AiFg posted at 18:56:49
- RT @HuffingtonPost: WikiLeaks cable indicates Qatar offered Egypt a deal to "stop" Al Jazeera for a year http://huff.to/gvCSCD posted at 18:52:40
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- [Bollywood] Beautiful Waheeda! -- Guide - Gata Rahe Mera Dil - Kishore Kumar - Lata Mangeshkar ➮ http://t.co/HeYTxdv posted at 18:32:58
- RT @IraqMonitor: Yahoo! News: Death toll reaches 51 day after Iraq funeral blast (AP) http://bit.ly/i2FIAh #Iraq posted at 18:31:52
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- RT @47news: 週末、冬将軍また猛威 2月からは暖かく? http://bit.ly/i8sLKg posted at 18:19:15
- RT @fairspinneutral: "Ugandan gay activist murdered" (Xan Rice/Guardian) http://fairspin.org/read/69864 posted at 18:13:01
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- RT @ld_blogtopics: ■今日一番笑った記事 - ゲームなんかするよりも、キリストを信仰しなさい http://bit.ly/e3hsxZ posted at 17:59:37
- [地域振興] 中国人: 中国人が日本で行きたい場所 北海道71%、他を圧倒 - 日本経済新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qNir posted at 17:57:33
- [最新News] 山寨(パクリ)に学ぶこと ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/t7Bc posted at 17:55:19
- [地域振興] 中国人: 人材誘致どころか、移民が5年で1万人減の韓国(上) - 朝鮮日報 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bs4J posted at 17:53:19
- RT @wikileaks: Senator Kerry's secret Egypt briefing http://wikileaks.ch/cable/2010/02/10DOHA71.html posted at 17:52:08
- [地域振興] 中国人: 2010年の訪日旅行者数は史上最多に、中国人は45.5%増 - サーチナニュース ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/o2TZ posted at 17:51:05
- [地域振興] 田川地域観光振興考える 県立大でシンポ - 読売新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EsIp posted at 17:48:46
- [地域振興] お笑いで町おこし 静岡よしもと開設、観光PRにひと役 - 朝日新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/h2tK posted at 17:45:40
- [最新News] JR東日本は純利益8%増 4~12月、鉄道収入回復 - 日本経済新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EQUY posted at 17:42:26
- RT @english_note: What can I say?/なんていったらいいかしら。 #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 17:41:18
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【imaginary】 /imæ'ʤənèri/ adj. not real; fanciful #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 17:39:14
- [Latest News] Biden says Mubarak no dictator ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6G9u posted at 17:38:14
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 2010年10〜12月のたばこ販売数47.7%減: http://bit.ly/e3IRat posted at 17:36:49
- [最新News] Twitterの他人の名言コメントを「自分のコメント」としてパクリ掲載して炎上 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/cn60 posted at 17:35:45
- [IndiaNews] Apex court stays execution of three ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3bsJ posted at 17:32:34
- RT @nannohi: 【逸話の日】(1月28日)「い(1)つ(2)わ(8)」の語呂合せ。世の中にあまり知られていない逸話を語り合う日。 posted at 17:31:31
- [最新News] 韓国 前警察庁長官収賄で逮捕 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gQCd posted at 17:29:19
- [Latest News] Philipp Hildebrand sucht Verbündete ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/nYx9 posted at 17:19:58
- [Yara] - Law Bassely / يارا - لو بص لي ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/dxrqYMy posted at 17:18:53
- [質問] 革靴の靴磨きは誰がやりますか? ※普段、仕事で革靴.. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/of00 posted at 17:17:51
- [Latest News] Elementos to raise A$3.61m via non-renounceable rights issue ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Bpsg posted at 17:15:45
- [最新News] 新燃岳 28日も爆発的な噴火 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2U8y posted at 17:10:24
- RT @Rocketnews24: 日本VS.韓国戦でテレビ朝日が捏造!? 横断幕を作った「ゆとり世代グループ」がマスコミに不快感 http://bit.ly/gzX1Cw posted at 17:00:56
- [MideastNews] Iraq forces on alert after Baghdad blasts kill 53 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WYmN posted at 17:00:54
- [♓Pisces] At certain moments you can feel where your destiny ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Tnlh posted at 16:56:44
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: Davos World Economic Forum 2011: Day two - as it happened - Telegraph.co.uk http://goo.gl/fb/51z20 posted at 16:52:25
- [Tokyohive] Ayase Haruka is a Valentine Queen who is still looking for a King ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/v3d3 posted at 16:52:22
- [♒Aquarius] What's happening in your personal relationships, Aquarius? ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jcRT posted at 16:49:05
- ☼TweetAdderでは、特定のtwitterのidを選んで、それぞれのタイムライン上のつぶやきの中からある単語を含むつぶやきを自動的にRT(リツィート)できる機能があります。つまりPCが情報を収集して共有化してくれるわけです。➮ http://tiny.ly/4UU6 posted at 16:48:00
- [♑Capricorn] Do you have a desire to go away on a trip? Would you ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0RC5 posted at 16:46:57
- [♐Sagittarius] A day such as today should demonstrate an old truth ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/in50 posted at 16:44:50
- [互联网] 施密特称谷歌最大竞争对手是微软而非Facebook 【搜狐IT消息】北京时间1月28日消息,据国外媒体报道,Google CEO埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)在接受采访时表示,该 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Svsb posted at 16:42:50
- [通信] 部分快递开始停止收件 实行地区差别服务 年关之际,不单车票一票难求,快递也一单难发,原本舒心的网购在春运时期也变得闹心。国家邮政局日前下发通知,要求杜绝积压快件等问题。中国快递协会副秘书长邵钟 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/tJTX posted at 16:38:37
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Nothing will come of nothing. Dare for mighty things." - William Shakespeare posted at 16:36:31
- [电影新闻] 《最强囍事》谢楠帮黄百鸣健身 打造石油大亨 《最强囍事》中, ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/MBXQ posted at 16:36:29
- RT @nikkeionline: 富士通、通期純利益750億円に下方修正(注目の決算) http://s.nikkei.com/fIWYZ3 posted at 16:27:01
- [Bollywood] Bollywood Beauty - Rekha - In Aankhon Ki Masti - Umrao Jaan ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/wydpSHf posted at 16:19:44
- RT @2525news: 年内妥結目標を確認へ=日米欧や新興国が参加―WTO非公式会合 http://nico.ms/nw26560 : 時事通信社 #niconews posted at 16:18:38
- RT @GlobalGiving: New Project Update! Empower 100 women in Zimbabwe with Sewing Skills!: "BSG training certificates & AFADU re-laucnhe... http://ow.ly/1b4abr posted at 16:17:33
- [IT频道] 埃及中断互联网和短信服务 反恐部队进驻开罗 中新网1月28日电 综合 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FhPb posted at 16:17:31
- RT @jic_news: フォースメディア、iPod/iPhone 専用浴室用「お風呂まるごとスピーカー」を販売 http://bit.ly/ehy6Ka posted at 16:02:39
- [经济新闻] 午评:两市涨跌互现 沪指跌5点收报2743 人民网北京1月28日电 今日沪综指开报2741.31点,最高2752.13点,最低2733.29点,收报2743.83点,跌5.32点,跌幅 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9O15 posted at 15:59:31
- [国际新闻] 欧盟再提解除对华军售禁令 2次解禁滋味不同 症结在哪 2011年新年伊始,&$ &$欧盟&$ &$频频传出解除对华军售禁令的声音。 最开始是欧盟首位“&$<a href="http ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3qIK posted at 15:55:31
- [新闻] 国务院侨办主任李海峰向海外侨胞发表新春贺辞 中国国务院侨务办公室主任李海峰28日在北京发表新春贺辞,代表国务院侨办向生活在世界各地的海外侨胞和广大归侨侨眷致以节日的问候和美好的祝愿,希望广 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/e9j6 posted at 15:51:18
- RT @Earth_News: Wildlife Finder: Intertidal zone: Intertidal zones lie on the shore between the high and low tide marks. Rocky s... http://bbc.in/gZBBBm posted at 15:49:07
- [♏Scorpio] You may feel an urgent need to use your physical energy. ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TlbG posted at 15:46:09
- [Fado] Diva Amalia -- havemos de ir a viana - amalia rodrigues ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/vPtp83A posted at 15:44:56
- [♎Libra] You're likely to spend time with someone who energizes ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Z3oA posted at 15:43:46
- [♍Virgo] You can look forward to a busy day, Virgo. Don't schedule ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qQh0 posted at 15:41:39
- RT @life_sucks1017: 1905年1月28日 - 竹島を島根県に編入。日本政府は島根県隠岐島司の所管の竹島と閣議決定。日韓朝の三国が領有権を主張しているが、韓国の李承晩大統領が『李承晩ライン』を一方的に設定し軍事占拠以降、韓国が占有し続けている。日本政府は韓国側の不法占拠であると声明を出し抗議している。 posted at 15:33:59
- RT @wiredvision: 臭いアンモニアから、明るい未来が見えてくる(3) : 山路達也の「エコ技術研究者に訊く」 http://wiredvision.jp/blog/yamaji/201101/201101281403.html posted at 15:18:50
- [DPRK News] N. Korea in fresh call for talks with S. Korea ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/eBZY posted at 15:14:38
- [♌Leo] The day may be somewhat trying for you, Leo. You may ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TPMm posted at 15:11:25
- [TamilNews] 30ம் தேதி நாஞ்சில் நாடனுக்கு பாராட்டு விழா ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IH0I posted at 15:09:20
- ☼ TweetAdder (tweet adder 3.0)について➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/xhqu posted at 15:08:16
- [♋Cancer] The day will be fairly eventful, Cancer. There's some ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ORyv posted at 15:05:10
- [娱乐新闻] 香港地产神童猝死 被爆私藏与女星不雅录像带 视频:香港社交名人罗兆辉猝死 曾自曝与多位女星有染 罗兆辉 [ 图集:罗兆辉曾与多女星有染 ] 罗兆辉曾主动曝光与名模的激情照 孙佳君与罗兆 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ewXq posted at 15:00:57
- [Latest News] BBC iPlayer apps for iPhone and iPad imminent ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TYqz posted at 14:56:46
- RT @IraqMonitor: أزمة المساكن في العراق تحول دون عودة النازحين إلى ديارهم - الرافدين http://bit.ly/fNugk0 #Iraq posted at 14:54:41
- [♊Gemini] Have you been lethargic lately? If so, today is your ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PvUc posted at 14:52:38
- [♉Taurus] Today you may be touched by a person who exudes the ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/fpsL posted at 14:44:18
- RT @47news: AKB48、1千万円で取引? ドメイン名売買の中止要請 http://bit.ly/ePcxOl posted at 14:43:09
- [Latest News] Two cyclones to hit Queensland ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3h8C posted at 14:42:09
- RT @HuffingtonPost: Wikileaks announces it will 'soon release numerous cables on Egypt' http://huff.to/evXNfP #jan25 posted at 14:37:53
- [Latest News] Police hold five over web attacks ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UnEy posted at 14:37:51
- RT @fairspinneutral: "Hawaii: Bill Would Open Obama Birth Record" (Associated Press) http://fairspin.org/read/69860 posted at 14:36:49
- [♈Aries] The day ahead will reenergize you after these last ... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/EIUS posted at 14:35:51
- [IndiaNews] Parliament stalemate: Pranab calls all-party meet on Feb 8 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Hxlo posted at 14:31:41
- [最新News] 「産業日本語」、「オタク日本語」で日本を救う!(RT希望)➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/foBe posted at 14:30:28
- [IndiaNews] Smoke behind the fire that killed Sonawane ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/JWQW posted at 14:27:13
- [MideastNews] Iran wants to cooperate in education ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oE73 posted at 14:24:07
- [Gossip] NEWS山下との共演NGリストに向井理の名前が?!北川景子をめぐる三角関係の噂は本当? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Ov11 posted at 14:19:55
- RT @carnegiehall: This day 1968: Simon and Garfunkel made their @carnegiehall debut. posted at 14:17:49
- RT @wikileaks: Biden says Assange is a "terrorist" and Mubarak is "no dictator"--and should not step down. Biden is a dangerous fool. posted at 14:16:42
- [MideastNews] Closing ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6oZE posted at 14:15:44
- RT @urageinou: 海老蔵の傷害事件、初公判は2月18日: 歌舞伎俳優市川海老蔵さんが暴行され重傷を負った事件で、東京地裁は28日、傷害罪で起訴された元暴走族メンバー伊藤リオン被告(27)の初公判期日を2月18日に指定した。 http://bit.ly/hzbIJz posted at 14:14:39
- [社會生活] 日本2010年平均失业率5.1%维持高位 求人倍率改善 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/DOSi posted at 14:12:35
- [滾動新聞] 日本政府發文駁斥《紐約時報》談及尖閣諸島的專欄 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/pcld posted at 14:10:19
- [History of the Day] January 27, 1888: National Geographic Society founded ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/voxq posted at 14:08:19
- [Bollywood] Bollywood Beauty Sharmila -- Dil Aaisa - Uttam Kumar & Sharmila Tagore - Amanush ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/wYsbM1N posted at 14:08:12
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【bring together】 v. to join, to gather #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 14:04:10
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 鉄拳、8年前に一般女性と結婚していた トーク番組で報告: http://bit.ly/f96osO posted at 14:03:09
- [Gossip] Miley Cyrus Tops Worst Influence Poll… Again ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bbiP posted at 14:02:11
- RT @nannohi: 【コピーライターの日】(1月28日)1956(昭和31)年のこの日、「万国著作権条約」が公布された。この条約で、著作物にCopyright(著作権)の頭文字Cを丸で囲んだ記号を附記することが定められたことから、「コピーライト」を「コピーライター」にひっかけて。「万国著作権条約」は posted at 13:57:00
- [Latest News] Gov. Cuomo gets 71% approval rating from NYers ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TkT5 posted at 13:53:33
- [Latest News] Star's Children's Phones Found In Hack Files ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ posted at 13:51:31
- [最新News] 宮迫が朝帰り…相手の美人とは ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/Tfoo posted at 13:45:10
- [优酷-每日推荐视频] 超市价格欺诈:家乐福误导性价格标示依然存在 110128 早新闻 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3j3J posted at 13:42:05
- [最新News] アジア杯のドーハで考えた「人生と仕事の関係」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mdXF posted at 13:38:45
- [最新News] 宮崎・噴火で長嶋一茂が心配したのは…エッ、そこかい! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/KsLw posted at 13:36:42
- RT @InformationWeek: Video: EXCLUSIVE: Socialcast to Announce Extension to its Platform http://twb.io/eNFw9V posted at 13:32:30
- RT @Rocketnews24: 辛い物大好きな人も辛い物ダメな人も納得の美味さ! 「激辛道場」でしゃぶしゃぶを食べてみた http://bit.ly/eeQu4x posted at 13:30:20
- [Ruins] Beautiful pics of ruins from Japan ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮http://tiny.ly/FRlB posted at 13:29:17
- [最新News] "思い上がった"菅首相を批判 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rG7l posted at 13:28:17
- [里親募集] 「一つでも救える命を」 1月30日(日)第43回CATNAPにゃみりー。猫の譲渡会のお知らせ ※屋内開催※葛飾区※ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4ruO posted at 13:24:07
- [Gossip] 執行猶予中の高相祐一氏、歌舞伎町"行き倒れ"騒動はのりピーの気を引く芝居!? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TLD5 posted at 13:20:05
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: IronMonkey Studios - Dead Space - Australian Gamer http://goo.gl/fb/ETbCs posted at 13:18:58
- [ScienceNews] NASA's dreaming: Future space technologies ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WmXu posted at 13:15:51
- [Latest News] Guardian: The anguish of swapping to wapping ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oy5W posted at 13:11:32
- RT @keiseisuzuki: Darkness of ASIA: 窮地に立たされるインド。汚職と、インフレと、利上げと、石油高騰 http://t.co/b8hb62B posted at 13:06:13
- [最新News] 「こうのとり」がISSに結合成功 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/BtkT posted at 13:05:04
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." - George Bernard Shaw posted at 13:02:54
- [Fado] Grande Tony de Matos. O ultimo dos romanticos! Eu sou aquel (Yo soy aquel) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/lBAgfHH posted at 13:01:52
- [Sports] Australian Open 2011 LIVE! - ESPN STAR Sports ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/HkNO posted at 13:00:48
- [Latest News] Egypt's Mubarak faces toughest challenge yet - CNN International ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Fl3H posted at 12:57:35
- [Deportes] Adebayor: «No he venido para echar a Benzema» - La Nueva España ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7p0K posted at 12:53:31
- [Noticias] La oposición intenta ponerse al frente de las revueltas en Egipto - Publico.es ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jCn7 posted at 12:51:21
- RT @nikkeionline: 市民出資型の地域ラジオ局 神戸、NPOに衣替えへ http://s.nikkei.com/gnVehh posted at 12:48:15
- [Divertissements] L'incontournable show de la BD - Sud Ouest ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qi1k posted at 12:48:13
- [Actualités] Tunisie. Ghannouchi s'accroche les autres ex-Ben Ali évincés - Le Télégramme ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6Liu posted at 12:43:51
- [Культура] Суммарный объем продаж аукционного дома Christie's по итогам 2010г. вырос на 51,5% - до 5 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NhB5 posted at 12:40:43
- RT @2525news: 「2人をスタジオに呼べ!」エリカ騒動にみのもんたウンザリ顔 http://nico.ms/nw26478 : J-CAST #niconews posted at 12:39:35
- [новости] Расследование теракта в Домодедове: слухи и факты - Вести.Ru ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/GTn5 posted at 12:36:20
- [Entretenimento] Igor conquista a terceira liderança do jogo - Revista Quem ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Jzdo posted at 12:33:15
- [Notícias] Dilma não vai mexer no PAC - O Dia Online ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/86lA posted at 12:30:05
- [Entretenimento] The Legendary Tigerman no palco EDP - Destak ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NkLQ posted at 12:25:44
- [ONE HOUR] To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. ➮ @TAdder_Forum @TAdder_ForumIP posted at 12:24:39
- RT @jic_news: パラレルス、クラウドサービス事業者向けに戦略策定ブループリントを無償配布 http://bit.ly/dUGKti posted at 12:23:32
- [Notícias] Saída de Capucho abre dança de cadeiras nas câmaras - Diário de Notícias - Lisboa ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PnYj posted at 12:22:30
- [IndiaNews] Review: Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji is mostly juvenile comedy - Daily News & Analysis ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/A47l posted at 12:18:16
- [IndiaNews] ICC Cricket World Cup 2011: Aiming for 'The Cup that Counts' - afaqs! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/V0OE posted at 12:15:15
- [Latest News] Protestwelle erschüttert Ägypten - RP ONLINE ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ysEE posted at 12:12:06
- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: Forestry Commission: Facing the chop | Editorial http://bit.ly/hKOI2C posted at 12:11:00
- [台灣娛樂] 劉香慈被迫交際應酬 姚元浩討公道與劇組爆衝突 - NOWnews ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/iTia posted at 12:07:55
- [台灣新聞] 埃及反政府示威已致6人死亡千人被捕 - 香港新浪網 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/AYc2 posted at 12:05:40
- [国际新闻] 北非魅影:“推特”革命流入埃及 - 凤凰网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/kFK8 posted at 12:01:35
- [娱乐] 赌王何鸿燊四房争产大战(组图) - 网易 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/NIGj posted at 11:59:26
- [Fado] Grande Tony de Matos. O ultimo dos romanticos! Que queres tu de mim ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/D51H95P posted at 11:59:21
- [新闻] 国信证券:房产税利剑轻轻落地 建议加仓地产股 - 新浪网 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dzsc posted at 11:56:15
- [பொழுதுபோக்கு] ஏ.ஆர். ரகுமானுக்கு கிரிஸ்டல் விருது - தினகரன் ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Fp0Q posted at 11:54:10
- [मनोरंजन] श्वेता के साथ फिर मारपीट की राजा ने - मेरी खबर.कोम ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/OoFF posted at 11:49:49
- [செய்திகள்] காங்கிரஸ் எம்.எல்.ஏ. போளூர் வரதன் மரணம் - தினத் தந்தி ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/31Ex posted at 11:47:43
- [इसमें समाचार पढें़] सर्द हवाओं से ठिठुरन बढी़ - दैनिक भास्कर ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/G4N9 posted at 11:45:30
- أهم الأخبار - أخبار ميقاتي: سأسعى إلى حكومة تكنوقراط إذا رفض أنصار الحريري المشاركة - دار الحياة ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zEjX posted at 11:42:21
- [Latest News] Microsoft 2Q earnings edge down on slow PC sales - BusinessWeek ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/unXj posted at 11:40:10
- [Sports] Fisher out as Titans coach after 16 years - Salt Lake Tribune ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9h1a posted at 11:37:09
- [Bollywood] Love! Kabhi Hua Nahi ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/abTTO68 posted at 11:37:05
- RT @wiredvision: 「ターミネーター」ロボットハンド(動画) http://wiredvision.jp/news/201101/2011012821.html posted at 11:35:05
- [Entertainment] Charlie Sheen Treated for Hernia -- No OD - TMZ.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ckG7 posted at 11:34:06
- [Gossip] Charlie Smoked Cocaine, Critiqued Porn Before 911 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/iY4u posted at 11:29:46
- [Latest News] Can You 'Reside' in Chicago if You Live Somewhere Else? - New York Times ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/JOLP posted at 11:25:25
- [Music] Academy of Country Music to Honor Female Artists at Tribute Concert - 411mania.com ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/8rao posted at 11:22:21
- [Latest News] Leaked CDMA BlackBerry roadmap reveals Curve Touch, Bold Touch, more ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/DS8x posted at 11:18:58
- RT @newsbrooke: #wikileaks alternative #openleaks has gone live today: http://bit.ly/hPrDMq Good luck! posted at 11:15:40
- العربية.نت | الصفحة الرئيسية مسؤول رفيع بالحزب الوطني يطالب الحكومة بالاستقالة والاستجابة للمحتجين ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/mwTv posted at 11:12:32
- [Jansug Kakhidze] Soul of Georgia -- Jansug Kakhidze - Dzilispiruli ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/CrouIQo posted at 11:11:00
- [ScienceNews] Death-Row Drug Dilemma ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7tHI posted at 11:07:52
- RT @IraqMonitor: Huffington Post: Marc Levin: Brick City http://huff.to/dIu1tj #Iraq posted at 11:02:51
- RT @Anime: News: Japan's Animation Blu-ray Disc Ranking, January 17-23 • K-On!! at #1 with 27,000; Milky Holmes, Kamen Ride..http://4NN.cx/56694 #anime posted at 11:00:47
- [Al Arabiya] ElBaradei back to "politically support" Egypt 's change ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oTdQ posted at 11:00:44
- [最新News] したたかだと思う女性の特徴ランキング ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/oeI4 posted at 10:55:55
- [Latest News] Bird flu: Government To Strengthen Anti-bird Flu Measures - Bernama ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/gpP3 posted at 10:51:34
- RT @47news: 「松井秀加入でいいチームに」 ア軍首脳が期待 http://bit.ly/hFWSjP posted at 10:49:29
- [最新News] 鳥インフルエンザ: 鳥インフル拡大、県内感染「絶対に阻止」 防鳥ネット点検や消毒徹底 - 徳島新聞 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6sHV posted at 10:49:27
- [Gossip] 女子高生贔屓事件でAKBは「会いに行けないアイドル」になりました。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0vAq posted at 10:46:20
- RT @fairspinneutral: "Jay Carney to Become White House Press Secretary" (Michael D. Shear/The Caucus) http://fairspin.org/read/69843 posted at 10:42:13
- [滚动新闻] 共同社28日新闻快递(1) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3I1J posted at 10:42:11
- [Twitter] みかんのむき方がTwitterで話題?!タワレコ渋谷店でみかんをむこう!むきむきワークショップ開催! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/eKd5 posted at 10:40:00
- [Japan Latest News] Travel › Air Canada to boost Calgary-Narita flights; delay Vancouver-Haneda launc ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uOxW posted at 10:37:53
- [Latest News] Sony Unveils the Next Generation Portable, Successor to the PSP ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/eczB posted at 10:34:36
- [AfghanNews] 6: Taliban justice overshadows new Afghan era Watch ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/r20z posted at 10:31:56
- [Music] -- Silvia Marcovici is very fascinating! - Saint Saens:Violin Concerto No.3 3rd Mov. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/pdho5Kn posted at 10:29:51
- RT @ld_blogtopics: ■第1位 - ソニー、新型PSP「NGP」発表!2スティック、3G通信、有機EL、背面タッチパネル、解像度4倍 http://bit.ly/gcBvoZ posted at 10:26:38
- [Latest News] Islamophobia: Are sections of the British press increasing tensions within communities ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ytBX posted at 10:24:35
- [Games] News: Sony: Not all NGP models will ship with 3G ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/X4co posted at 10:21:29
- RT @wikileaks: FBI raids 40 in search of WikiLeaks anti-censorship supporters http://is.gd/ndbNPq http://wikileaks.org/support.html posted at 10:18:09
- [最新News] 恋愛運UPも金運UPも耳たぶが叶えてくれる! 奇跡を呼ぶ風水メイクとは? ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/3JJc posted at 10:18:07
- [UN News] UN marks Holocaust memorial day with exhibitions and pledges of 39never again 39 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2BBR posted at 10:14:49
- [Japan Latest News] Entertainment › Maestro Ozawa cancels 5 Japan concerts in March ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/woBg posted at 10:12:36
- [Entertainment] UPDATE1: Maestro Ozawa cancels 5 Japan concerts in March ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PVrT posted at 10:09:21
- [Latest News] LinkedIn: We’re powered by obsessives ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/zV8x posted at 10:07:11
- RT @english_note: That doesn't add up./それはつじつまが合わない。 #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 10:06:03
- [Latest News] Microsoft’s Kinectified game business grows 55 percent — fastest-selling consumer elect ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/c6J4 posted at 10:05:04
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【glossy】 /glɑ'si/ adj. shiny; polished; smooth #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 10:03:58
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 羽鳥アナ、動けるうちに可能性試したい: http://bit.ly/igthyz posted at 10:02:50
- [Latest News] Shorthand brings (some of) the Internet to phones, no data plan required ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/p6oI posted at 10:00:47
- RT @nannohi: 【宇宙からの警告の日】(1月28日)1986(昭和61)年のこの日、アメリカのスペースシャトル・チャレンジャーが打ち上げられ、発射74秒後に爆発し、乗組員7人全員が死亡した。作家・大江健三郎は『治療塔』の中でこの事故を「宇宙意志からの警告」と表現した。 posted at 09:56:41
- [Games] LinkedIn acquires business card scanner CardMunch, sets it free ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/aEnc posted at 09:56:39
- [Tokyograph] Yuki Amami returns for "BOSS" sequel ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Jfba posted at 09:52:26
- [Visit Japan] If you visit or stay in Japan, good information is here: http://tiny.ly/dvNA, http://tiny.ly/3t8O ➮ @TAdder_Forum posted at 09:49:14
- [Latest News] What If Google Is Just a One-Trick Pony? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/AVJN posted at 09:48:10
- [Latest News] Microsoft quarterly financials: $19.95 bn revenue, driven by holiday sales ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/VzZM posted at 09:43:53
- [最新News] XBOX360のジェスチャー認識デバイス『Kinect』でかめはめ波を撃つ動画 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/lyz1 posted at 09:36:34
- RT @InformationWeek: IBM Building Massive China Cloud Data Centers http://twb.io/hfgt58 posted at 09:28:23
- RT @Rocketnews24: IT時代のマーフィーの法則!? 「USB端子を逆に入れようとしてしまう確率は90パーセント以上」 http://bit.ly/gjzchl posted at 09:25:12
- [Latest News] Oscar Co-Host and Best Actor Nominee James Franco Takes Center Stage at the Boulder Int ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/eEMJ posted at 09:25:10
- [Latest News] J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. Elects William J. Shea, Jr. to Its Board of Director ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/WvF7 posted at 09:22:58
- [最新News] ブルー・パール・ソフトウェア、IC設計解析・CDCチェック・SDC作成・検証を変革する新製品スイートを発表 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/PQqQ posted at 09:18:55
- RT @Dtikler: UFO's & Paranormal: Photo Captures Chicago UFO Out of Phase http://bit.ly/ihlhEo posted at 09:17:48
- [Latest News] BST Global与国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)宣布达成新的七年战略合作协议 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/0LhA posted at 09:16:46
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: Hands on: Ten One's Fling game controller for iPad - MacNN http://goo.gl/fb/vdlAO posted at 09:15:41
- [Latest News] Edmunds.com Forecasts January Auto Sales: 2011 Jumps Off to a Steady Start ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dbhq posted at 09:14:35
- [Latest News] Autodesk Opens Voting for 2010 “Inventor of the Year” ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jVKz posted at 09:11:29
- [Raji & Nargis] -- GHAR AYA MERA PARDESI(Awara) ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/r0eVZax posted at 09:11:23
- [Odd News] Guyism After Dark: Ashley, Franchesca, or Isabeli??? ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qRMq posted at 09:09:19
- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." - Mother Teresa posted at 09:00:58
- RT @Quoteland: "Don't hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love." - LEO BUSCAGLIA http://fb.me/EfKSZPGN posted at 08:59:23
- [最新News] 宮田若奈の“本気”ブログ: 宮崎日日新聞 きりしま欄の記事です! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/MxfN posted at 08:49:44
- RT @nikkeionline: 市場を惑わすオバマの「クリーン」(NY特急便) http://s.nikkei.com/hA140I posted at 08:48:36
- ☼ TweetAdder (tweet adder 3.0)について➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/xhqu posted at 08:44:23
- RT @2525news: <ファミリーマート>ブランド牛を使ったおむすび「金芽米 若狭牛ステーキ」 http://nico.ms/nw26386 : BizBuz #niconews posted at 08:39:14
- [最新News] マイク・タイソン、8児の父に! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/5sCX posted at 08:36:11
- [Gossip] Kacey Jordan: Charlie Sheen Plaything, Porn Star ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/cDGA posted at 08:28:55
- RT @jic_news: 「メモリーカード」より「ワンセグ」、「赤外線通信」より「耐水・耐衝撃性能」を重視―携帯買い替えニーズ定期リサーチ(54) http://bit.ly/dMxxZh posted at 08:25:37
- [最新News] ドナルド・サザーランドが殿堂入り!コリン・ファレルも祝福 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/iI3F posted at 08:24:37
- [Latest News] Surviving the economy: Six perspectives ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/2TiN posted at 08:22:30
- [地震速報] [ PR ] ブログでお天気を簡単ゲット! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/FewF posted at 08:20:14
- RT @Earth_News: RT@ARKive: David Doubilet artificial reef photography in Nat Geo http://ow.ly/3L6gc #photography #wildlife #ocea... http://bit.ly/gjHMLo posted at 08:11:50
- [Earthquake] 6 - SOUTHEASTERN IRAN ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6oyh posted at 08:11:47
- RT @TelegraphPics: Gallery: Brazil approves clearing of Amazon forest to make way for Belo Monte dam http://tgr.ph/gjae1S posted at 08:08:33
- [Laughs] Just for laughs ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/oioF6OY posted at 08:08:30
- [ScienceNews] Intel Commits $100 Million for University Research ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ufyV posted at 08:07:24
- [ScienceNews] Tools Suggest Earlier Human Exit From Africa ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/bGs9 posted at 08:05:09
- [Latest News] U.S. to provide specifics in future terror alerts ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Jmm4 posted at 08:03:01
- [最新News] SAS Institute Japan りそなグループ、SASのマネーロンダリング対策ソリューションを採用 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/tYDk posted at 08:00:45
- [最新News] 1位 花粉観測機『ポールンロボ』の設置者500名募集 [ウェザーニューズ] ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/95Dk posted at 07:58:40
- [Japan Latest News] No.1 Toshiba Group Holds 20th Environmental Exhibition [Toshiba Corporation] ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/cmwJ posted at 07:54:30
- [Japan Latest News] Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Delivering a Daily Serving of Nature 's Bounty fr ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1KBp posted at 07:50:04
- [Japan Latest News] Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Completion of the API Manufacturing Facilit ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dgsD posted at 07:47:59
- [最新News] スターツ出版 1月“ケータイ小説文庫”発売のお知らせ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3oM0 posted at 07:43:43
- [最新News] NECとレノボ、合弁会社を設立へ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/lp8J posted at 07:39:27
- [Latest News] Breast Implants Linked to Rare, Treatable Cancer ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/udIu posted at 07:37:23
- [Dean Martin] Rich & Mellow! Gigi.WMV ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/AEuHVGv posted at 07:35:08
- [Gossip] The New Hot Body Part? Knees ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/sr4H posted at 07:33:01
- [Science] US students stressed out: study ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/n1W4 posted at 07:29:44
- [Odd News] I Said, “No Valentine ’s Gifts ”! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/JsRT posted at 07:25:19
- [最新News] 桃屋 食べるラー油 販売店というキーワードが熱いです。 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/cbOn posted at 07:22:03
- [最新News] BIGBANG 日本の女性はきれいで親切でやさしいと語る ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/9VCD posted at 07:19:59
- [最新News] フリー主催の小沢氏会見 記者クラブとは「会見する意味ない」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/YC77 posted at 07:14:46
- [求人情報] ソーシャルゲーム開発エンジニア | 株式会社DigiDock 株式会社Digi ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ZDyT posted at 07:11:41
- RT @hana_kotoba: おはようございます。今日の誕生花は〝ネモフィラ〟花言葉は「可憐」「どこでも成功」です。それでは皆さん、良い1日を。 posted at 07:10:39
- RT @IraqMonitor: New York Times: After Bombing, Iraqis Direct Anger at Police http://nyti.ms/eyOql1 #Iraq posted at 07:07:34
- [最新News] モリヤ:再生会社選定 新社長に飯田氏、再建は3年後 /宮城 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/7NVY posted at 07:07:31
- [Yara] Ana Ensanah / يارا - أنا إنسانة ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://t.co/QQeBKOX posted at 07:07:26
- [最新News] さらなる改善求める 歴博展示刷新で「9・29実現させる会」 by 琉球新報 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/ymaY posted at 07:02:59
- [新闻] iOS版《丧尸围城》增加新角色 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4wuf posted at 06:58:49
- RT @47news: エジプト株、10%超の暴落 http://bit.ly/iafY1K posted at 06:56:43
- [最新News] 消費税増税よりもシュウカツ改革が日本経済にとって重要な理由 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uIUC posted at 06:55:38
- RT @fairspinneutral: "President Obama to Announce Major Staff Changes" (Jake Tapper/Political Punch) http://fairspin.org/read/69816 posted at 06:51:27
- [最新News] 「牛」じゃなくて「虎」になれ! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/pPaC posted at 06:51:25
- [MideastNews] Ya'alon: Hizbullah has agents in Gaza training terrorists ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/ECpZ posted at 06:49:17
- [❤質問] 彼のが太くて入りません 彼とのエッチで、痛くて最後まで入れることができません。 今まで、今の彼以外とはセックスしたことがないのでわかりませんが、外国人ですし、たぶん普通より大きいほうなのだ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/XMLN posted at 06:45:05
- RT @Billboarddotcom: Here's more lyrics to "Born This Way" exclusive to Billboard. Thanks @LadyGaga! http://bit.ly/dS04WJ posted at 06:37:51
- [インコ] おしゃべりインコぴのこ 昔話シリーズ14 「"と"の呪い」 ➮ @TAdder_Forum➮ http://tiny.ly/uc2y posted at 06:37:49
- RT @carnegiehall: This day 1959: Soprano Maria Callas made her @carnegiehall debut, performing the role of Imogene in a production of Bellini’s Il Pirata. posted at 06:36:43
- [Latest News] Egypt erupts as police crack down on journalists as well as protestors ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dXVZ posted at 06:33:32
- [TechNews] Art of Computer Programming textbook updated for volume four ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/L0XO posted at 06:31:20
- [Latest News] Sony Unveils Next-gen PSP Successor Codenamed NGP ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Hp9Y posted at 06:28:17
- [Owls & Parrots Park near Mt. Fuji in Japan] Most recommended, if you love birds! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/NGgA posted at 06:28:11
- [Latest News] Panel finds financial crisis was avoidable ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1TjZ posted at 06:26:04
- RT @english_note: Same as always./相変わらずだよ。 #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 06:25:00
- RT @TOEIC_990: 【complain】 /kəmpléin/ v. to find fault; to express displeasure; to protest #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 06:23:57
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 首都・北京、“中国版ウォールストリート”の様相―シンガポール紙: http://bit.ly/hkALxu posted at 06:21:56
- [Latest News] Obama Picks Jay Carney For Press Secretary ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/dubE posted at 06:18:45
- RT @nannohi: 【衣類乾燥機の日】(1月28日)日本電機工業会が1994(平成6)年に制定。「衣類(1)ふん(2)わり(8)」の語呂合せ。 posted at 06:17:38
- [Latest News] Updated TUAW application now available in the App Store ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/yZ5C posted at 06:15:33
- [Latest News] BBC iPlayer app finally getting close to release ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/plOG posted at 06:12:27
- [Culture] Street Art: January 2011 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/MkGl posted at 06:08:09
- [Al Jazeera] ElBaradei arrives in Egypt ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/uiEX posted at 06:03:52
- [最新News] 朝鮮学校への補助金 来年度当初予算案での計上見送り ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/UHnH posted at 06:00:12
- RT @NASA: @DarioAltman We're seeing it ok here. Does this work? http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_1852.html posted at 05:58:00
- [グルメ⤴] 続編期待!B級グルメパンが大集合!ダイエー志木、地下パン屋パフォンテ ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://www.kagua.biz/gourmet/pafonte-shiki.html posted at 05:57:57
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- RT @BritishMonarchy: Gallery: Girl Guiding UK Chief Guide Elizabeth Burnley with her CBE medal awarded by the Prince of Wales at an... http://www.royal.gov.uk/Zb posted at 05:51:35
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- RT @InformationWeek: USDA To Fund 45 Rural Telemedicine Projects http://twb.io/huwxmH posted at 05:46:02
- [口コミ♨] 2011/01/27 遊楽膳(東京都新宿区) MA7CHAN ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/jtoq posted at 05:39:35
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- [Latest News] State has new plan to clean up Grand Lake St. Marys ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/q0Ph posted at 05:34:23
- RT @iPadfans: iPad news: Quickparts Assists With Development of Innovative iPad Stand and Accessory… http://goo.gl/fb/qCUsl posted at 05:30:08
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- RT @AmnestyOnline: News - #Ghana railway dwellers under new threat of forced eviction http://bit.ly/fAD9LX #humanrights ^eh posted at 05:27:54
- [Latest News] Latest Egypt (and Beyond) Video: Thursday's Protests ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/1Z3q posted at 05:25:45
- RT @RAWA77: RAWA.org: Woman stoned to death in north Afghanistan: BBC News: The man and woman were accused of adultery in th... http://bit.ly/fjqm46 posted at 05:23:39
- [✝Obituaries] 岡上鈴江さん死去 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/nM7d posted at 05:22:33
- [StockMarket] SINGAPORE SINGAPORE Singapore is a city of gardens and the heart of South East Asia. I ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/AG0N posted at 05:20:18
- [提案] ウォシュレットが日本を救う!(RT希望)➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qyzv posted at 05:20:12
- RT @GirlsTeenQuotes: "If someone hurts you, make the bitch pay" - Katy Perry #GTQ posted at 05:17:12
- RT @keiseisuzuki: Darkness of ASIA: 日本流チュニジア革命は、「預金引き出し」運動が効果的なものになる http://t.co/KrRltOG posted at 05:16:14
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- RT @GreatestQuotes: "Time sets the stage; fate writes the script; but only we may choose our character." - Liam Thomas Ryder posted at 05:12:02
- [最新News] AFPBB Newsのニュースが読めるiPhone用アプリを無料で配布スタートしました! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/GNns posted at 05:11:56
- RT @Quoteland: "One likes people much better when they're battered down by a prodigious siege of misfortune than when they... http://fb.me/OLZ4vJIy posted at 05:10:45
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- RT @nikkeionline: 人類の広がり新ルート 12万年前、紅海渡る? http://s.nikkei.com/h8BmSJ posted at 05:01:56
- [CNN] Egypt protests expected to escalate on Friday ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/exrn posted at 04:59:49
- [Latest News] Two rescued as RAF plane hits sea. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/3Dr3 posted at 04:57:37
- [TAdderOpinion] APIを使わないbot!tweet adder 3.0 - 導入の手引き1 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮http://tiny.ly/Db1q posted at 04:55:32
- [HinduNews] Supreme Court orders govt to probe black money ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Wrlv posted at 04:54:23
- RT @2525news: 消費増税含む税制改革を=日本に財政再建要請―IMF幹部 http://nico.ms/nw26366 : 時事通信社 #niconews posted at 04:52:11
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- [最新News] 「3D」効果で初の2200億円突破 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Yj54 posted at 04:27:58
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- RT @TelegraphPics: Demonstrators throw petrol bombs at riot police in Suez, Egypt. http://is.gd/1eta7F posted at 04:18:35
- [Japan Latest News] Debt: Japan's debt downgrade hits yen - CBC.ca ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/nUsb posted at 04:17:29
- [TAdderOpinion] 'World clock', its free of charege. ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/rHtA posted at 04:16:17
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- [Post Archive] 過去のツィートはここで保存しています。宜しければご覧ください。➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IJbF posted at 03:44:17
- [Post Archive] My tweets in past are available to see here! ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/IJbF posted at 03:43:57
- [BroadwayNews] Seth Rudetsky Deconstructs "At The Ballet" ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/RfNr posted at 03:43:37
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- RT @IraqMonitor: إيلاف: حماية النساء من العنف وتوسيع دورهن في المصالحة الوطنيّة - إيلاف http://bit.ly/dMWwgA #Iraq posted at 03:16:35
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- RT @Billboarddotcom: Gladys Horton, founding member of the Motown group The Marvelettes has died at 66: http://bit.ly/e4z9Lz posted at 02:41:33
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- RT @urageinou: 2011年01月27日の裏芸能速報 | http://urageinouxx.seesaa.net/article/182794322.html posted at 02:37:26
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- RT @english_note: I'd better not./やめときます。 #followmeJP #bot #eigo posted at 02:28:39
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- RT @TOEIC_990: 【warn】 /wɔ':rn/ v. to alert; to tell about a danger or problem #English #eigo #TOEIC posted at 02:26:21
- RT @netallica_yahoo: 「ニセ中国人留学生」事件の教訓、日本で最も大切なのは「信用」―華字紙: http://bit.ly/fr6Qbe posted at 02:25:19
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- RT @nannohi: 【データ・プライバシーの日,衣類乾燥機の日,宇宙からの警告の日,コピーライターの日,逸話の日,初不動,初荒神】(1月28日)http://www.nnh.to/01/28.html posted at 02:20:01
- [IndiaNews] India 's Chandrayaan first to find water on Moon ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/TNQ3 posted at 02:19:58
- RT @GramophoneMag: Decca label relaunches - as Decca Classics. With renewed focus on 'core' classical. http://bit.ly/eyyGyt posted at 02:18:43
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- RT @HistoryChannel: THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 1302 > Dante Alighieri exiled from Florence. 1888 > National Geographic Society founded. http://bit.ly/e7zD2R posted at 02:10:39
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- RT @InformationWeek: Intel Inches Into Its Next Big Market http://twb.io/gUpsfR posted at 01:51:11
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- [質問] イベント出欠回答依頼の4文字を教えてください ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/4YK7 posted at 00:44:21
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- [✝Obituaries] Charlie Louvin, Country Singer, Dies at 83 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/lbQi posted at 00:38:48
- [質問] 友達に好きな女優とかアイドルとか 言いふらす男子ってどうですか? すっごい恥ず.... ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/qecB posted at 00:34:40
- [TAdderOpinion] APIを使わないbot!tweet adder 3.0 - 導入の手引き3 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/QsrN posted at 00:33:37
- [Latest News] Tennis: Federer floored by Djokovic ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/l0yD posted at 00:30:19
- RT @Earth_News: Guardian: Why land reform makes sense for Dilma Rousseff | Benjamin Dangl http://bit.ly/foq7OX posted at 00:25:48
- [質問] 登録販売者資格取得後 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/6YxI posted at 00:25:45
- RT @TelegraphPics: Silvio Berlusconi's women. http://is.gd/QUKeos posted at 00:23:40
- [NaturalNews] Virginia House approves bill to end HPV vaccine mandate four years after overwhelmingl ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/Jg0P posted at 00:23:38
- [質問] グラウンディング、パワーストーン ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/VWVO posted at 00:21:17
- [最新News] 華麗すぎるカンガルーのドロップキック ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/AmE5 posted at 00:16:54
- [質問] ガンガンメールの疑問 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/lqtO posted at 00:14:42
- [質問] 論文 ➮ @TAdder_Forum ➮ http://tiny.ly/fFCi posted at 00:10:19
- RT @life_sucks1017: 2010年1月27日 - J・D・サリンジャーの忌日。アメリカの小説家で『ライ麦畑でつかまえて』で知られている。攻撃的な言動とアルコール・タバコの乱用、SEXや売春の描写などが保守層やカルヴァン主義な道徳的思想を持った人からは激しい非難を受けた。陸・航空自衛官に愛読者が多くいる。 posted at 00:08:09
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